قدیمی 02-11-2012
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تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2012
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پیش فرض Spanish Colonial Architecture

Spanish Colonial Architecture

Spanish Colonial Architecture

Spanish Colonial Architecture

Spanish Colonial Architecture

Spanish Colonial Architecture

It is hidden via in Luzon of the North Vigan the oldest city than survival dell’ Spanish architecture in the Philippines. The ancient churches the official constructions and the residences the tight ways cobbled and the calesas hauled from horses (undercarriages) take them era of new to the old colonial.

In the periods more in advance payment before dell’ arrival the Spanish of the robe of refusal Chinese used in order to visit and of Vigan was an orifice of important commerce.

In 1572 captain Juan de Salcedo has landed to Vigan with a party of the Spanish soldiers. He has conquered the zone and then he has continued to conquer very of Luzon of the North. In 1574 he has sent back and begun the generation of the borgata one he completes with the plaze charming the communal constructions and the lussuosi palaces for l’ decision elite.

These constructions have survivor to the passage of the centuries and various of great part dell’ Spanish architecture of period to Manila has not been damaged during the battles of the second world war. Vigan now is official list on the list of the world-wide patrimony dell’ Unesco.
Spanish Colonial Architecture

Spanish Colonial Architecture

Spanish Colonial Architecture

Perhaps the best sense imbibe l’ atmosphere of old quarter of Vigan is to ramble the ways particularly via of Mena Crisologo soon of morning when the diffuse light transforms the old colonial constructions and the calesas in a rievocativa scene of the 1600s.

St the Paul’ white man-bulwark; the dates of the cathedral of s only beginning from the nineteenth century but are an example of the ” famous; Baroque” earthquake; style of architecture of the church developed in order to support typhoons and earthquakes that are all the too much frequent one in the Philippines. The cathedral’ the facade of s characterizes a brace the dogs of was reflecting Vigan’ inheritance of Chinese of s.

The Palacio of the Arzobispado (Archbishop’ dates of the palace of s) beginning from the XVIIIesimo century. All’ inside of is the Museum Nueva Segovia with the old portraits manufatti ecclesiastical and a throneroom showing the opulent style of life enjoyed from the archbishops nell’ she was Spanish.

The museum of Ayala occupies beautiful an old colonial house and was once the residence of Father José Burgos one of the martyrdoms nationalists executed from the Spanish in 1872. The museum contains the objects from collection the rooms furnished in the style of period and the manufatti ones of Burgos from the surrounding province.

In Vigan’ the old quarter of s is others here three old worthy palaces of a call: the old Room of Crisologo the palace of Syquia and the Room of Quema. These are supplied in old style and are full of the furniture of wood polished of narrate paintings and the every day objects. The Room of Quema moreover characterizes the scivolamento of the windows of the covers of the capiz.

The Governor’ the palace of s now is a classified residence but relative beautiful the old external facade in the quiet ones via ombreggiata is definitively worthy the effort in order to see.

Now that Vigan is on the list of the world-wide patrimony dell’ Unesco is a program on the place in order protect l’ Spanish architectonic inheritance for the future generations of hosts and residents in order to enjoy of
Spanish Colonial Architecture

Spanish Colonial Architecture

Spanish Colonial Architecture

Spanish Colonial Architecture

Relate Tag : Spanish Colonial Architecture,Spanish Colonial Architecture Pictures,Spanish Colonial Architecture History,Spanish Colonial House,Spanish Colonial Architecture Style

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