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قدیمی 05-09-2013
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تاریخ عضویت: May 2013
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Post مقایسه تفاوت های Difference between Sap and Oracle

مقایسه تفاوت های Difference between Sap and Oracle

Sap vs Oracle

SAP is an acronym that represents Systems, Applications, and Products. This is a very common acronym that will come up when dealing with data processing. The use of SAP is mainly in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), which functions to integrate different business software applications designed to function for specific types of businesses. The use of SAP has been synonymous with large corporations such as Microsoft and IBM. Oracle, on the other hand, stands for Object Relational Database Management Systems (ORDBMS), and can be hosted in numerous platforms. Versions of the ORDBMS are available from simple versions which can be quite well employed for personal use to enterprise class versions.

SAP is an important business management tool as it allows for real time tracking and management of sales, finance, accounting, and human resources in a given organization or enterprise. SAP breaks away from the traditional information system management that considered each management tool as an individual system that operated independently. Processes such as accounting, production, sales and accounting were managed independently.

Each system in effect had their own databases and interactions in between their own systems which had to be done in a programmed manner. The major contrast that SAP brings to the table in the way processes are handled is that it only deals with a single information path for the entire enterprise and all other common data. SAP ensures that applications cannot interact with their own systems as was traditionally done but must interact with other processes in order for tangible business events to occur.

In creating synchrony of all business processes, SAP ensures that the functions of management are made easier from the integration, as most processes are performed automatically, which cuts back on the personnel required to carry out the different tasks. SAP is also an asset in that it functions in real time, as opposed to traditional systems which could not operate in real time, slowing down the process of management. The SAP model runs on a programming language for the fourth generation which is referred to as Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP).

Oracle, on the other hand, is an Object Relational Database Management System (ORDBMS) that comes from the massive Oracle Corporation. Its use can be scaled down to personal use as wide as the confines of a large enterprise firm. The Oracle Database Management System is made up of at least a single instance of an application. The specific instances that make it up are specific processes of the operating system, which come hand in hand with the memory structure that also works with the storage. The programming language in Oracle DBMS is SQL, commonly referred to as Structured Query Language. The beauty of Oracle is that its scripts can be executed independently.

Oracle and SAP differ in that SAP is constituted of complex ERP software to allow multiple business integration while Oracle comes as an ORDBMS whose execution in enterprise environments is possible.

Data management is possible in the enterprise using Oracle, while real time business process management is possible with SAP. SAP can be integrated with additional databases systems, including Oracle.


SAP integrates business applications using its ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning Software), while Oracle, an Object Relational Database Management System (ORDBMS), is used in enterprise environments.

Real time management of business processes is available using SAP, while Oracle manages data in enterprises.

SAP development may include Oracle as a database system as it can be integrated with numerous databases.

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