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لینوکس - linux در این تالار مسائل مربوط به سیستم عامل قدرتمند لینوکس و هسته های مختلف آن , اخبار دانلود نرم افزارها و.... پرداخته میشود

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 06-13-2011
نرم افزارهای لینوکس آواتار ها
نرم افزارهای لینوکس نرم افزارهای لینوکس آنلاین نیست.
Linux APP دانلود نرم افزارهای لینوکس
تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2009
نوشته ها: 49
سپاسها: : 0

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پیش فرض Linux Mint 11(i386/x86/x64)

Linux Mint 11(i386/x86/x64)
نرم افزارهای لینوکس

Linux Mint 11(i386/x86/x64) | 1.68 GB

Linux Mint 11 - based on the code base Ubuntu 11.04, but complemented by a series of original applications, simplifying setup and operation of the system of first-time users.
For example, in Linux Mint is presented revised menu system, a private manager to install and upgrade applications, the original interface for system setup mintConfig, "master" to adjust the various parameters of the system for novice users in the style of question-answer interface to configure the desktop, a tool to run Backup mintBackup etc.

One of the key differences between the new release is the use of classical GNOME-desktop, instead of the graphical environment of Unity, who went on the distribution Ubuntu, and shell GNOME-Shell, used in the GNOME 3 (in the Linux Mint 11 involved GNOME 2.32). As a Linux-kernel uses version 6.2.1938. Available for download LiveCD (665 MB), LiveDVD (867 MB) and assembly for OEM-producers (664 MB).

Of the innovations are not peculiar to Ubuntu 11.04 and Linux Mint 10, include:
The composition of LiveCD does not include multimedia codecs, and proprietary software such as Adobe Flash and Java, however the installation of additional non-free components in the Linux Mint 11 is greatly simplified: the page logon prompt added two links: "Upgrade to the DVD Edition" and "Install Multimedia Codecs", allowing two clicks to bring the composition of the installed packages to the state of LiveDVD and install multimedia codecs. Additionally, these functions can be found in the standard menu: "Menu / Administration / Upgrade to the DVD Edition" and "Menu / Sound and Video / Install Multimedia Codecs". Of the additional components present in the LiveDVD can be noted: VLC, Gimp, Giver, Tomboy, LibreOffice, Java, Samba, more fonts, background images, visual themes and sets of icons;

The work on improving the interface manager installation.
On the main screen, increased the size of icons, identified with the categories of applications. Added a new category with fonts;

Adapted layout and contents of the screen with information about the application.
Before the installation of applications the user has the opportunity to assess what additional dependent packages are installed, how much space will be used to drive the dependence of how much data will need to download over a network;
Application icons in the list are formed not only on the basis of the contents of the package mintinstall-icon, but also based on the current visual theme that allows you to expand the number of available icons and display them, even when the package mintinstall-icons are not installed;
By default, when performing a search operation package takes into account not only the names of programs, but also the accompanying brief description. The conclusion is made in view of relevance. You can change this behavior in the settings ("Edit / Preferences / Search in packages summary");

Manager updates
The work to increase the speed of checking for updates, due to be embedded in Update Manager set of rules with a certain level of security for each packet, which is no longer necessary to load from the outside. Now when a new version of rules, while a new version of update manager, which is updated on a priority staffing method.
One of the main innovations of the update manager is to support the treatment of addictions - the list is now displayed only a basic update, without mentioning the associated dependencies. For example, when performing a significant upgrade package, which requires the installation or removal of other packages, information about these additional packages is now displayed in a pop-up dialog box before you upgrade;
Processing user interface: all dialogs are now modal; Update Manager silently hides itself after a successful upgrade, the tab with warnings and additional information is no longer running for the package installation which went smoothly, and for packages that do not involve additional data, loading list of changes made in the background ;
Instrument settings desktop, originally developed for GNOME, now does not depend on the type of GUI, it automatically detects and displays only the related set of options. In the future, this tool will intergrirovan to build Linux Mint based on KDE, Xfce, LXDE and Fluxbox;
Added new elements of decoration (the main visual theme and icon set by previous) and new wallpapers;
By default, enabled pop-up scroll bars that appear only when you hover the mouse on them;
Made improvements to the visual theme Mint-X, for example, improved integration with the Deluge, Synaptic, Gimp and Banshee;
Firefox 4, Chromium and Opera browsers come with the addition of mint-search-addon, simplifying the process of searching for information on popular resources such as Wikipedia, Youtube, eBay, Amazon, IMDB, flickr, Yahoo, Answers.com, Google;
In the APT package manager adds support for command "apt download", which performs the function of downloading the package and all associated dependencies;
For 32-bit Adobe Flash is now put in two versions: a stable version of Flash 10.2 and the beta version of Flash 10.3, to switch between them you can use the command "sudo update-alternatives - config libflashplayer.so";
Changed the list supplied by the default program. From the basic kit is excluded Gwibber, instead of the F-Spot photo viewer used gThumb, instead of Rhythmbox music player comes Banshee, instead of the OpenOffice.org suite used LibreOffice. Removed from the delivery padevchooser, paman, paprefs, pavumeter and pavucontrol.
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