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ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 05-09-2013
DifferenceBetween آواتار ها
DifferenceBetween DifferenceBetween آنلاین نیست.
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تاریخ عضویت: May 2013
نوشته ها: 108
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پیش فرض Differences Between Aun and Todavia

مقایسه تفاوت های Differences Between Aun and Todavia

Aun vs Todavia

Learning another language aside from yours is exciting. However, that excitement can easily fade away when you have discovered that learning a foreign language is not an easy task. We know that there’s nothing easy in this world. To be able to learn another language quickly, you should persevere to learn. Among the people’s choice of learning a new language is the Spanish language.

When you’re able to learn the Spanish language, it’s not only about the vocabulary. You should also try your hardest in learning proper Spanish grammar. Learning by yourself won’t guarantee you to become a fluent speaker, but having the initiative to learn by yourself makes you earn one step ahead from others. Among the most commonly confused usage concerning Spanish grammar are the words – “aun” and “todavia.” In this article, we will tell you the differences between these two Spanish words.

“Aun” and “todavia” are both adverbs in the Spanish language. Most people are having difficulties with understanding when and how to use them since many have the notion that these words both mean even, yet, and still. There are two auns – the one with the tilde mark (aún) and the one without (aun). The “aun” with the tilde mark is the adverb that is synonymous with “todavia.” But the “aun” without the tilde mark is not synonymous in usage with “todavia.”

The “aun” without the tilde mark also means even; however, it has a different usage. See the following examples:
  • Dejaré aun si está lloviendo. I will leave even if it’s raining.
  • Élcanta en voz alta, aunque su vozno es muy grande. He sings loudly even if his voice is not great.
  • Ella quierebeber más, aun si yaestá borracho. She wants to drink more even if she’s already drunk.
The above examples only showed that “aun” without the tilde mark is used in situations with presuming conditions. Notice the “even” in the above statements. It is the “aun” without the tilde mark. This adverb is also replaceable with its synonym – “incluso.”

On the other hand, the “aun” with the tilde mark and “todavia” also mean “even,” “yet” or “still.” These two adverbs can be placed before or after a verb interchangeably. The “aun” with the tilde mark and “todavia” only indicates that something is still happening. It talks about your current status. For a better understanding, here are some examples:
  • Charle todavía se irá a casa esta noch. OR Charle aún se irá a casa esta noche.
Charlie will still go home tonight.
  • Jen todavía le gusta tomar leche. OR Jen aún le gusta tomar leche.
Jen still likes to drink milk.
  • Todavía te amaré. OR Aún te amaré.
I will still love you.
  • Todavía no había comenzado a nevar cuando ocurrió el accidente. OR Aún no había comenzado a nevar cuando ocurrió el accidente.
It hadn’t started snowing yet when the accident happened.

In the English language, the words “yet” and “still” also function as conjunctions. However, in the Spanish language, you don’t use “aun” or “todavia”; instead you use Spanish expressions such as “sin embargo,” “con todo,” “pero,” or “mas.” For example: He is handsome, yet ill-mannered. Él es guapo, pero mal educado.

This is just a quick guide for you in learning the usage of “aun” and “todavía.” To better learn the Spanish language, you should always study.

  • There are two “auns” – the one with the tilde mark (aún) and the one without (aun). The “aun” with the tilde mark is the adverb that is synonymous with “todavia.” But the “aun” without the tilde mark is not synonymous in usage with “todavia.”
  • “Aun” and “todavia” mean “even,” “yet,” or “still.”
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