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قدیمی 02-28-2011
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کاربر خودکار-مقالات لینوکس
تاریخ عضویت: Jan 2009
نوشته ها: 53
سپاسها: : 0

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پیش فرض Desktop environment in linux

مقاله آموزشی لینوکس

Desktop Environment is a graphical environment that not only window manager but also consist of the other applications. The functions of this applications is to complete anything that doesn't exist at window manager,setting the icon on the desktop, drag and drop function in desktop, sound event etc. GBeside that Desktop Environment usually completed with applications for setting the desktop appereance, theme appearance, graphic application, multimedia application etc.Desktop Environment has more complex function and appearance and complete than window manager. There are many desktop environment at the world like :

1. KDE ( K(Kubical) Desktop Environment) is the first desktop environment. KDE is the desktop environment based on Qt. Cause this is the first desktop environment, so there are a lot of application that supported that than other desktop environment. Based on the literacy that i have been read this desktop environment use the engine from windows 98. So the appearance is not so foreign than the other desktop environment. The Lastest version of KDE is KDE version 4.xx

2. GNOME (GNU Object Model Environment) is desktop environment based on GTK. Cause this desktop environment more newer than KDE, just a few application that supported for this desktop environment.GNOME support theme for widget(edit box, check box etc) so the appearance is more interesting than KDE.


Desktop Environment is a graphical environment that not only window manager but also consist of the other applications. The functions of this applications is to complete anything that doesn't exist at window manager,setting the icon on the desktop, drag and drop function in desktop, sound event etc. GBeside that Desktop Environment usually completed with applications for setting the desktop appereance, theme appearance, graphic application, multimedia application etc.Desktop Environment has more complex function and appearance and complete than window manager. There are many desktop environment at the world like :

1. KDE ( K(Kubical) Desktop Environment) is the first desktop environment. KDE is the desktop environment based on Qt. Cause this is the first desktop environment, so there are a lot of application that supported that than other desktop environment. Based on the literacy that i have been read this desktop environment use the engine from windows 98. So the appearance is not so foreign than the other desktop environment. The Lastest version of KDE is KDE version 4.xx

2. GNOME (GNU Object Model Environment) is desktop environment based on GTK. Cause this desktop environment more newer than KDE, just a few application that supported for this desktop environment.GNOME support theme for widget(edit box, check box etc) so the appearance is more interesting than KDE.


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