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قدیمی 05-09-2013
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تاریخ عضویت: May 2013
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پیش فرض Differences Between Dejar and Salir

مقایسه تفاوت های Differences Between Dejar and Salir

Dejar vs Salir

Isn’t it nice to learn a different language aside from your own? Some of you may think that this is just a waste of time; however, you’ll never know when a foreign language might be useful. If you are thinking of having foreign language classes, we suggest you choose the Spanish language to learn. In many parts of the world, many people speak Spanish. And if you happen to fly to Spain, being able to understand the Spanish language would definitely come in handy.

Some say that Spanish is easy to learn, but of course it depends upon your discretion and perseverance to learn. As a jump start, you can start learning how to use the most commonly used words in the Spanish language like “dejar” and “salir.” Many are confused between these two words. In this article, we will find out the differences between “dejar” and “salir.”

We have mentioned earlier that several are confused when using the terms “dejar” and “salir.” It is because these terms, when translated, give you the meaning of “exit” and “leave.” In the English language, “exit” and “leave” may mean the same. However, in the Spanish language, “dejar” and “salir” are used in different contexts.

“Dejar” is a verb that means “leave.” Let us cite you some examples. The verb “dejar” is used when you are indicating that you have left something behind. Here are the example sentences with “dejar” meaning “to leave something behind”:
  • Dejé mi libro en el salón de clases. (I left my book in the classroom.)
  • Dejaré mi otra bolsa aquí. (I will leave my other bag here.)
  • El teléfono fue dejado de sonar. (The phone was left ringing.)
“Dejar” is also used when you leave someone anywhere or somewhere. Here are the example sentences:
  • Ella dejó de llorar. (She left crying.)
  • Mi hermanadejó a su familiaparatrabajar en el extranjero. (My sister left her family to work abroad.)
  • Ella me dejó para otro hombre. (She left me for another man.)
“Dejar” is also the right verb to use when you are indicating that you have left or quit something. Here are the example sentences:
  • Dejé de matar a la gente. (I stopped killing people.)
  • Dejé de fumar. (I quit smoking.)
  • Dejaron de jugar al baloncesto. (They quit playing basketball.)
On the other hand, the verb “salir” means “to go out” or “to exit.” Like the verb “dejar,” “salir” is used depending on the context of the sentence. The verb “salir” is used instead of “dejar” when you are going to leave a place. Here are example sentences:
  • El tren sale a las ocho. (The train leaves at 8:00.)
  • Salió de la habitación. (She left the room.)
  • Pocholo salió de la casa a las siete. (Pocholo left the house at 7:00.)
“Salir” is also used instead of “dejar” when something came out. Here are example sentences:
  • El chico salió de la habitación. (The boy came out from that room.)
  • Había un pájaro que salió a la luz. (There was a bird that came out in the open.)
  • El león ha salido de su jaula. (The lion came out from its cage.)
“Salir” is also used when you are dating or going out with someone. Here are example sentences:
  • Voy a salir con Jon. (I am going out with Jon.)
  • La joven está saliendo con un hombre viejo. (The young girl is dating an old man.)
Notice that the verbs “dejar” and “salir” have different conjugation forms of the verb depending on their tenses. Learn more about their conjugations so that you can have a better understanding of the language.

  • “Dejar” and “salir,” when translated, give you the meaning of “exit” and “leave.” In the English language, “exit” and “leave” may mean the same so many become confused.
  • “Dejar” means “to leave something or someone behind.”
  • “Salir” means “to leave a particular place.” It can also mean “going out with someone.”
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