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ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 06-21-2009
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تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2009
نوشته ها: 196
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پیش فرض گیم موبایل Wings Galaxy v1.0 for iPhone and iPod

گیم موبایل Rapidshare.com Wings Galaxy v1.0 for iPhone and iPod

جدیدترین بازیهای برای موبایل شما

Application description
[Check out Wings 2: Flight Simulator Experience for some "down to Earth" flying]


Wings Galaxy has garnered impressive reviews from initial gamers:
"Every once in a while a game comes along that really impresses you. Wings Galaxy is that game."
"I really like the graphics."
"After playing Wings Earth, I was really hoping you would make a space exploration game."
"One of the few games I can actually play more than once and still have fun."
"If you sell this for less than five bucks, this will be the best value on the App Store."
"Finally a game that's not another bad port from a game console. This is so much better."
"Challenging enough to keep me interested, but not impossible to master."

Campaign Mode - Determine your mission through clues given and complete quests in breathtaking galaxies.
Timed Mission - Beat your best time by repeating missions and gain bragging rights to share with your friends.
Explore - Fully appreciate and explore Wings Galaxy's ethereal realm without the pressure of crashing or scores.

This app pushes the iPhone to its limits. After you install Wings Galaxy, reboot your iPhone.

Wings Galaxy takes the Wings apps to a whole new level with substantially greater game content enhanced by a rich custom music score intended to evoke a completely immersive intergalactic experience. Players will be dazzled with minute attention to details embedded in every aspect of game from the splendid graphics and effects to the expanded exploration grid and mission objectives. Earn your badge as a bona-fide Space Cowboy as you navigate treacherous asteroids and initiate hyper-space jump drives in your efforts to mine Trillium and rescue distressed ships... Ready to come aboard? Read on:

Play your own iPod music or enjoy 10 custom tracks by Atomicon. Wings apps are known for their excellent music. Wings Galaxy is no exception.

Wings is a space exploration adventure that lets you zoom through galaxies, make zero gravity turns and rolls, float through valleys on alien planets, make base landings and more. It's an interactive experience that you can play again and again either to improve your score or just relax and enjoy the amazing graphics. You must determine your missions through clues given.

Full 3D rendering engine, models and photo-realistic galaxies.

Wings doesn’t just give you a virtual world. It gives you four different galaxies and four completely unique planets to explore.

Go to the Wings Galaxy section of your main device Settings screen to customize Wings Galaxy.

No problem. Unlike any other iPhone game, Wings Galaxy has an option that allows you to relax and enjoy exploring alien worlds and galaxies without the pressure of game play. Just have a few minutes to kill or want to zone out and get your mind off the day, fire up the Explore Mode.

Gamers, non-gamers, people who want to relax, anyone who has ever wanted to fly, space and aviation enthusiasts, anyone who wanted to go to Space Camp as a kid, if you like Star Trek, Star Wars, space movies, NASA, if you know what BSG means, if you don't know what BSG means, 3D enthusiasts and anyone looking for the next cool app. x-plane 9 for pilot training. Santa Wings for some hilarious fun. Wings 2 (Wings Earth) to see where it all began.

English, Italian, French, Spanish, German, Dutch and Japanese.

Proud makers of fine Apps: Voxie, GasBuddy, ***** Pal, Wings, Wings Earth, Overnight, ZIP Finder, Gas Buddy, Santa Wings, Mistletoe, GPS 3G and Voice Valentines

Flying, flight simulator, sim, simulator, plane, jet, aviation, simulation, space, rocket, earth, asteroids, top 100, space flight, galaxy, planet, lunar lander, 3D, virtual reality.
New in this version
Unavailable Languages
English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish Requirements
Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch
Requires iPhone OS 2.1 or later


Links checked on 10/08/09 by link checker bot
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