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قدیمی 01-07-2014
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تاریخ عضویت: May 2013
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پیش فرض مقایسه تفاوت های Difference Between bgn Wi-Fi options

مقایسه تفاوت های Difference Between bgn Wi-Fi options

bgn Wi-Fi options

There is no doubt that with the increased use of handheld mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, the need for wireless connectivity to the internet cannot be understated. This is one of the challenges that Wi-Fi has finally overcome. The effect of Wi-Fi has been quite big, with most smart devices having a Wi-Fi adaptor to ensure that they can be able to adapt. There are various Wi-Fi options which can be chosen, and the most common options are three. There is the 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n. These are commonly referred to as the b, g and n.

The first network under discussion is the 802.11b. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) was created in 1999 and with it came with support for up to 11 Mbps, which was a big improvement and could rival the Ethernet. The radio signal used by the b network is unregulated at 2.4GHz. These frequencies were used for lowered production costs. As the network is unregulated, interference can be caused from a myriad of devices such as cordless phones, microwave ovens and other household appliances. This can easily avoided by installing the router a safe distance away from where the appliances causing interference are located. The main benefits of the b Wi-Fi network include being very affordable and having a signal that is not easily regulated.

The cons of this network are that it is the network that comes with the slowest maximum speed and the problem that is caused by the interference due to an unregulated frequency band.

The other option is the 802.11g, which is a standard that came into force in 2003. This network is able to support a bandwidth of up to 54 Mbps and it uses a 2.4GHz or greater range. One thing that stands out in the standard is that it is able to work backwards, with 802.11b access points. Among its pros is that it has high speed, the signal range is not easily obstructed and it offers a good signal range. The cons of the standard are that it is quite pricey, not being comparable with 802.11b, and the household appliances may interfere with the unregulated frequency.

The newest standard in use by the IEEE is the 802.11n. This design was created to be an improvement of the 802.11g standard. The main improvement points are expected to be support for multiple devices and amount of bandwidth supported, not forgetting making use of multiple antennas and signals. This standard can support up to 100 Mbps. The standard is also compatible with the g standard through backward compatibility. The pros of the system are that it offers the best speed so far and the signal range is good also, offering higher resistance as opposed to previous models. On the contrary, the cons are that it costs more and it may cause interference with the earlier networks such as the g standard.


Wi-Fi networks have come to offer a transformation in the way communication and access to the internet occurs.
Several Wi-Fi options exist for the person that is interested in the access and are available as b, g and n networks.
The network standards are created by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE).
802.11b offers 11 Mbps and unregulated 2.4 GHz signal this is prone to interference.
802.11g offers 54 Mbps and 2.4 GHz of unregulated radio signal.
It offers backward compatibility with the b standard.
B standard is preferred as it is cheap.
802.11n is the most recent standard.
It offers up to 100 Mbps and allows for backward compatibility with the g standard.You might also like…

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