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جام جهانی فوتبال world cup مسائل مربوط به جام جهانی فوتبال

نمایش نتیجه های نظرسنجی ها: قهرمان جام جهانی 2010 کدام کشور است ؟
آلمان 5 8.33%
آرژانتین 21 35.00%
ایتالیا 9 15.00%
برزیل 8 13.33%
فرانسه 1 1.67%
انگلیس 2 3.33%
اسپانیا 8 13.33%
هلند 5 8.33%
اروگوئه 0 0%
مکزیک 1 1.67%
رأی دهندگان: 60. شما نمی توانید در این نظرسنجی رای دهید.

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 06-29-2010
ابریشم آواتار ها
ابریشم ابریشم آنلاین نیست.
کاربر فعال

تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2009
محل سکونت: تهران
نوشته ها: 7,323
سپاسها: : 9

155 سپاس در 150 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض

/همگام با‌ جام‌جهاني2010-آفريقاي‌‌جنوبي/
دونگا: در بازي با هلند بهتر از اين خواهيم بود

خبرگزاري فارس: سرمربي تيم ملي فوتبال برزيل گفت: برد مقابل شيلي خوشحال كننده است؛ ولي در بازي آينده وضعيتي بهتر پيدا خواهيم كرد.

به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس و به نقل از رويترز، كارلوس دونگا اظهار داشت: خوشحالم برنده بازي با شيلي شديم؛ اما بازهم بايد بر كيفيت كار خود بيفزاييم و در همه زمينه‌ها بهتر شويم. اين جدال حركتي قابل توجه از جانب تيم من بود كه حتما به شكلي بهتر تداوم مي‌يابد.
وي افزود: نبايد از ياد برد كه حريف ما تيمي به نام شيلي بود كه بسيار خوب بازي مي‌كند و مقابل چنين تيمي، ما بازي رو‌به‌جلوي خيلي خوبي داشتيم

اين مربي ادامه داد: تلاش داشتم تيم بازي باز رو به جلويي را انجام دهد كه با سرعت و تكنيكي بالا اين كار را كرديم.
دونگا در مورد هلند، حريف مرحله يك چهارم نهايي در روز جمعه نيز عنوان كرد: مقابل هلند بازي سختي در انتظارمان خواهد بود. آنها از لحاظ تكنيكي بسيار خوب هستند و بازي‌شان به بازي ما بسيار شباهت دارد.
برزيل شب گذشته در جدال مرحله يك هشتم نهايي 3 بر صفر شيلي را شكست داد تا روز جمعه با نارنجي‌پوشان ديداري براي صعود به نيمه‌نهايي داشته باشد.
پاسخ با نقل قول
جای تبلیغات شما اینجا خالیست با ما تماس بگیرید

قدیمی 06-29-2010
ابریشم آواتار ها
ابریشم ابریشم آنلاین نیست.
کاربر فعال

تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2009
محل سکونت: تهران
نوشته ها: 7,323
سپاسها: : 9

155 سپاس در 150 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض

/همگام با جام جهاني 2010 - آفريقاي جنوبي/
راموس و آربلوا مامور مهار رونالدو

خبرگزاري فارس: دو مدافع توانمند تيم ملي فوتبال اسپانيا مسئول مستقيم مهار مهاجم زهردار پرتغال شدند.

به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس و به نقل از ماركا اسپانيا، سرخيو راموس و آلوارو آربلوا دو مدافع اصلي در تركيب رئال مادريد و تيم ملي اسپانيا هر دو هم‌تيمي كريستيانو رونالدو هستند و اين بازيكن را به خوبي مي‌شناسند.

ويسنته دل‌بوسكه در تمرينات روز گذشته تيم ملي اسپانيا، از دو مدافع ياد شده خواست در اولويت كاري خود مهار كريس رونالدو را قرار دهند و بدانند اگر او مهار شود پرتغال نابود خواهد شد.
دو هافبك مياني اسپانيا نيز جدا از وظايف محوله بايد مراقب نفوذ‌هاي رونالدو باشند.

