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قدیمی 06-22-2009
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دانلود مجموعه فیلم-کالکشنهای مختلف
تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2009
نوشته ها: 45
سپاسها: : 0
در ماه گذشته یکبار از ایشان سپاسگزاری شده
پیش فرض دانلود فیلم کمدی Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle 2004

UpLoading.com Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004)[Dvd Rip][Xvid][Adventure | Comedy] دانلود فیلم مجموعه فیلمهای

Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004)


File Type: Avi
File Format: Xvid
Cam Dvd Rip
High Quality
Uploader: rezax123
Language: English
File Size: 650MB
Directed by: Danny Leiner
Genre: Adventure | Comedy
Country: USA
Release Date: 30 July 2004 (USA)
Released Year: 2004
Runtime: 90 min
Writer:Jon Hurwitz (written by) & Hayden Schlossberg (written by)

Harold Lee and Kumar Patel are second-generation Americans of Oriental and Asian descent respectively. While Harold is employed as a Stock Analyst, Kumar is a medical student. Harold is the neat and clean person while Kumar is the exact opposite. Harold is in love with his neighbor, Maria, of Hispanic descent, but has not told her yet. One evening the duo plan to be stoned but Harold's Caucasian co-workers end up saddling him with their work. Kumar convinces Harold to do this work later and together they attempt to relax at their apartment. After watching TV for sometime the duo see a White Castle commercial, and decide to satisfy their hunger with burgers. They set about this task but find out that White Castle has re-located. In the process Harold gets bitten by an animal and ends up in hospital; after being discharged their car breaks down and Randy fixes it and also invites them, albeit in vain, to get intimate with his gorgeous wife, Liane; they pick up a hitch-hiker, none other than Neil Patrick Harris, and when they stop at a Gas Store, they are harassed by Caucasian/skinhead males, who also assault and damage the store; when the duo return they find that Neil and Harold's car is missing; while jay crossing Harold gets arrested by a Caucasian Police Officer, who just loves to pick on visible minorities, holds Harold in a cell with another African-American male; Kumar helps Harold escape and both run to hide in the bush - and come face to face with a cheetah. Will the hapless duo end up being a meal (instead of eating one themselves), and if not, their escapade will more than likely land them in even more hot water - especially when the Police issue an APB and a hand-drawn sketch for these highly visible escapees.


Movie Link:
http://uploading.com/files/STTZ4XBQ/Harold & Kumar - Go To White Castle (2004).part1.rar.html
http://uploading.com/files/8ZBDKY5V/Harold & Kumar - Go To White Castle (2004).part2.rar.html
http://uploading.com/files/UKFIAPR6/Harold & Kumar - Go To White Castle (2004).part3.rar.html
http://uploading.com/files/JR6STYKR/Harold & Kumar - Go To White Castle (2004).part4.rar.html
http://uploading.com/files/LVCF9T6J/Harold & Kumar - Go To White Castle (2004).part5.rar.html
http://uploading.com/files/8A3UYB4H/Harold & Kumar - Go To White Castle (2004).part6.rar.html
http://uploading.com/files/4X1KBWP3/Harold & Kumar - Go To White Castle (2004).part7.rar.html


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