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تیونینگ و آپشنهای خودرو مباحث مرتبط با تیونینگ و آپشن های خودرو

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 06-13-2011
گالری عکس اتومبیل آواتار ها
گالری عکس اتومبیل گالری عکس اتومبیل آنلاین نیست.
کاربر خودکار فتوگالری خودرو
تاریخ عضویت: Jan 2010
نوشته ها: 72
سپاسها: : 0

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Arrow عکسهای خودروی HS Motorsport Audi S5 Cabrio is full of positive open-air emotions

عکسهای اتومبیل HS Motorsport Audi S5 Cabrio is full of positive open-air emotions

عکس جدیدترین خودروهای دنیا

HS Motorsport, the Bavaria-based tuner has presented its latest conversion, a flawlessly enhanced Audi S5 Convertible. Fitted with more power and sound, the exclusive eye-catcher from Ingolstadt represents the perfect open-air-emotions mobile.

Internally, the HS Motorsport S5 Cabrio boasts increased engine output – 375 horsepower and 525 Nm of peak torque, which results in an all-new top speed of 290 km/h. In addition to that, an exhaust silencer from Cargraphic with four round 89 mm end pipes is now announcing the crowd for the Audi S5 Cabrio’s soon arrival. The positive experience is further reinforced by the Bilstein thread suspension that is a perfect match for the ride’s wheel/tyre combination – 21-inch dual-tone multi-spoke rims wrapped in 255/30ZR21 tires at the front and 295/25ZR21 tires at the rear axle.

Upon a request, the HS Motorsport S5 can be also equipped with a high-end brake system from Brembo, featuring double 380×32 mm brake disks and 6-piston monoblock saddle for the front axle.

credit of HS Motorsport Audi S5 Cabrio is full of positive open-air emotions

عکسهای HS Motorsport Audi S5 Cabrio is full of positive open-air emotions
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