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جام جهانی فوتبال world cup مسائل مربوط به جام جهانی فوتبال

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قدیمی 06-20-2010
SHeRvin آواتار ها
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ناظر و مدیر بخش موسیقی و سینما

تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2009
محل سکونت: Tehran
نوشته ها: 4,838
سپاسها: : 1,717

2,520 سپاس در 663 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض نتایج جام جهاني 2010 - نتیجه مسابقات جام جهانی - نتیجه دیدار

نتایج جام جهاني 2010 - نتیجه مسابقات جام جهانی - نتیجه دیدار
دیدار بیست و ششم دانمارک 2 - کامرون 1 از گروه E


Match 26 - Group E - 19 June


Cameroon vs Denmark

برتری دانمارک با حساب دو بر صفر

گلها :

  • Samuel ETOO (10')
  • Nicklas BENDTNER (33')
  • Dennis ROMMEDAHL (61'
بازیکن برگزیده دیدار

Daniel AGGER


داور : LARRIONDA Jorge از کشور اروگوئه

استادیوم :

Loftus Versfeld

Veteran winger Dennis Rommedahl inspired Denmark to a thrilling 2-1 victory in Pretoria, claiming one goal and setting up another as Morten Olsen's side dumped Cameroon out of the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ and, in the process, ensured the Netherlands, Group E leaders, a last-16 spot.
Cameroon coach Paul Le Guen made three changes to the side which had lost to Japan, while the Danes were boosted by the return of skipper Jon Dahl Tomasson. Samuel Eto'o was back in a central role up front, having played wide on the right in the opening game, and that switch looked like paying off as early as the fifth minute when Achille Emana teed him up for a low drive which flashed a yard wide.
Denmark, playing in all white, had been largely anonymous in the opening few minutes, with Eto'o and Stephane Mbia prominent in a lively start by Le Guen's side. However, moments after the Cameroon captain had showed his intentions, the Danes fired a reminder that they too were desperate for the win as Rommedahl sprang Cameroon's offside trap and fizzed a shot a yard over.
The west African side were on top, though, in the early stages, no doubt driven on by the deafening chorus of vuvezelas, which only got louder when a lapse in concentration by Christian Poulsen gifted Cameroon a 10th-minute lead. Only days after Daniel Agger's own goal had put them on the path to defeat against the Dutch, Denmark were handing out presents once again, with the blond defender laying Thomas Sorensen's clearance right into the path of the grateful Pierre Webo. He clipped a tidy cross into Eto'o and the Inter Milan striker slid the ball home with ease.


and the roads becomes my bride

ویرایش توسط دانه کولانه : 06-20-2010 در ساعت 09:44 PM
پاسخ با نقل قول

برچسب ها
komodo, واکا واکا, وحدت افریقا, world cup 2010, دانلود

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