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قدیمی 01-07-2014
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تاریخ عضویت: May 2013
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پیش فرض مقایسه تفاوت های Difference between MS SQL and MySQL

مقایسه تفاوت های Difference between MS SQL and MySQL


Two of the most widely used database systems in the world are MySQL and MS SQL. These two database systems have been proven to be support systems for XML. The main differences between these two database systems are what form the topic of discussion in this piece. Below is a comparison of the two stems to see how well each handles its functions.

The first thing that you will note about these two database systems is how they are availed to users. MySQL is open source software. This means that the use of MySQL comes from the pooled knowledge of different people from different corners of the world. This can be arguably be the biggest plus for MySQL as users through the open source platform can continually improve the general program. MS SQL on the other hand uses a closed source development approach. By this, the development of the program is done in-house and all that the consumers get is a program that they are supposed to use.

It is also important to note that MySQL is free to use for any person that desires to use the program.  MS SQL being a closed source program means that a developer can only use the program after paying a fee to be given the rights to use the program. If one has a simple project, there is a SQL Server program that is offered free by MS SQL.

MySQL as a database system offers various options to users especially with regard to derived engines. It is based on Sybase, Berkeley DB, InnoDB and other engines. MS SQL is limited to use of only a single derived engine and this is Sybase.

A great feature that has also propelled MySQL is that it comes with many features but the disk capacity needs are very low. MS SQL on the other hand needs heavy use of disk space and there must be adequate space factored in the development to allow for the problem to work as expected. If you happen to be learning on how to use database systems, MySQL allows for learning with beginners. MS SQL on the other hand is not as easy to start off with and is mainly preferred to be used by professionals as it is more complex.

General performance of the two database systems favors MySQL.  It is quite easy to work with MySQL and its performance is great, a feature that is attributed to the use of MYISAM. The general performance of MS SQL is lower in comparison to MySQL, a factor that could be attributed to lack of use of MYISAM. In recovery, MS SQL wins this, handling recovery of database info efficiently as opposed to use of MySQL.

One limitation that is shown in the use of MySQL is that it does not support the use of foreign keys as well as relational functions. MS SQL supports both the use of foreign keys in its build and it has large fields of relational features that can be used widely.

Compatibility across different platforms is also another important factor to consider.  MySQL is available in multiple platforms and works well in Unix and Linux. MS SQL on the other hand is not compatiple with Linux or Unix and works only in windows


MySQL and MS SQL are two database systems.

MYSQL is open source while MS SQL is closed source

MYSQL free to use and MS SQL requires payment for license to use

MySQL uses lower disk space; MS SQL uses higher disk space

MySQL cross compatible with other platforms such as Unix and Linux

MS SQL not compatible with other platforms

MySQL does not foreign keys while MS SQL supports their use.

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