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قدیمی 05-18-2011
آموزش لینوکس AP آواتار ها
آموزش لینوکس AP آموزش لینوکس AP آنلاین نیست.
کاربر خودکار-مقالات لینوکس
تاریخ عضویت: Jan 2009
نوشته ها: 53
سپاسها: : 0

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مقاله آموزشی لینوکس

Remasteing Linux-based live script is actually quite easy, below is a step-by-step remastering Linux Nimblex 2008:

1. The first step that must be done in the remastering of the goals and determine the user's end of the distributions to be produced, for example, distribution for entertainment, networking, etc.. Kasusu However, in this case I take the distributions to anak2 the future size and the applications that will not be taken as the original distribution. This time I called this distribution with the "Linux4Kidz."

2. Next we must determine what additional module-module/paket-paket that we will include in the distribution that we will make, other than the module-module basis. Module-module, which are essential and must be included:

a. 01-Core.lzm
b. 02-Xorg3D.lzm
c. 02-Xorg.lzm
d. 03-kdebase.lzm
h. 08-desktops.lzm
Module-module that we need additional can be downloaded through http://www.nimblex.net or www.slax.org

3. Create two directories work, which will be used to store the results of remastering and to save the module-module that we have been downloaded from the Internet and the module-module that we need. Ex:

root@nimbleX# mkdir / mnt/hda5/distro_proj/linux4kidz
root@nimbleX# mkdir / mnt/hda5/distro_proj/module

4. move all the module-module that we will use to the directory / mnt/hda5/distro_proj/module

5. Next go to the directory we work:

root@nimbleX# cd / mnt/hda5/distro_proj/linux4kidz

6. Then extract the module-module, which are essential first (as mentioned in point 2 db) to the currently active.

root@nimbleX# lzm2dir / mnt/hda5/distro_proj/module/01-Core.lzm.

Run the command module to all that we need all diextract

7. After the extract is completed, then we must select and sort the module-module that is not what we need to be removed. To me, remove the package first, we must go to the directory / var / log / packages

root@nimbleX# cd / var / log / packages
root@nimbleX# removepkg virtualbox-ose-1.6.2-i686

8. After all the module that we do not need us dispose of, then we must exit from the directory / var / log / packages

root@nimbleX# cd / mnt/hda5/distro_proj/linux4kidz

9. Then we will be to compress seleruh module that we extract the module was to be with extensi *. lzm

root@nimbleX# dir2lzm . /mnt/hda5/distro_proj/core/system.lzm

Where / mnt/hda5/distro_proj/core / direkotri storage is a result of compression module while the module name is system.lzm

10. Then copy the contents of the CD live nimblex to a directory eg: remaster

11. Remove the contents of the directory / nimblex / base, and then copy the file to the directory system.lzm / nimblex / base

root@nimbleX# rm-rf nimblex / base / *. lzm
root@nimbleX# copy / mnt/hda5/distro_proj/core/system.lzm remaster / nimblex / base

12. Then edit the file in the directory menu.lst boot / grub

13. The final step is to make the iso file it.

root@nimbleX# ./.creator.iso / mnt/hda5/distro_proj/linux4kidz.iso

14. Then burning the iso image to disc

Remasteing Linux-based live script is actually quite easy, below is a step-by-step remastering Linux Nimblex 2008:

1. The first step that must be done in the remastering of the goals and determine the user's end of the distributions to be produced, for example, distribution for entertainment, networking, etc.. Kasusu However, in this case I take the distributions to anak2 the future size and the applications that will not be taken as the original distribution. This time I called this distribution with the "Linux4Kidz."

2. Next we must determine what additional module-module/paket-paket that we will include in the distribution that we will make, other than the module-module basis. Module-module, which are essential and must be included:

a. 01-Core.lzm
b. 02-Xorg3D.lzm
c. 02-Xorg.lzm
d. 03-kdebase.lzm
h. 08-desktops.lzm
Module-module that we need additional can be downloaded through http://www.nimblex.net or www.slax.org

3. Create two directories work, which will be used to store the results of remastering and to save the module-module that we have been downloaded from the Internet and the module-module that we need. Ex:

root@nimbleX# mkdir / mnt/hda5/distro_proj/linux4kidz
root@nimbleX# mkdir / mnt/hda5/distro_proj/module

4. move all the module-module that we will use to the directory / mnt/hda5/distro_proj/module

5. Next go to the directory we work:

root@nimbleX# cd / mnt/hda5/distro_proj/linux4kidz

6. Then extract the module-module, which are essential first (as mentioned in point 2 db) to the currently active.

root@nimbleX# lzm2dir / mnt/hda5/distro_proj/module/01-Core.lzm.

Run the command module to all that we need all diextract

7. After the extract is completed, then we must select and sort the module-module that is not what we need to be removed. To me, remove the package first, we must go to the directory / var / log / packages

root@nimbleX# cd / var / log / packages
root@nimbleX# removepkg virtualbox-ose-1.6.2-i686

8. After all the module that we do not need us dispose of, then we must exit from the directory / var / log / packages

root@nimbleX# cd / mnt/hda5/distro_proj/linux4kidz

9. Then we will be to compress seleruh module that we extract the module was to be with extensi *. lzm

root@nimbleX# dir2lzm . /mnt/hda5/distro_proj/core/system.lzm

Where / mnt/hda5/distro_proj/core / direkotri storage is a result of compression module while the module name is system.lzm

10. Then copy the contents of the CD live nimblex to a directory eg: remaster

11. Remove the contents of the directory / nimblex / base, and then copy the file to the directory system.lzm / nimblex / base

root@nimbleX# rm-rf nimblex / base / *. lzm
root@nimbleX# copy / mnt/hda5/distro_proj/core/system.lzm remaster / nimblex / base

12. Then edit the file in the directory menu.lst boot / grub

13. The final step is to make the iso file it.

root@nimbleX# ./.creator.iso / mnt/hda5/distro_proj/linux4kidz.iso

14. Then burning the iso image to disc

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