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دانلود نرم افزار و برنامه های کاربردی applications در این تالار به معرفی پرسش و پاسخ و دانلود نرم افزار های مختلف بپردازید (دانلود برنامه)

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 02-19-2011
مجموعه نرم افزار و مستند آواتار ها
مجموعه نرم افزار و مستند مجموعه نرم افزار و مستند آنلاین نیست.
کاربر اتوماتیک دانلود مجموعه برنامه و مستند
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2009
نوشته ها: 186
سپاسها: : 0

3 سپاس در 2 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض دانلود Kaspersky Mobile Security

دانلود Kaspersky Mobile Security

Kaspersky Mobile Security is designed to ensure protection of mobile devices against malware programs, unsolicited calls and messages.The loss or theft of your phone means that your personal data can end up in the hands of a stranger. Plus, smart phones can fall victim to malicious attacks while downloading information from the Web, exposing the data on your phone to be stolen or damaged. And the growth of SMS spam is becoming an increasing nuisance.

  • Anti-Theft feature locates your phone if lost or stolen, remotely blocks or wipes device. Data Encryption feature secures your most sensitive files and folders.
  • Anti-Spam feature blocks annoying ad calls and SMSs. Parental Control feature knows your child's whereabouts, prevents unwanted calls and messages.
  • Anti-Virus and Firewall ultimately protect your smartphone. You can use the capabilities providing flexible control of the Kaspersky Mobile Security operation settings, viewing the current protection status and the event log in which the program's actions are recorded.
  • Remotely blocks or deletes all personal data on your phone if it’s lost or stolen.
  • Notifies you with the new phone number if your SIM card is removed.
  • Anti-Malware Protection
  • Blocks unwanted SMS & adware messages.
  • Keeps your phone free of malicious programs.
  • Prevents your PC from becoming infected when syncing.
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DOWNLOAD Kaspersky Mobile Security

دانلود جدیدترین نرم افزارهای موبایل و کامپیوتر در سایت
پی سی سیتی http://p30city.net
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