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دانلود نرم افزار و برنامه های کاربردی applications در این تالار به معرفی پرسش و پاسخ و دانلود نرم افزار های مختلف بپردازید (دانلود برنامه)

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قدیمی 01-11-2009
دانلود برنامه - Aposter دانلود برنامه - Aposter آنلاین نیست.
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تاریخ عضویت: Jan 2009
نوشته ها: 15
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پیش فرض دانلود آنتی ویروس Antivirus PCMAV 1.91 Update Build3

دانلود Antivirus PCMAV 1.91 Update Build3 download

Update Build3 present the user with the addition of 10 new variants of the virus. For your users PCMAV 1.91 is recommended to update immediately, so that your Antivirus PCMAV can identify and eradicate the virus more. Thus, the total virus that can be detected up to Build3 this time the virus is of 27.
To obtain and use PCMAV this update, make sure the first PCMAV RealTime Protector is not active. If so, you must close the application first. Then you simply run PCMAV Cleaner (PCMAV-CLN.exe), the computer must be switched on to connect to the Internet (non-*****). Features GetUpdates from PCMAV will automatically give an address on the Internet where you can download the update files. Place the downloaded file (PCMAV.vdb) to the folder where PCMAV are. If there has been a long update files, you simply drop it. And later when you return PCMAV run, he is in condition pitch update.
But for that you want to update the files manually, you can download it through some of this address: ziddu.com, KewlShare.com (mirror), or Indoarticle.com (mirror).
Virus Purwo.C. One of the new variants of Purwo, still made using Visual Basic, with bodies about the size of 56KB, without the pure-pack. The virus uses the Word document icon similar property MsOffice to deceive potential victims. Menginfeksi when he created a folder with the name “Navan Under Cover” that given the hidden attributes, and contains a file named “KoruptorPurwokerto.exe” on every drive, he found. In the folder C: \ Windows \ system32 \ system files are also windowss.exe, and in the C: \ Windows \ javaa \ service.exe. At a certain time he will display the black screen that contains a text message from the author. And caution, this virus will also delete some files that belong to you he met.
List of additional viruses to PCMAV 1.91 Build3 Update:
Allya.vbs.B, Aurel.vbs, Aurel.vbs.inf, Autoit.CA, Autoit.CB, Autoit.CC, Autoit.CD, Autorunme.C, Bekedek, Fdshield, Formalin.E, Kadaj.C, Malingsi.C, MoontoxBro.C, MoontoxBro.C.bat, MoontoxBro.C.inf, Piranha, Purwo.C, Raider.vbs.H, Real, Rieysha-Sma, Rieysha-Sma.inf, Robert.B, Valeria.B, Windx-Maxtrox.B, Windx-Maxtrox.C
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