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المپیک olympic مسائل مربوط به مسابقات المپیکهای مختلف

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 08-15-2008
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تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2007
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
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پیش فرض دهكده ي المپيك ورزشكاران حاضر در المپيك پكن

دهكده ي المپيك ورزشكاران حاضر در المپيك پكن
Do you want to see how the Athletes’ Village look in Beijing?

A general view of the Athletes’ Olympic Village.
Located about a 25-minute walk northwest of the two centerpiece venues for the Games — the Bird’s Nest stadium and swimming’s Water Cube — the 163-acre complex accommodate between 16,000-17,000 athletes and officials.
Photographs: Getty Images

A view of the athletes accommodation for Team Great Britain members.
Each apartment is modestly decorated in marble and wood, with balconies overlooking walkways and courtyards.

The red telephone booths, one of London’s trademarks, seem to have found their way into the British part of the village.
Unlike some of Beijing’s venues, the architecture in the Athletes Village is aimed at utility rather than art.

Rest is a crucial part of the athletes’ training programme, as the placard on the door shows!

Mark Bellofiore of the Australian Olympic team relaxes in the Athletes Village and watches the Bledisloe Cup rugby match between the New Zealand All Blacks and the Australian Wallabies.

German cyclist Stefan Schumacher (right) lunches with his teammate Bert Grabsch at the athletes’ Olympic village.
The village has a restaurant that can feed 5,000-6,000 people, a library, a clinic, swimming pools, tennis and basketball courts, jogging tracks, shopping areas and coffee shops.

Athlete Simon Tsotang from Lesotho watches a DVD in the entertainment room.

Bradley Shaw, Dave Kosoof, Robin McRae and Greg Nicol of the New Zealand Olympic team relax at their apartmen.
The three-bedroom units, meant to accommodate six, measure 1,830 square feet.

Chinese handball player, Cui Liang (centre) gets a haircut while his teammate, Miao Qing (left) looks on at the hair dressing salon in the Athlete’s Village.

The Swiss section of the Athletes’ Village is adorned with a poster of Roger Federer.
But the world number one quit the village, claiming he was being mobbed by the other athletes.

German rowing team members Britta Oppelt, Marie-Luise Draeger and Manuela Lutze practise at the Village gym.
The village will be converted into a high-end residential community after renovations, following the Paralympics, to guarantee its legacy.
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