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المپیک olympic مسائل مربوط به مسابقات المپیکهای مختلف

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 08-15-2008
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تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2007
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 12,700
سپاسها: : 1,382

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پیش فرض مايکل فلپس رکورد دار مدال طلا در المپيک چه ميخورد؟

مايکل فلپس رکورد دار مدال طلا در المپيک چه ميخورد؟

فلپس روزانه 12000 کالري ميخورد. يعني 6 برابر يک فرد عادي تا بتواند روزي 5 ساعت و هفته اي 6 روز تمرين کند. نمونه صبحانه، نهار و شام او در لينک زير آمده :

Phelps is now the top Olympian of all time. Here's what it takes ...
Michael Phelps in action. Photograph: Shaun Botterill/Getty Images

US swimmer Michael Phelps made history yesterday when he scooped a record-breaking 11th Olympic gold medal. He has now topped the podium five times in Beijing. After his latest victory, he revealed the secret behind his six-days-a-week, five-hours-a-day training regime: an extraordinary 12,000-calorie daily diet, six times the intake of a normal adult male. This is a typical day:
Phelps kick starts his day and his metabolism with three fried-egg sandwiches, but with a few customised additions: cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried onions and, of course, mayonnaise.
Amuse-bouche out of the way, he throws back two cups of coffee and sits down to an omelette - containing five eggs - and a bowl of grits, a porridge of coarsely ground corn. He's not finished yet. Bring on the three slices of French toast, with powdered sugar on top to make sure there's no skimping on the calories. And to finish: three chocolate chip pancakes.
With breakfast wearing off and the hunger pangs biting, Phelps downs half a kilogram - ie a whole packet - of enriched pasta and two large ham and cheese sandwiches. On white bread with loads of mayo on top. To remove any chance that his body will run out of fuel, he washes this down with about 1,000 calories of energy drink.
Time to load up on carbs for the next day's training. Another half kilo of enriched pasta goes down the hatch with a chaser of an entire pizza and another 1,000 calories of energy drinks. And so to bed. As Phelps told US television channel NBC yesterday: "Eat, sleep and swim, that's all I can do."

مرا سر نهان گر شود زير سنگ -- از آن به كه نامم بر آيد به ننگ
به نام نكو گر بميــرم رواست -- مرا نام بايد كه تن مرگ راست

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جای تبلیغات شما اینجا خالیست با ما تماس بگیرید


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اکنون ساعت 01:57 AM برپایه ساعت جهانی (GMT - گرینویچ) +3.5 می باشد.

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