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ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 05-09-2013
DifferenceBetween آواتار ها
DifferenceBetween DifferenceBetween آنلاین نیست.
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تاریخ عضویت: May 2013
نوشته ها: 108
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پیش فرض مقایسه تفاوت های Difference Between StringBuilder and StringBuffer

مقایسه تفاوت های Difference Between StringBuilder and StringBuffer

StringBuilder vs StringBuffer

Have you heard of Java? If you are an ancient person, probably you would think of the Java people, those who live in some sort of caves.  But if you are a modern person, you will associate the term “Java” with computers.

When we got our very first home PC, I didn’t know what Java was. I thought Java is a coffee shop because of its coffee-like logo. As soon as I became a lot more modern, I now know a little bit about Java. Java enables gamers to play their favorite online games. Those people who love pressing the keyboards and chatting are able to talk with all kinds of people globally. Java also allows you to compute your loans and interest. Surfers and browsers are able to view several images with Java. From time to time, a Java icon will appear at your taskbar indicating to update your old Java version with a new one.

Java is released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. It is a programming language and, at the same time, it is a computing platform. For about 850 million PC users worldwide, they have Java installed on their computers. Java is not only for computers; it is also for mobile and TV devices.

With Java programming, you can actually do a lot. You can create, utilize and manipulate text with strings. These so-called strings are pieces of text viewed as character strings by the program decoder. Some of Java’s string concatenation techniques are the StringBuilder and StringBuffer. What is then the difference between them?


A Java programmer prefers using the StringBuilder when he is dealing with C# programming. With StringBuilder, he can create, delete, and manipulate the string characters. Programmers also prefer this string concatenation technique because it is a quicker method, and it only utilizes fewer resources on the server. In other applications, StringBuilder should be converted to a normal or regular string. To convert the StringBuilder, you need to use the “ToString()” method.

The StringBuilder class is also compared to the string class because of its similarities. The StringBuilder class enables to return the character length in the sequence builder. The StringBuilder program also has the capacity. The capacity is the number of allocated number of spaces. Usually, the capacity method is greater than or the same as the length. Then it will expand automatically as necessary.

In a StringBuilder, you have the append and insert methods to accept any type of data. The append method adds the string characters at the end or last of the existing sequence. On the other hand, the insert method only adds the string characters at a specific point.


StringBuffer is a thread-safe and mutable sequence of characters. “Mutable” means “changeable” or “modifiable.” StringBuffer is also comparable to that of a string, but the string cannot be modified. The StringBuffer’s length and sequence content can be modified with particular methods. These methods are synchronized so that all your operations in particular situations will behave consistently and in order.

With StringBuffer, you can efficiently handle string characters because it is capable of creating character arrays when space has run out.  To be able to add, insert, or remove string characters in an arbitrary position, the full array sections should be removed. StringBuffer only entails low processing power; however, it takes up too much memory.

  1. Java was released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. It is a type of programming language and a computing platform.
  2. StringBuilder and StringBuffer are string concatenation techniques.
  3. Both concatenation techniques are mutable. You can create, utilize, and manipulate string characters.
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