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ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 08-14-2013
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تاریخ عضویت: May 2013
نوشته ها: 108
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پیش فرض مقایسه تفاوت های Difference between DNS and NetBIOS

مقایسه تفاوت های Difference between DNS and NetBIOS


Since the inception and use of computers, there have been many names that have been given to these machines that have come to greatly make work easier on the general population. Two common groups of name computers that you may already have come across include DNS and NetBIOS. Just what do these two names represent or even signify. Where are they used and how do the two compare and differentiate each other?

The NetBIOS name is one that is assigned to the computer using the network Identification system that is inbuilt within the machine that is in use. The name that is employed in NetBIOS is placed on display in the “Network Neighborhood.” The main use of the neighborhood is to allow for the identification of specific computers that use the network in question.

The DNS on the other hand is a specific name that is given to a machine that operates all its functions on the internet. DNS works closely with IP addresses online to ensure that the DNS is held within special internet services that are referred to as commonly in day to day language as DNS servers.

In the event that a new machine is procured and the name of the computer is given to as ONE, the NetBIOS that connects it to the local network also takes up the name that has been assigned into the computer and that is ONE. It is however important that it is impossible to access NetBIOS from the internet using the mere name that it takes from the computer. Instead, access to a NetBIOS from the internet is only allowed through the use of an IP address. Alternatively, to make use of a business name rather than the IP address for Identification, there is the possibility of paying a certain sum of money to a company that registers names on the internet so that the overall result is shown as www.mybusiness.com.

As has been shown above the main difference between DNS and NetBIOS is the availability of DNS being only available when there is a connection to the internet and the name is registered in the computer. NetBIOS on the other hand is always available to the machines connecting directly to it.

When the need arises to get a DNS name, a request must be sent to the server. The Server has the IP written in the registry of the machine if the computer is connected online. In the event that the DNS server is not available, it takes a default timeout. In the event that the DNS server is available, a human friendly result will be produced on the screen. The result includes the name of the desired target computer and it also identifies whether the machine exists in the database or not.

It is important to understand that a NetBIOS is available following the sending of a UDP package top the target machine. After sending the package, you ought to wait for a response. It is important to note that sending a UDP package does not guarantee a result as there are several factors that may cause a poor response. For any result to be expected, the UDP packet must always be sent to port 137 of the target machine.


DNS and NetBIOS allow for identification of various computers in different networks.

DNS is a specific name that is given to a machine that carries out all functions on the internet

NetBIOS used to identify computers connected to the network

NetBIOS access available on the internet using IP address or through a link

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