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نرم افزارهای موبایل Mobile Applications معرفی پرسش و پاسخ و درخواست انواع نرم افزار های موبایل در این بخش گنجانده شده است

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 02-14-2009
نرم افزار موبایل آواتار ها
نرم افزار موبایل نرم افزار موبایل آنلاین نیست.
دانلود جدیدترین نرم افزارهای موبایل
تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2009
نوشته ها: 280
سپاسها: : 0
در ماه گذشته یکبار از ایشان سپاسگزاری شده
پیش فرض Rapidshare.com Python v1.9.1 S60v3 SymbianOS9.4 Signed

Rapidshare.com Python v1.9.1 S60v3 SymbianOS9.4 Signed
دانلود نرم افزارهای موبایل

Python v1.9.1

Python for S60 (hereafter PyS60) is intended for developers looking to create
programs that use the native features and resources of the S60 phones, using the
Python programming language.

About this release

This is the new 1.9.1 development series of PyS60. This release is intended
only for S60 3rd edition, S60 3rd edition FP1, S60 3rd edition FP2 and
S60 5th edition devices.

Note on versioning: The versioning scheme in PyS60 releases is such that the
releases with an even minor version (1.0.x, 1.2.x ...) are "stable" and releases
with an odd minor version (1.1.x, 1.3.x ...) are "development" releases. This is
thus a development release, meaning that it includes functionality that has not
been tested as extensively as the stable releases. This release is provided as a
preview to developers who wish to experiment with Python on S60 before the next
final stable release.

What is new when compared with PyS60 1.9.0?
- Better interpreter startup and sis installation time!

- All the Python files in the runtime sis are compiled into .pyc files and
included in a zip file. sys.path is updated with the path of this zip file.
This reduced the interpreter startup time considerably.

- A more generic error message is displayed when trying to load an application
without the PyS60 Dependencies installed.

- Support for building just a is provided. Refer build, build_emu,
build_device help of setup.py

- Unlike 1.4.x, a single SDK zip contains both gcce and armv5 link libraries.
Separate SDK zips are provided for 3rdEd, 3rdEdFP1 and 3rdEdFP2.

- The default mode of ensymble py2sis command is changed to 'pycore'. All
scripts which refer to pys60 modules socket and calendar should use the new
names - btsocket and e32calendar to use the S60 functionality in pycore mode.
Also renamed "Prioritize PyS60 module library" to "1.4.x compatibility mode"
on the UI of application packager.



Links checked on 10/08/09 by link checker bot
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