اسپانيا و پرتغال از ساعت 23:00 امشب به وقت تهران برابر يكديگر صف‌آرايي مي كنند.
پاسخ با نقل قول
قدیمی 06-29-2010
ابریشم آواتار ها
ابریشم ابریشم آنلاین نیست.
کاربر فعال

تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2009
محل سکونت: تهران
نوشته ها: 7,323
سپاسها: : 9

155 سپاس در 150 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض

/همگام با جام جهاني 2010 - آفريقاي جنوبي/
كوئيروز: شكست اسپانيا قطعي است

خبرگزاري فارس: سرمربي تيم ملي فوتبال پرتغال گفت: شكست اسپانيا قطعي است و منتظر يك بازي بزرگ باشيد.

به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس و به نقل از ماركا، كارلوس كوئيروز تصريح كرد: بازيكنانم براي شكست دادن اسپانيا كاملا آماده‌اند و با تمام قدرت به سمت پيروزي پيش مي‌رويم.
وي افزود: پرتغال تيم كوچكي نيست و اسپانيا در بازي امشب بيش از پيش به قدرت واقعي فوتبال پرتغال پي مي‌برد. براي تك‌تك دقايق بازي با اسپانيا برنامه‌ داريم و مطمئن باشيد در همان نيمه نخست كار را تمام مي‌كنيم.
پاسخ با نقل قول
قدیمی 06-29-2010
ابریشم آواتار ها
ابریشم ابریشم آنلاین نیست.
کاربر فعال

تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2009
محل سکونت: تهران
نوشته ها: 7,323
سپاسها: : 9

155 سپاس در 150 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض

/همگام با جام جهاني 2010 - آفريقاي جنوبي/
كاكا: مرا بيهوده متهم نكنيد

خبرگزاري فارس: هافبك تهاجمي تيم ملي فوتبال برزيل گفت: هرگز كم‌كاري نكرده‌ام و مرا بيهوده متهم نكنيد.

به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس و به نقل از ماركا اسپانيا، كاكا كه در چهار بازي برگزار شده يك كارت قرمز و يك كارت زرد گرفته گفت: اين كارت‌ها هرگز روي حركت عمدي من نبوده و تصادفا اخطار گرفته‌ام. اين اتهامات را هرگز قبول ندارم. چرا بايد براي استراحت كردن كارت بگيرم؟

وي ادامه داد: جام جهاني بالاترين هدفي است كه يك بازيكن مي‌تواند براي خود متصور باشد و من اين افتخار بزرگ را به راحتي از دست نمي‌دهم.

پاسخ با نقل قول
قدیمی 06-29-2010
SHeRvin آواتار ها
SHeRvin SHeRvin آنلاین نیست.
ناظر و مدیر بخش موسیقی و سینما

تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2009
محل سکونت: Tehran
نوشته ها: 4,838
سپاسها: : 1,717

2,520 سپاس در 663 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض دیدار پنجاه و یکم آلمان - انگلیس - یک هشتم نهایی

دیدار پنجاه و یکم آلمان 4 - انگلیس 1 - یک هشتم نهایی

Match 51 - Round of 16 - 27 June


England vs Germany

گلها :

  • Miroslav KLOSE (20')
  • Lukas PODOLSKI (32')
  • Thomas MUELLER (67', 70')
Matt UPSON (37'

بازیکن برگزیده میدان :

