قدیمی 02-11-2012
عکاسی معمارانه آواتار ها
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تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2012
نوشته ها: 11
سپاسها: : 0

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پیش فرض ArtsQuest Building – Part 1

ArtsQuest Building – Part 1
عکسهایی از دنیای معماری

This is an ongoing project that I’m working on for ArtsQuest located in Bethlehem, PA.  It a difficult building to schedule because it’s a very active venue for all kinds of events from concerts to visual arts.  I decided to start the photography with some exterior views and next visit will be for interior photography.  After spending time at the location, I feel that the building will look great during an event with lots of activity.  Hopefully the next visit will be in January after the holiday season is over.

I decided to go with dusk views because of the colorful lighting situation and it’s interesting to get a sense of the interior.  I should also mention that these views can go wider and show the overall context of the outdoor concert stages and Bethlehem Steel’s remaining blast furnaces .  This will be covered next year during the spring season once outdoor events start again.

Architectural photography of the ArtsQuest building

Architectural photography of the ArtsQuest building

Architectural photography of the ArtsQuest building

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