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لینوکس - linux در این تالار مسائل مربوط به سیستم عامل قدرتمند لینوکس و هسته های مختلف آن , اخبار دانلود نرم افزارها و.... پرداخته میشود

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قدیمی 04-15-2011
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پیش فرض دانلود نرم افراز لینوکس The Top 5 Portable Apps For Linux نرم افزارهای پورتابل لینوکس (قابل حمل)

دانلود نرم افراز لینوکس The Top 5 Portable Apps For Linux نرم افزارهای پورتابل لینوکس (قابل حمل)

دانلود 5 نرم افزار پرتبل برای لینوکس نرم افزار های بدون نیاز به نصب .

Just Download, Make Executable, and Run! These Apps have been tested on
Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) 32-bit, OpenSUSE 11.3 (GNOME) 32-bit , and Fedora 12 (GNOME) 32-bit.

نرم افزار ها در سایت بزرگ و مشهور سورس فورج هستند که متاسفانه فعلا ایران رو تحریم کرده و اجازه دانلود نمیده اما با آی پی غیر ایرانی میتونین دانلود کنین
یا نهایتا از این سایت برای فهمیدن اینکه چه نرم افزارهای پرتابلی وجود داره استفاده کنین و برای دانلود توی نت سرچ کنین و توی سایتهای دیگه پیداش کنین
نهایتا اگر یه نرم افزار رو به طور حیاتی نیاز داشتید اعلام کنید ما براتون از سایتهای دیگه پیدا میکنیم .

Most of us know about portable apps for Windows, and how useful they can be sometimes. It’s great to simply have your favorite programs and add-ons with you, especially in the case of browsers. However, portable Linux apps have been nonexistent, at least until now. Lately a decent collection of Linux portable apps have showed up, and are now worth mentioning for those who want to try them out.

About Portable Linux Apps
The portable apps I will mention come from PortableLinuxApps.org, which packages commonly used apps into executable files that can be run from a USB drive. But before we dive into the greatest portable Linux apps out there, there are a few things that you need to be aware of.

On the site, not all of the links are working, but most are. Although the program’s code itself is stable, the parts of it that make it a portable app are not what you expect. If a dependency is missing on the computer it is being run on, the app will not start. You can find this out by launching the app from a terminal and looking at the output. Additionally, while the program itself is portable, whenever it’s run, it creates a .<name> folder in the Home folder of whatever user you’re currently logged in as, and not on the flash drive. So if you want to remove your traces from the computer as well as actually keeping your settings, you’ll have to move that folder around between

computer and flash drive.

Hopefully in the future, these little inconveniences will be solved.

Downloading The File

One requirement for these portable Linux apps to work is that they need to have executable rights. On flash drives that are usually formatted with FAT32, this doesn’t work, and your apps won’t launch. Since you’ll be using them under Linux anyway, it’s best if you take a partitioning tool such as GParted and shrink the current FAT32 partition. Then you can create an ext3/ext4 partition in the free space and you’re ready to go


Change the settings to “Allow executing file as program“. Then close and enjoy.

Now here are those top 5 Linux portable apps.
مرا سر نهان گر شود زير سنگ -- از آن به كه نامم بر آيد به ننگ
به نام نكو گر بميــرم رواست -- مرا نام بايد كه تن مرگ راست

ویرایش توسط دانه کولانه : 04-15-2011 در ساعت 10:18 PM
پاسخ با نقل قول

برچسب ها
portable, لینوکس

کاربران در حال دیدن موضوع: 1 نفر (0 عضو و 1 مهمان)

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