توماس مولر از آلمان

Germany's youthful side delivered a striking statement of intent by overwhelming old rivals England 4-1 in Bloemfontein to take their place in the last eight of the FIFA World Cup™.
Joachim Low's side built a two-goal lead through early goals from Miroslav Klose and Lukas Podolski and although Matthew Upson reduced the deficit before the break, the Germans made sure of their quarter-final place when Thomas Muller concluded two lightning breakaways with a quick-fire double midway through the second half. While Germany can look forward with confidence to a quarter-final meeting with Argentina or Mexico, England will go home to lick their wounds and reflect on yet another FIFA World Cup defeat by their old nemesis.
It was a lapse of concentration which allowed Germany to take the lead in the 20th minute, the goal coming after a spell of prolonged England possession. Manuel Neuer's long goal-kick upfield should have been dealt with by England’s central defenders, but Klose, back from suspension, got between John Terry and Upson, outmuscling the latter before poking the ball past David James with his outstretched right boot.
While having plenty of the ball, England were creating little in the way of genuine scoring opportunities, with only a Gareth Barry shot from distance which went straight at Neuer. Indeed, Germany should have doubled their advantage on the half-hour when Sami Khedira combined well with Muller to set up Klose, who fired straight at James. Yet Die Nationalelf did not have to wait too long for their second goal as Muller floated a delightful ball into the path of the unmarked Podolski. With England's defence stretched, the Cologne man had the time to recover from a poor first touch and produce a left-footed finish that squeezed through the legs of the goalkeeper and just inside the far post.
England pulled a goal back in the 37th minute when a short Lampard corner from the right was played to Gerrard who crossed into the box. Upson, atoning for his earlier error, rose highest above the Germany defence and with Neuer stranded, powered a header into the net. Meetings between these two sides often provide talking points and this one's came 60 seconds later when Lampard's shot from the edge of the box struck the underside of the crossbar and bounced down, with the referee ruling the ball had not crossed the goalline.
England started the second half strongly with Gerrard hitting a right foot shot just wide in the opening minutes and Lampard rattling the crossbar with a free-kick 30 yards from goal. However, Germany increased their advantage in the 67th minute through a counter-attack. Lampard's free-kick hit the German wall and, with England having committed men forward, they were left exposed as Schweinsteiger broke quickly before playing a delightful ball for Muller, who had started the breakaway, to fire past James.
Germany's fourth was more or less a carbon copy of their third. With England deep in their opponents' half, searching for a way back into the game, Germany won possession on the edge of their box and sprayed the ball to Ozil on the left. The midfielder outpaced Barry and played in Muller to sidefoot home from close range. England, to their credit, never gave up and only a fine one-handed save by Neuer from Gerrard stopped them from reducing their deficit – the heaviest in their FIFA World Cup history.

and the roads becomes my bride

پاسخ با نقل قول
قدیمی 06-29-2010
SHeRvin آواتار ها
SHeRvin SHeRvin آنلاین نیست.
ناظر و مدیر بخش موسیقی و سینما

تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2009
محل سکونت: Tehran
نوشته ها: 4,838
سپاسها: : 1,717

2,520 سپاس در 663 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض دیدار پنجاه و دوم آرژانتین - مکزیک - یک هشتم نهایی

دیدار پنجاه و دوم آرژانتین 3 - مکزیک 1 - یک هشتم نهایی

Match 52 - Round of 16 - 27 June


Mexico vs Argentina

  • Carlos TEVEZ (26', 52')
  • Gonzalo HIGUAIN (33')
  • Javier HERNANDEZ (71')

Man Of The Match :

