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قدیمی 01-29-2012
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تاریخ عضویت: Jan 2012
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 56
سپاسها: : 4

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پیش فرض پژو 208 Peugeot - عکسهای پژوی جدید 208

پژو 208 Peugeot - عکسهای پژوی جدید 208

Coming to us in Spring 2012, this is the new (and extremely good looking) Peugeot 208. The new car will be more fuel efficient, more aerodynamic, more roomy and and lighter than the 207 (to the tune of a whopping 173kg!).
There will be five models available, four of which are equipped with the new generation Stop & Start System (e-HDi); the diesel range starts at 87g/km of CO2 (delivering fuel economy of 83.1 mpg) and never exceeds 99g! The 208 introduces a new range of 3-cylinder petrol engines, 1.0- and 1.2-litre VTi, which are particularly efficient, with a range starting at 99g/km of CO2 (delivering 65.7mpg).
The environmental performance of 208 continues with 25% of ‘green materials’ (recycled or of natural origin) making up its mass of polymers. As a world first, the rear bumper and the fan assembly are made entirely using these materials. This type of bumper alone will permit a saving in manufacturing of 1600 tonnes of fuel a year.
The car will feature a small steering wheel offering dynamic feedback direct to the driver and what promises to be a ‘new level of engineering’ providing the best compromise between road holding and comfort.
The new 208 is sure to be a very attractive proposition in the already very busy Supermini segment. But will it bring enough to the table to stand out? Only time will tell. Roll on 2012
پژو 208 Peugeot - عکسهای پژوی جدید 208!

ویرایش توسط دانه کولانه : 01-30-2012 در ساعت 12:24 AM
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