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ویندوز windows هر آنچه که به ویندوز و مباحث آن مرتبط است شامل ترفندها آموزش رفع اشکال و...

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 06-20-2013
bigbang آواتار ها
bigbang bigbang آنلاین نیست.
مدیر بخش مکانیک - ویندوز و رفع اشکال

تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2009
نوشته ها: 2,586
سپاسها: : 5,427

6,159 سپاس در 1,794 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض configured ***** server not responding

Method 1: Disable ***** cnnection
I would suggest you to follow the steps to disable *****:
a)Click the Gearbox at the top right corner in Internet Explorer.
b)Click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options.
c)Click the Connections tab, and then click LAN settings.
d)Uncheck the Use a ***** server for your LAN box.
e)Click Ok.
Method 2: Reconfigure ***** settings
I would suggest you to reconfigure the ***** settings and check.
a)In Internet Explorer, click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options.
b)Click the Connections tab, and then click LAN settings.
c)Select the Use a ***** server for your LAN check box.
d)In the Address box, type the address of the ***** server.
e)In the Port box, type the port number.
f)If your network requires separate ***** addresses for different services, such as HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP, click the Advanced button, and then type the individual ***** server addresses to use.
Method 3: Reset Internet Explorer Settings
I would suggest you to Reset Internet Explorer settings and check. Here is the link which says how to reset Internet Explorer settings.
How to reset Internet Explorer settings
Note: The Reset Internet Explorer Settings feature might reset security settings or privacy settings that you added to the list of Trusted Sites. The Reset Internet Explorer Settings feature might also reset parental control settings and add-ons. We recommend that you to note these sites before you use the Reset Internet Explorer Settings feature and re-enable the add-ons.
Method 4: Run Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool
I would suggest you to refer to the link to download Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool and then run it on the computer. Here is the link for your reference.
Microsoft® Windows® Malicious Software Removal Tool (KB890830)
Note: Any data files that are infected may only be cleaned by deleting the file entirely, which means there is a potential for data loss


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ترفند هایی براي ويندوز 7

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ویرایش توسط bigbang : 06-20-2013 در ساعت 04:27 PM
پاسخ با نقل قول

برچسب ها
connection, connections, disable, dns server not responding, how to reset internet explorer settings, https, internet, internet options, lan settings, not responding, reconfigure, server for your lan, the configured pro.. server, troubleshoot, vpn, windows 7, windows® malicious software, اینترنت, ارور, باز نشدن صفحات وب

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