Carlos TEVEZ

Argentina set up another FIFA World Cup™ quarter-final against Germany by overcoming Mexico 3-1 at Johannesburg's Soccer City Stadium. Carlos Tevez emerged as the hero with a brace of goals, while Gonzalo Higuain was also on target as Diego Maradona's Albiceleste set up a rematch against their 2006 conquerors.
The Mexicans ultimately proved no match for their clinical South American opponents, yet it all started so promisingly for Javier Aguirre's side, with Carlos Salcido rattling the crossbar with a stunning long-range drive after just eight minutes. There was another lucky escape for Argentina just a minute later, when Andres Guardado drilled in a shot from the edge of the box that spun away from the far post just as the net looked set to bulge.
Maradona's side were hardly lacking in attacking menace themselves, however, and Lionel Messi soon embarked on one of his trademark elusive runs before attempting a chip over Oscar Perez that the Mexico keeper judged well. Messi's hunt for a goal at South Africa 2010 continues, but it was not long before the Barcelona talisman played a key role as another of Argentina's star forwards opened his tournament account.
Tevez might have thought his chance had gone when Perez raced out to block bravely at his feet, but Messi was quick-witted enough to return the ball towards goal, where the Manchester City striker was waiting to head home. Breaking the deadlock enabled Argentina to take a firm grip on proceedings, and within seven minutes that hold was strengthened as Mexico reached for the self-destruct button.
Quite what Ricardo Osorio was thinking when he played a square pass to the feet of Higuain is unclear, but it was a gift the Real Madrid striker readily accepted, coolly dragging the ball around the grounded Perez before side-footing into the empty net for his fourth goal of the tournament. Even with the best part of an hour remaining, it was difficult to envisage Mexico finding a way back into this match, and Argentina could have been out of sight altogether by half-time had Higuain not headed wastefully wide with the goal at his mercy. Maradona's men are capable of scoring at any time though, and from any situation – as Tevez proved six minutes into the second half.
The Albiceleste No11 benefited from a fortuitous break 25 yards from goal, but there was no luck involved in what followed, with Tevez lashing an unstoppable drive into the top-right-hand corner for one of the goals of the tournament. Mexico must have realised the game was up at this stage, but it was to their credit that they continued to attack with conviction, and they should have pulled a goal back on 63 minutes when Javier Hernandez headed over when it seemed easier to score.
The Manchester United-bound youngster made amends with 19 minutes remaining, however, brilliantly turning Martin Demichelis on the edge of the box before rifling a stunning left-foot shot into the roof of the Argentinian net. It would prove scant consolation for the crestfallen Mexicans, but while El Tri return home with their dreams dashed, Argentina can begin plotting revenge against some familiar foes.


and the roads becomes my bride

پاسخ با نقل قول
قدیمی 06-29-2010
SHeRvin آواتار ها
SHeRvin SHeRvin آنلاین نیست.
ناظر و مدیر بخش موسیقی و سینما

تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2009
محل سکونت: Tehran
نوشته ها: 4,838
سپاسها: : 1,717

2,520 سپاس در 663 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض دیدار پنجاه و سوم هلند - اسلواکی - یک هشتم نهایی

دیدار پنجاه و سوم هلند 2 - اسلواکی 1 - یک هشتم نهایی

Match 53 - Round of 16 - 28 June


Slovakia vs Netherlands

گلها :

  • Arjen ROBBEN (18')
  • Wesley SNEIJDER (84')
  • Robert VITTEK (90'+4 PEN)

بازیکن برگزیده میدان :


Slovakia's fairy-tale run came to an end at Durban's Moses Mabhida Stadium on Monday, with Arjen Robben returning to the starting line-up and helping fire the organised Oranje into the quarter-finals with the first goal in a 2-1 win. As the only debutants at the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ head for home with their heads held high, the Dutch – who have never before won their first four matches at the finals – can now start preparing for a last-16 test against either Brazil or Chile in Port Elizabeth on Friday.
Vladimir Weiss's Slovakia were not overawed by their fancied opponents in the early going. Erik Jendrisek fired over the bar from a decent position after only two minutes, though if that was an intended warning shot, the Dutch – with nine points from their three games so far – are not a team that rattle easily. Robin van Persie and Wesley Sneijder both had good chances to score subsequently before Robben, in his first start at these finals, made his mark on the match. Chasing a long ball up from midfield, the Bayern Munich winger outpaced Radoslav Zabavnik up the wide-right channel, cut inside and fired low inside the near post, beating goalkeeper Jan Mucha who might have done better. It was only the second first-half goal scored by the Netherlands in South Africa.
Arsenal ace Van Persie had the next chances as the break approached. He surprised the Slovakia defence in the 41st minute but, after cutting in from the left, could only muster a tame toe-poke at Mucha. With just seconds to go before half-time, he then stole in behind the backline but failed to control Mark van Bommel's low cross, that was whipped in through the six-yard box. Robben was in the mood again when the second period got underway. After Van Persie dragged the Slovakia defence out of position, the ball fell kindly for the former Chelsea man, who wriggled inside the area only for his sizzling low shot to be thwarted by Mucha's fingertips. The goalkeeper was called into action again from the resulting corner, bravely blocking a Joris Mathijsen effort from close range.
Suddenly, Slovakia – who shifted into a more attacking 4-4-2 for the second half – came to life in the 67th minute. Marek Hamsik pushed the ball out wide for Dutch-based striker Miroslav Stoch, but his shot was tipped over for a corner. Robert Vittek was then guilty of missing a glorious chance only seconds later. Collecting the ball in acres of space and with bags of time, he shot directly into the palms of Dutch keeper Maarten Stekelenburg to groans from the section of the crowd not dressed in orange.
The Dutch continued to push forward in search of another goal and with six minutes to go, and the withdrawn Robben now on the bench, Dirk Kuyt chased down a long ball and crossed low for Sneijder. The Inter Milan man made no mistake with the goal at his mercy and calmly bulged the back of the net. Even though Vittek managed a consolation goal for the Slovaks in the dying seconds of stoppage time – netting from the penalty spot after Stekelenburg had brought him down – it was too late to signal a change of fortune. The Dutch now march on to meet either Brazil or Chile, who contest their Round of 16 contest at Johannesburg's Ellis Park later in the evening.

