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قدیمی 03-17-2012
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تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2011
نوشته ها: 114
سپاسها: : 0

3 سپاس در 3 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض If Wright’s Falling Water Were a Tree House …

معماری If Wright’s Falling Water Were a Tree House …

Fallingwater, the legendary architectural masterpiece of Frank Lloyd Wright, famously includes elements of its natural surroundings. Specifically, the house integrates the waterfall on top of which it was built. Like Fallingwater, this stunning home in Portland, Oregon celebrates the natural setting in which it exists.

(all images via: Robert Harvey Oshatz)

Architect Robert Harvey Oshatz conceived of the design when his client declared that he wanted a house which would not only be in harmony with its environment, but also be a physical representation of music.

The home’s lot includes a very steep slope, which allows the main floor to sit on the level of the tree canopy. Surrounding trees lovingly brush their leaves up against the gentle curves of the home’s levels.

Echoing the compelling natural flow of Fallingwater, the Portland house features vast uninterrupted walls of glass and organic shapes throughout.

Walls, floors and ceilings are made of natural wood, reinforcing yet again the feeling of being in a highly sophisticated tree house. Generous use of natural stone and curved shapes add fascinating nature-like elements to the impressive interior.

Overall, the home took seven years to go from concept to completion. The care and thought that the architect obviously put into the realization of the client’s wishes is evident in every facet of this truly poetic home.

Although the photographs are beyond impressive, according to the architect they do the property no justice. To really enjoy this unusual home, he says, one has to walk through it and take in every feature first-hand.

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