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قدیمی 11-16-2008
SonBol آواتار ها
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تاریخ عضویت: Aug 2007
محل سکونت: یه غربت پر خاطره
نوشته ها: 11,775
سپاسها: : 521

1,688 سپاس در 686 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض دانلود فيلم مستند و ورزشي افسانه نيل Mystery of the Nile

دانلود فيلم مستند و ورزشي
افسانه نيل
Mystery of the Nile
مستند «افسانه نيل»
محصول IMAX
On Christmas day of 2003, Pasquale Scaturro and a team of explorers set out on an epic quest to become the first to complete a full descent of the world's greatest river, the Blue Nile and the Nile, from source to sea. Four months later, on April 28 at 7:01am, Pasquale and his expedition partner Gordon Brown, reached the mouth of the Nile at the Mediterranean Sea, becoming the first in history to complete this 3,250-mile journey. Their amazing journey is the basis for the IMAX film, MYSTERY OF THE NILE.
The epic 3,250 mile descent down the world's greatest and deadliest river has eluded humankind for centuries - until now! Ride shotgun on the team's 16-foot rafts as they crash through the rapids in Ethiopia's desert canyons. Battle through some of the world's most extreme whitewater rapids with renowned kayaker, Gordon Brown. Over the arduous, four month journey, the team faces nearly in-surmountable challenges - from crocodile attacks to armed bandits and arrests. Through breathtaking cinematography, Mystery of the Nile reveals a wondrous region and abundant treasures, from Tissisat Falls and the wonders of Egypt to the forgotten black pyramids of Meroe and 12th century churches that were carved into sheer rock.
MYSTERY OF THE NILE tells the story of this emotional and historic expedition while also exploring the cultural and environmental links between the Ethiopian, Sudanese and Egyptian civilizations. Both a captivating human adventure and a serious in-depth look at this most fascinating yet little-known region, MYSTERY OF THE NILE promises another exciting and educational giant screen experience.

لينکهاي دانلود


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