and the roads becomes my bride

پاسخ با نقل قول
قدیمی 06-29-2010
ابریشم آواتار ها
ابریشم ابریشم آنلاین نیست.
کاربر فعال

تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2009
محل سکونت: تهران
نوشته ها: 7,323
سپاسها: : 9

155 سپاس در 150 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض

/همگام با جام‌جهاني2010-آفريقاي‌جنوبي/
پاستون: سخت‌ترين كارها در جام مربوط به نيوزيلند بود

خبرگزاري فارس: دروازه‌بان تيم ملي فوتبال نيوزيلند در جام‌جهاني 2010 گفت: سخت‌ترين كارها را در پيكارهاي آفريقاي‌جنوبي انجام داديم.

به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس و به نقل از روزنامه هرالد اوكلند، مارك پاستون اظهار داشت: در آفريقاي جنوبي شايد جوان‌ترين تركيب و كادر را نداشتيم؛ اما توانستيم سخت‌ترين كار ممكن را در بين تيم ها انجام دهيم و مقابل تيم بزرگي همچون ايتاليا خوش بدرخشيم.

وي افزود: فكر مي‌كنم حضور در اين جام براي فوتبال كشور ثمره بسيار ارزشمندي خواهد داشت كه در آينده حتما آن را به چشم خواهيم ديد.
او ادامه داد: اگر كمي با اقبال بيشتر روبرو مي‌شديم، حتي مي توانستيم به دور بعد صعود كنيم.
تيم نيوزيلند كه با ايتاليا، پاراگوئه و شيلي و اسلوواكي همگروه بود، به سه تساوي رسيد و بدون باخت از جام حذف شد.

پاسخ با نقل قول
قدیمی 06-29-2010
ابریشم آواتار ها
ابریشم ابریشم آنلاین نیست.
کاربر فعال

تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2009
محل سکونت: تهران
نوشته ها: 7,323
سپاسها: : 9

155 سپاس در 150 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض

/همگام با جام جهاني 2010- آفريقاي جنوبي/
سارقان 7 ماكت طلايي جام جهاني را از دفتر فيفا دزديدند

خبرگزاري فارس: سارقان با حمله به دفتر فيفا 7 ماكت جام جهاني را به سرقت بردند.

به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس و به نقل از خبرگزاري رويترز، دزدان با حمله به دفتر فيفا در آفريقاي جنوبي 7 ماكت طلايي جام جهاني را به سرقت بردند.

بكي سل رئيس پليس آفريقاي جنوبي با بيان اين خبر به خبرنگاران گفت: مي‌دانيم دزدان با حمله به دفتر فيفا 7 كپي طلايي از جام جهاني و چند دست لباس را به سرقت بردند و در حال حاضر ما در تعقيب اين دزدان هستيم.

يكي از مقامات پليس محلي نيز در اين رابطه گفته است روز يكشنبه به دفتر فيفا حمله شده ولي هنوز كسي در اين رابطه دستگير نشده است.
دزدان در جريان جام جهاني آفريقاي جنوبي به خبرنگاران و حتي بازيكنان تيم‌ها دستبرد زده‌اند اما اين مسابقات تاكنون عاري از جرم و جنايت بوده است.

