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قدیمی 05-09-2013
DifferenceBetween آواتار ها
DifferenceBetween DifferenceBetween آنلاین نیست.
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تاریخ عضویت: May 2013
نوشته ها: 108
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پیش فرض Differences Between Media and Medium

مقایسه تفاوت های Differences Between Media and Medium

Media vs Medium

As for non-native English speakers, determining the singular or plural form of a word has always caused them headaches. This might be a laughable, simple problem for some, but learning a language aside from your own is very hard – even the native English speakers have their own flaws when it comes to English grammar.

“Media” and “medium” are among the terms with which people often become confused. Which is the right one to use? Is it “media” or “medium”? Perhaps the problem would be solved if we pointed out which among them is singular, or which among them is plural. “Media” is the plural form of the word “medium.” Now, is the problem solved? We are just getting there. In this article, let us find out more about the differences between “media” and “medium.”

“Media” and “medium” can mean different things. First of all, let us tackle “media” and “medium” holding the meaning of means, method, way, or manner. Here is an example sentence.

Example: The professor is thinking whether he will use their native language or English as the class’ medium of instruction.

In this sentence, we are using “medium” as to how the professor will teach his students. Will he teach using the method of speaking in their native language? Or will he teach using the English language?  

Here is an example sentence using the word “media.”

Example: The professor decided to use their native language and the English language as the media of instruction.

In this particular sentence, we are obviously talking about two methods or media of instruction. However, in modern usage, we can also use “mediums of instruction” as the plural form instead of “media.” Either way, both are correct.

Now, let us take the different meanings of “media” and “medium” in the world of information. These words can still hold the meaning of “way or manner but in a different angle.” The term “media” can refer to people of the press while the term “medium” can refer to how these media men relay their news to the public like television, radio, magazines, and newspapers.

Example sentences:
  • We cannot always trust the words of the media.
  • She had used the newspaper as a medium of getting the latest news.
In this day and age, if we hear the word “media,” we always think of those annoying press people who always butt their noses in whenever there is news around. In the world of the press and information, the word “media” is undoubtedly more popular than the word “medium.”

“Medium” can also mean as “of average size, standard or regular.” Here are example sentences:
  • I am of medium height.
  • Is there a medium-sized shirt?
  • She wants to eat a medium slice of pizza.
“Medium” can also mean “a mediator of the other world” or “a shaman.” Here are example sentences:
  • That old lady is a medium of the living and the dead.
  • I consulted a trusted medium to be able to talk with my deceased wife.
  • She’s a bogus medium.
These are only a few examples of using the terms “media” and “medium.” Just remember that whenever you are using these terms, use them considering their rightful meanings; and of course, think about whether you need to use a plural or a singular.

  • “Media” is the plural form of the word “medium.”
  • “Media” and “medium” can hold the meaning of “means, method, way or manner.”
  • “Media” can refer to the people of the press while “medium” can refer to the newspapers, magazines, televisions, and radios.
  • “Medium” can also mean “of average size” and “a mediator of the other world.”
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