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باغبانی در این تالار مطالب مرتبط با باغبانی مطرح میشود

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قدیمی 08-02-2013
چرو آواتار ها
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کاربر کارآمد
تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2010
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه- همین حوالی
نوشته ها: 731
سپاسها: : 247

554 سپاس در 357 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
جدید Cascade Style

Cascade Style
The growing tip of a cascade bonsai reaches below the base of a container. The trunk has a natural taper and gives the impression of the forces of nature pulling against the forces of gravity. Branches appear to be seeking the light. The winding main trunk is reminiscent of a stream meandering down the side of a mountain.
Recommended Species: Many species are suitable, if they are not strongly upright.
Processes/Techniques Used: If done right, this style of bonsai can be quite aesthetically pleasing. The trunk which is tapered, grows down below the container and gives the impression of the tree being forced down by the forces of gravity. The tree trunk usually also twists as if to emulate a meandering stream with elegant alternating branches protruding from it.
All that is required to create this style is a tall, narrow pot which will enhance the style and accommodate the cascade and a species of plant that will willingly adopt this style if trained. The main trunk should be wired to spill over and down the edge of the pot, with the main focus on the major bend (forming an upside-down U shape). Emphasis should also be kept on keeping the branches uniform and horizontal to the almost directly vertical trunk. Another major aspect to remember is that both cascade and semi-cascade should be positioned right into the center of the pot, the opposite to what you would do for any other style

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