روز شنبه نيز 5 كارگر هتل اموالي را از بازيكنان تيم انگليس به سرقت برده بودند.
پاسخ با نقل قول
قدیمی 06-29-2010
SHeRvin آواتار ها
SHeRvin SHeRvin آنلاین نیست.
ناظر و مدیر بخش موسیقی و سینما

تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2009
محل سکونت: Tehran
نوشته ها: 4,838
سپاسها: : 1,717

2,520 سپاس در 663 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض دیدار پنجاه و چهارم برزیل - شیلی - یک هشتم نهایی

دیدار پنجاه و چهارم برزیل 3 - شیلی 0 - یک هشتم نهایی

Match 54 - Round of 16 - 28 June


Chile vs Brazil

گل ها :

  • JUAN (35')
  • LUIS FABIANO (38')
  • ROBINHO (59')

بازیکن برگزیده دیدار :


Ellis Park Stadium

Brazil completed a hat-trick of victories over Chile at the FIFA World Cup™ by beating their South American rivals 3-0 to set up a mouthwatering quarter-final meeting with the Netherlands.
Dunga's side took control of the Round of 16 contest with two goals in quick succession in the last ten minutes of the first half through Juan and Luis Fabiano. Robinho added the third to inflict further punishment on the Chileans who may have ended a 48-year wait for a FIFA World Cup win in South Africa but evidently have not worked out how to better their old nemesis.
Brazil defeated Chile in the 1962 semi-finals and at this same stage of the 1998 tournament in France, scoring four goals in each game. They also beat La Roja home and away in qualifying for South Africa and even in the goalless opening 33 minutes at Ellis Park, there was scant evidence of a different outcome. Although Chile, playing in all white, had a larger share of possession in the opening quarter-hour, Brazil carried the greater goal threat from the off.
Luis Fabiano had an early sniff of goal when breaking down the inside-right channel in the fifth minute but dragged his shot past the far post. Four minutes later Gilberto Silva drew a full-length stop from Chile custodian Claudio Bravo with a 25-yard strike and from the ensuing corner, Kaka – back from suspension – had a sight of goal but fired wide. There was another nervous moment in the Chilean penalty box when Lucio took a dramatic tumble under Pablo Contreras's challenge and it came as no surprise when Brazil made the breakthrough in the 34th minute as Juan rose high to bury a header high past Bravo from Maicon's flag-kick.

Four minutes later Dunga's men had their second as Luis Fabiano got on to the end of a slick counter-attack to hit his third goal of the finals. Robinho surged down the left and slipped the ball infield to Kaka, who split Chile's central defence with a first-time pass to put Luis Fabiano in the clear. With Chileans appealing in vain for offside, the Sevilla marksman rounded Bravo and slotted home. Chile produced only one or two promising moments in the final third in the opening 45 minutes. And when Humberto Suazo, making his second start of the finals, had a sight of goal, he failed to trouble Julio Cesar with his shot from the edge of the box – their only effort on target before the break.

Marcelo Bielsa's side had begun the match showing four changes from the defeat by Spain, three enforced by the suspensions of Marco Estrada, Gary Medel and Waldo Ponce. And they began the second half with two more changes as Bielsa sent on Rodrigo Tello and Jorge Valvidia in place of Contreras and Mark Gonzalez. But though they tried to increase the pressure on Brazil's back line, their own defence was breached again just before the hour. Ramires strode forward from midfield, leaving two white shirts in his wake, and played in Robinho to curl a shot past the left hand of Bravo. It was Robinho's eighth goal in six matches against Chile and he came close to adding another with a low shot that Bravo tipped behind.
At the other end some of Chile's approach play was slick and they began belatedly to create chances. Valvidia flicked up the ball on the edge of the box and lifted a shot narrowly over the crossbar. With 15 minutes remaining Suazo then produced a smart turn to escape the shackles of Lucio but his shot was comfortably dealt with by Julio Cesar. He got even closer with a sliced effort that looped on to the top of the crossbar but it was not to be. Brazil march on.

and the roads becomes my bride

پاسخ با نقل قول

برچسب ها
komodo, واکا واکا, وحدت افریقا, world cup 2010, دانلود

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