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نرم افزارهای موبایل Mobile Applications معرفی پرسش و پاسخ و درخواست انواع نرم افزار های موبایل در این بخش گنجانده شده است

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 02-17-2009
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دانلود جدیدترین نرم افزارهای موبایل
تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2009
نوشته ها: 280
سپاسها: : 0
در ماه گذشته یکبار از ایشان سپاسگزاری شده
پیش فرض Bluetooth Remote Control v4.0 + Mobiola Remote Control 3.02

Rapidshare.com Bluetooth Remote Control v4.0 + Mobiola Remote Control 3.02
دانلود نرم افزارهای موبایل

Bluetooth Remote Control v4.0 + Mobiola Remote Control 3.02

Bluetooth Remote Control v4.0 Full Retail
This is a bluetooth remote controller for PC

Bluetooth Remote Control turns your Bluetooth enabled mobile phone into a universal controller for Window.

See your Power Point slides directly in the phone, browse/play the songs in ITune and Media player and much more...

Bluetooth Remote Control is a true universal remote control that lets the user adds or modify the controlled programs. Customize simple keymaps or for full control over the UI write your own Java and VB scripts.

Bluetooth Remote Control supports the following programs: Support for additional programs can easily be added with simple keymaps, VB or Java scripts (Script Guide).

· Shows song name, artist & track time and UI objects
· Browse playlists, songs, artist, album and composers
· Search for songs
· Rank tracks
· Toggle shuffle
· Repeat track or library
· Play/pause, rewind, fast forward, change volume, previous/next track
· Mute

· Shows next slide and slide notes
· Shows actual slides
· Play/stop presentation, previous/next slide
· Load recently used file
· Browse/Goto all/any slide
· Presentation time
· Scroll slide notes
· Vibrate when time expires

· Shows song name, artist & track time and UI objects
· Search for song and artists
· Play/pause, rewind, fast forward, change volume, previous/next track
· Toggle shuffle mode
· Change volume
· UI objects
· Toggle repeat mode

Windows Media Player
· Shows song name, artist & track time and UI objects
· Browse playlists and artists
· Rank tracks
· Toggle shuffle
· Repeat track or library
· Play/pause, rewind, fast forward, change volume, previous/next track
· Mute

Mouse mode
· Full support for controlling the PC mouse
· See the computer desktop on the phone
· Zoom in and out of the desktop
· B&W colors for faster response time
· Enter text

File Browser
· Allows launching of files

· Change system volume
· Start screensaver
· Lock workstation
· Shutdown Windows
· Start screensaver

Here are some key features of "Bluetooth Remote Control":
· Control iTunes, PowerPoint, Mouse, WinAMP, Windows Media Player and much more
· Create your own applications via Keymaps or VB and JScripts
· Supports most Bluetooth enabled phones and all Bluetooth PC solutions
· No Bluetooth setup! Just connect from your phone
· See the actual desktop in your phone

لینک اصلاح شد.

ویرایش توسط مهدی : 02-10-2012 در ساعت 09:00 PM دلیل: اصلاح لینک دانلود
پاسخ با نقل قول
جای تبلیغات شما اینجا خالیست با ما تماس بگیرید


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شما نمیتوانید پست های خود را ویرایش کنید

BB code is فعال
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اچ تی ام ال غیر فعال می باشد

اکنون ساعت 09:06 AM برپایه ساعت جهانی (GMT - گرینویچ) +3.5 می باشد.

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