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قدیمی 03-17-2014
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تاریخ عضویت: Aug 2007
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
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پیش فرض معنی What is FaceTime? در حوزه نرم افزار چیست؟

توضیح در باره What is FaceTime?
معنی و حوزه کاربر آن در نرم افزار و کامپیوتر چیست؟

FaceTime refers to a video-calling application developed by Apple Inc. for its wide array of devices starting with the iPhone 4. Other compatible devices for FaceTime include the latest generation of iPhones including the 5c and 5s models. The app also works with the latest iPad, iPad mini, and iPod touch models. Through FaceTime, users of Apple devices can interact with each other via video call or conferencing with the help of an online connection. Through FaceTime, people need not be dependent on their network or telecom provider in order to make video calls. With Wi-Fi or online connection, video calling with friend and family is made very simple and easy through FaceTime.

With mobile devices equipped with cameras, FaceTime is a great way to take advantage of that other than the usual taking of still pictures. With FaceTime, video calls with other people using Apple devices are made possible with an online connection. With most devices having dual cameras, one may choose to use both cameras in order to communicate with the other person on the line. The front camera serves as the primary FaceTime or “face to face” camera while the second phone camera at the back may serve as the secondary camera which allows the other person to see where one is. The secondary camera may also be used to show other people in a room which could join the conversation. Video calls may have been a common thing already but using dual cameras is a great addition to this way of communication.

FaceTime will run only on Apple and related or compatible devices although this app was supposedly created as an “open” standard. Apple device owners can download this particular app on the ITunes store and once downloaded they may start using FaceTime and make video calls to their friends or family who have installed the same app on an Apple device or mobile phone. FaceTime is becoming a standard app with Apple’s latest generation of mobile devices. This app will also work with newer Mac computers that have their own cameras.Similar Posts:
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