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قدیمی 01-07-2014
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تاریخ عضویت: May 2013
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پیش فرض مقایسه تفاوت های Difference Between MS Outlook and Lotus Notes

مقایسه تفاوت های Difference Between MS Outlook and Lotus Notes

MS Outlook vs Lotus Notes

Before one decides where to host his emails, there are a lot of choices that one is bound to face on flexibility, accessibility and whether it serves the purpose that it is being desired for and any other information that is necessary. We take a look at the two major mails: the MS Outlook and Lotus Notes.

The MS Outlook is one of the most widely used email accounts by today’s business world which, being hosted by Microsoft, stands out as one of their hottest property on the market while Lotus Notes is mainly hosted by the IBM Lotus Domino as its main server. This can mean that since Microsoft products are being used widely in the market, MS Outlook stands as the more easily accessible of the two.

Data Storage
Outlook stores its information in its data files, which is accessible through the PST format while Lotus Notes stores its data in the NSF files, which is accessible in the NSF format

Lotus Notes is expensive when the subject of cost and maintenance is brought to mind. In order for one to use the Lotus Notes it is appropriate to note that you have to purchase the Lotus application to host your mails, which is quite the opposite when it comes to Outlook that comes in free though you might need to have already installed some little applications for a complete account.

Platforms supported
Outlook supports fewer platforms as opposed to the Lotus Notes, which support the i5 and Z operating systems, Linux (both Intel and system Z) and windows 2003. While Outlook only supports 64 bits for Windows, Lotus Notes offers more than the basics of sending and receiving mails.

There is too much to be noted when the subject of comparison between the Lotus Pro and Outlook is brought into subject.
Outlook offers user friendly interface unique to users’ needs and thus makes it easy to manage and operate. The same cannot be said for the Lotus Notes that has a cumbersome interface with difficult to operate menus rendering it difficult to work with.
Lotus Notes, however, can be relied on when security matters a lot. You can be able to code your emails to restrict accessibility unlike in Outlook that does not allow for mail encryption. Outlook has a spam filter that covers up for its security by helping you keep away spam emails from your inbox.

According to the latest poll results conducted in early 2013, slow internet was rated the third most annoying thing and when using Lotus Notes you have to develop a habit of patience since sometimes you will be subjected to slow system connection unlike the Outlook, which is said to be reliable in terms of speed.

For any changes to be made or any form of modifications to the Lotus Notes email account, technical support is required, but that should not give reason for any worry since reliable technical support is being offered.

Lotus Notes has to be backed continually for better processing. This is undesirable when technological advancement is put into picture. One needs a server that can process data without any limitations or worry of breakages and that is exactly what Outlook is all about, thus making it more desirable as compared to Lotus Notes.

Outlook is hosted by the Microsoft while Lotus Notes is hosted by Lotus domino
Information is being stored as PST for Outlook and for Lotus Notes as NSF
It is more expensive to have and maintain Lotus Notes as compared to Outlook
Lotus Notes supports more platforms as opposed to Outlook, which offers the basic email
The biggest number of the population has a positive opinion toward Outlook than Lotus NotesYou might also like…

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