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ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 02-11-2012
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کاربر اتوماتیک بخش معماری
تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2012
نوشته ها: 20
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پیش فرض Modern Architecture Homes

Modern Architecture Homes

Modern Architecture Homes

Modern Architecture Homes

Modern Architecture Homes

Modern Architecture Homes

If you are trying the modern domestic programs there are many different types of programs that you can consider. Been the contemporary architectonic characteristics that desire going only being to yours own needs but will be a lot different that the traditional domestic characteristics. The contemporary houses have been popular from the halves of 1900s and are influenced from the elements postmodern and neoeclectic of design. You can usually identify the contemporary houses and the modern designs for the high windows the only figures and other architectonic characteristics.

When been controlling the characteristics of the contemporary architectonic design in order to include in your modern domestic programs there are many things different to try. You can blot usually these houses with the contemporary characteristics trying the external materials of wood or the stone ornamentation the much minimum and the high windows of irregular form. The external design of these houses adopts a minimalista method and modific terrenoare it is usually used in order to generate l’ appeal of the edge of the house since the design is thus minimalistic. L’ location of the better characteristics for your house will include the inchiavettatura within on these different elements of design
Modern Architecture Homes

Modern Architecture Homes

Modern Architecture Homes

and the rappresentazione outside which they are going dargli l’ appearance that you want for your modern domestic design.</p> The inner characteristics of the modern domestic programs that characterize l’ contemporary architecture comprises the things like:

- Programs of open pavement

- Ceilings high or ceilings of cathedral

- It makes exposed us eardrum roofs

- Molding of the advanced part

- Paving of wood or tiles of ceramics

- Material dell’ handicraft

- Gastronomici Designs of the kitchen

- Marble stainless steel and concrete counters

Naturally the contemporary characteristics of the plan that you choose for your modern house will depend from your specific tastes but from these they are the types of elements that you can invite to see in the majority of the domestic programs that are categorized nell’ within of the modern and contemporary domestic design. L’ objective is function and style here above all and the traditional characteristics and the designs kitschy are not absent in these houses at all.

The natural lines clean and colors are other contemporary characteristics of the plan that probably will be in your modern domestic programs. The generation of the contemporary and modern house is a desire of much people because the style is thus popular. It offers some different thing from drafts domestic traditional and that it allows that people have a sbalorditiva house and from the only architectonic point of view for their needs. The decoration that you choose for your house would have to bind together the architectonic characteristics of the plan and details if you want to realize a modern and contemporary true look. These are things to hold present when been trying the architectonic plans of development.
Modern Architecture Homes

Modern Architecture Homes

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