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قدیمی 11-23-2010
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تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2007
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 12,700
سپاسها: : 1,382

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پیش فرض دوج چلنجر 2011 Dodge Challenger SRT8 392 Launched

دوج چلنجر 2011 Dodge Challenger SRT8 392 Launched

Without any doubt, when Dodge considered making the 2011 Challenger SRT8 392, they did not took into consideration the latest trends in terms of fuel consumption. On the contrary, with this new model the powerful Hemi V8 is bigger, measuring 392 cubic inches of raw power. In fact, the power unit is basically a bored & stoked configuration of the V8 6.1-liter SRT power unit that now is available in a 6.4-liter configuration.
The engine now is capable of outputting 470 hp at 6,000 rpm and at 4,200 rpm is offering a massive 470 lb-ft of torque. In comparison to the 6.1-liter older generation engine, this new one offers an additional 45 hp and 50 lb-ft. Also, the peak power is now achieved 200 rpm lower and the max torque is now available at 600 rpm lower, all good figures in our humble opinion.
Although significant changes have been made in the engine department, the gearbox selection remains the same which is not entirely a bad choice. With other words, the car will be equipped as standard with a 5-speed automatic gearbox and optional with a 6-speed transmission for those drivers that want fully control all that power. This new engine will also be available for the 2011 Dodge Charger SRT8.
2011 Dodge Challenger SRT8 392

Besides all of these changes, the engineers at Dodge equipped the SRT8 392 with new dampers in combination with a revised geometry of the suspension. Maneuvering the car is now more accessible thanks to the quicker steering. The car features a heavy-duty hydraulic pump that offers considerably more feel, especially on-center which the previous generations of the car really needed. These changes are very important when we take into consideration that the car is quite heavy at its two+ tons.
As far as the exterior changes are concerned, you will first notice the “392 HEMI” badges located on the front fenders. A larger chin spoiler rounds up the revised front fascia. The Inaugural Editions of the 2011 Dodge Challenger SRT8 392 will be the first 1492 units manufactured and will have one of two white-and-blue paint combos, but with various hues: Viper Blue stripes on a Bright White body, Stone White stripes over Deep Water Blue. These cars will also sport a blue-and white interior with blue striping and stitching white leather seats.
Dodge is currently taking orders for the 2011 Challenger SRT8 392 and production will most likely begin this month. The cars will be delivered at the end of the year and once the limited edition cars are sold, Dodge will be manufacturing regular SRT8 392s.

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