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قدیمی 05-09-2013
DifferenceBetween آواتار ها
DifferenceBetween DifferenceBetween آنلاین نیست.
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تاریخ عضویت: May 2013
نوشته ها: 108
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پیش فرض مقایسه تفاوت های Differences Between a Joomla Component and Module

مقایسه تفاوت های Differences Between a Joomla Component and Module

Joomla Component vs Module

Joomla is one of the most common CMSs that can be used in the creation of high-value blogs and Websites. It is important to understand how the internal components of the system work so as to know what is expected of them and how they function. One question that has been frequently asked is the difference between a Joomla component and Module. The differences outlined below should be a good guide to follow in understanding the main points.


The component in Joomla that is observed as the main section of the page is seen to the human eye. According to the build of Joomla, only one component can load for each page that is generated. This, in turn, means that the core content management offered is, in fact, itself a component. The Joomla module, on the other hand, is a complement of the content contained in a component. The module can be said to be surrounding the component.  The module design in itself is not supposed to be the main part of the page seen.

The component makes up the content that is viewed by the end user. The component, at times, may be a full application that has been put into a database through programming to ensure functionality. The module will usually only take up elements occurring in the sidebar content menus and never the content of a page. The content modules in Joomla come with no coding, and they can be shown hand-in-hand with coded sections of the page.  Display of the components is largely shown in large sections of the content area of a page. On the other hand, the modules display is shown on the sidebar which may sometimes be shown in the header, sidebar, or even footer of the page but never the main content.

The Joomla component accepts any kind of input that may emanate from the user. Examples of user content would be an article submission, picture or other media submission, or comments being raised in the system.  There are no minimal inputs accepted in the module. The only inputs accepted are read-only inputs such as those that will let you know when a person is online or not.

On a page, only one component can be displayed while multiple modules can be displayed on a single page. The content modules also do not have any set page position. Placement is given in the page placement, and there is no definite location. The modules, on the other hand, have a defined page position where they can be located. The filename of the component begins with com_  while that of the modules begins with mod_.


- Components are seen in the main section of the Joomla page.

- Modules surround the components and only complement components.

- Components may be used as a full application.

- Modules may only be used to create sidebar elements of content menus as there is no programming involved.

- Display of the components is on the main part of the page.

- Display of modules is on the periphery of the homepage and never the main section of the page.

- The accepted input in components is quite wide and diverse.

- There is little or no accepted input in modules.

- Only a single component can be displayed on a page.

- Multiple modules can be displayed in a specific stage.

- Modules have a defined page placement position.

- Components do not have any defined page placement position reserved.

- A component filename begins with com_.

- A module filename begins with a mod_.

- Component can only be run on a specific page.

- Module can be run from different pages.

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