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دانلود مجموعه های مستند در این تالار مجموعه های مستند قرار میگیرند

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 11-16-2008
SonBol آواتار ها
SonBol SonBol آنلاین نیست.

تاریخ عضویت: Aug 2007
محل سکونت: یه غربت پر خاطره
نوشته ها: 11,775
سپاسها: : 521

1,688 سپاس در 686 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض دانلود فيلم مستند و ورزشي Super Speedway

دانلود فيلم مستند و ورزشي
Super Speedway
مستند «Super Speedway»
محصول IMAX
One of the best directors of IMAX films, Stephen Low (Titanica) has always been a race fan. After obtaining permission from CART, a governing body of Indy car racing and Newman/Haas racing (a Championship team co-owned by Paul Newman), Low found his stars for Super Speedway: the racing Andrettis, father Mario and son Michael. Mounting cameras fore and aft on the Andrettis' cars, IMAX offers a better vantage point than an ESPN camera, at a superior grade of clarity. Add to that the excellent sound and you can "feel" the bumps on the asphalt as the cars zoom in and out of corners. The large format can turn a pit stop into a dramatic 12 seconds as we see the driver's eyes dart away from his ~censored~ for a few brief seconds. We watch Michael Andretti on oval tracks and exciting road courses going over hills and sharp turns. There's even a spin--probably staged--from an angle we've never seen before.
Although true race conditions were impossible (the camera is just too bulky), Low sneakily edits his film to stretch the imagination. On race day, several Indy cars drove alongside the camera car hours before the main event, passing and drafting each other with crowds whizzing past them. When edited with footage of the race, it feels like the real thing. Low takes a few off-beat choices in setting up his story. The first image is the biggest chicken you've ever seen. The last shot is a '50s car (lovingly restored during the film) racing through perfect golden foliage on an autumn day. It gives his movie of modern technology a wonderful sense of nostalgia.

لينکهاي دانلود


رمز فايل: ندارد

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