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آموزش زبانهای خارجی در این تالار مباحث مرتبط با اموزش زبانهای خارجی قرار میگرد و در صورت جذب شدن کاربران متبحر سوالات شما پاسخ داده خواهد شد

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 02-05-2012
bigbang آواتار ها
bigbang bigbang آنلاین نیست.
مدیر بخش مکانیک - ویندوز و رفع اشکال

تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2009
نوشته ها: 2,586
سپاسها: : 5,427

6,159 سپاس در 1,794 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
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نقل قول:
نوشته اصلی توسط Saba_Baran90 نمایش پست ها
!Oh Boys Are Always boys
Fool of passion and you think you got it all and you know it all
Once agian: you've got a keen tounge when talking about girls
Emotions Are what turn us into angles this ugly world so badly needs
I don't need to make u believe me, I don't believe in love at first sight, All i said was that, that first look is the most memoriable one
You know what: people look at love based on their experience of it, they talk as their taste pushes them and that is sad
Cuz you know what: I thought that you can call a boy a MAN only if they have the guts to still see the light even if the world is dark
And Aria I'm frankly disapponted in a friend like you
Love can't be concluded based on physic laws
Faith is defined as a love that comes after knowledge
that's about God, but good things are good ayway
I love love and the shiney cool lifeful breathe it blows through one's life
i think your describe about emotion and turning girls to the angles needs some change
who are we? devils? you think boys don,t have emotion
of course they are . every human being have emotion
but we control it .most girls can,t control their emotion
don,t see your self and your friends around you
see the wide screen that includes every girls who live in this world
and be sure that world needs us too.

احد،صمد، قاهر، صادق ...

لا تقنطوا من رحمة الله

هیچ چیز تجربه نمیشه اینو یادت باشه !!
ترفند هایی براي ويندوز 7

عیب یابی سخت افزاری سیستم در کسری از دقیقه

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کاربران زیر از bigbang به خاطر پست مفیدش تشکر کرده اند :
جای تبلیغات شما اینجا خالیست با ما تماس بگیرید

قدیمی 02-05-2012
GhaZaL.Mr آواتار ها
GhaZaL.Mr GhaZaL.Mr آنلاین نیست.
کاربر خيلی فعال
تاریخ عضویت: May 2011
محل سکونت: نیست. رفته است..
نوشته ها: 782
سپاسها: : 312

1,461 سپاس در 592 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
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نقل قول:
نوشته اصلی توسط bigbang نمایش پست ها
i think my experience is enough to understand that girls are always have a bit kind of emotion that makes them not to think logically
if you are the best guy in the world and some one just say some thing bad about you it Influence on girl and her judgment
maybe i am not the right guy
but when it happens to many other people around me ............makes me to believe that i am not alone
you say they are not the same but you are a girl too
you want to say you don,t have emotion! or some times your not high on emotion
.You Are Misunderstood Dude. A Girls May Be Have Emotion. It's A Natural.. Cuz She Is Human ! But I Know Many Girls Around Me They Don't Show Their Feeling So That You Think
.If You Saw Some Thing Different Around You,It's Not The Reason To Say It Definitely Like This
It's Not An Absolute

آدمی شده ام ک شب ها لواشک به دست بی هدف خیابان های شهرش را راه می رود؛ گاهی می ایستد. به آدم ها .. دیوار ها .. خیابان ها .. خیره می شود وُ دوباره راه می رود وَ نمی داند چرا راه می رود!

ویرایش توسط GhaZaL.Mr : 02-05-2012 در ساعت 12:58 AM
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2 کاربر زیر از GhaZaL.Mr سپاسگزاری کرده اند برای پست مفیدش:
قدیمی 02-05-2012
Saba_Baran90 آواتار ها
Saba_Baran90 Saba_Baran90 آنلاین نیست.
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2011
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 902
سپاسها: : 10,211

6,252 سپاس در 1,423 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض

No one said guys are evils
if they are evils then what the hell is the value if us not being evils
There are bad girls and good girls just like there are bad guys and good guys
I'm not stupid enough to think that life is just some fairytale story cuz it's not
Girls are usually described as angles cuz they are beautiful and emotional
I didn't think i'll ever have to expalin that
If something goes wrong a girl can make guys feel better about it by describing her feeling an that is easier for girls and that's why it's usually our duty in the nature and in our relations
I hope i have made my point now
I honestly dont know how you thought i am stupid enough to think all the girls are good and all the guys are bad
And Mammd for God's sake stop judging us while you are not a girl to know exactly how we feel just like we dont judge you either
Just give us your opinions and we will appreciate it
And Aria buddy sorry if i offended you, i just thought that you would look a little more beautifully
We all need somehting beautiful, a beautiful feeling to hold on to
Maybe you are right and not all of people are allowed to have opinion onit
I just think that we should all still try to see the light
I know that in the morning now
I see ascending light upon a hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed, still
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2 کاربر زیر از Saba_Baran90 سپاسگزاری کرده اند برای پست مفیدش:
قدیمی 02-05-2012
bigbang آواتار ها
bigbang bigbang آنلاین نیست.
مدیر بخش مکانیک - ویندوز و رفع اشکال

تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2009
نوشته ها: 2,586
سپاسها: : 5,427

6,159 سپاس در 1,794 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض

نقل قول:
نوشته اصلی توسط Saba_Baran90 نمایش پست ها
No one said guys are evils
if they are evils then what the hell is the value if us not being evils
There are bad girls and good girls just like there are bad guys and good guys
I'm not stupid enough to think that life is just some fairytale story cuz it's not
Girls are usually described as angles cuz they are beautiful and emotional
I didn't think i'll ever have to expalin that
If something goes wrong a girl can make guys feel better about it by describing her feeling an that is easier for girls and that's why it's usually our duty in the nature and in our relations
I hope i have made my point now
I honestly dont know how you thought i am stupid enough to think all the girls are good and all the guys are bad
And Mammd for God's sake stop judging us while you are not a girl to know exactly how we feel just like we dont judge you either
Just give us your opinions and we will appreciate it
And Aria buddy sorry if i offended you, i just thought that you would look a little more beautifully
We all need somehting beautiful, a beautiful feeling to hold on to
Maybe you are right and not all of people are allowed to have opinion onit
I just think that we should all still try to see the light
i don,t think you are stupid or some thin
i just have a deep Wound from love and my wound is not Treatable some times when i am talking about girls it just remind me my past and that,s makes me uncontrollable some times i am rude
i know some times i am rude excuse me miss saba if i make you sad
it is just not what just i want
every member of this forum knows my behavior some times i just say some thing foolish that makes everyone angry and sad
and this is the time that amirabbas comes and makes me to follow the rules. how can we say it . its my behavior i can,t change
sorry all you guys if i make you sad or unhappy

احد،صمد، قاهر، صادق ...

لا تقنطوا من رحمة الله

هیچ چیز تجربه نمیشه اینو یادت باشه !!
ترفند هایی براي ويندوز 7

عیب یابی سخت افزاری سیستم در کسری از دقیقه

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2 کاربر زیر از bigbang سپاسگزاری کرده اند برای پست مفیدش:
قدیمی 02-05-2012
Saba_Baran90 آواتار ها
Saba_Baran90 Saba_Baran90 آنلاین نیست.
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2011
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 902
سپاسها: : 10,211

6,252 سپاس در 1,423 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض

OK! I'm not a big fan of DRAMA
I'm not sad Mammad joon
We are frineds, Your behaviour is actually kinda familiar to me
Controlling feelings when you so badly wanna talk about them is always difficult
I bet none of us has a good LOVE EXPRIENCE, and i probably should end this conversation and not say any thing about it any more but as a friendly suggestion i want to sahre how i think of it(I mean the not-good exprience): I think that anyone hurt by this kind of expriences, has a human to blaim not their feeling of love
love is a feeling, and feelings don't make mistakes, but we are human, we are the one who can abuse feelings and those bad love expriences happen when one side abuses love and turns it into suffer
So the hurt people should blaim it on the one who ha hurt them and not on the feeling
?Ever thought of it that way
And it would also be ideally beatiful if we could forgive the one whose fault this is
And ideally it wont feel that bad anymore
We are frinds and sometimes our discussion go to the wrong end but the thing is we can fix it by trying to accept each other
So sorry if i made u feel bad

نقل قول:
نوشته اصلی توسط cz.aria نمایش پست ها
?thank you! but how can u speak such confident about love

?have u ever exprienced love
??if not how do u know what real love is
as Dr shariati has said TO LIKE IS BETTER THAN TO LOVE

i think we ourselves have given this illusory sacrosanctity to love
Ok! skipping the first three lines(!) Dr Shariati's qoute is to be qouted in Farsi, cuz it actually means that "Doost dashtan behtar az Eshgh ast"And i totally agree
It is because he and also me, believe that DOOST DASHTAN is cleaner and stornger and i couldn't agree more
But in English the difference between like and love respectedly is the difference between the way you feel for footbalh and the way you feel for your loved ones
You like football but you love people
their point of view is defferent than ours
?is that clear now
God! Aria you are a musicion! Track down the feelings

نقل قول:
نوشته اصلی توسط cz.aria نمایش پست ها
!nice to see u again mommy ghazal after too many months!! and tnx for accompaniment
OK! the combonation of mother and son is even more dangerous then the combonations that cause explosions
I know that in the morning now
I see ascending light upon a hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed, still

ویرایش توسط Saba_Baran90 : 02-05-2012 در ساعت 12:19 PM
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کاربران زیر از Saba_Baran90 به خاطر پست مفیدش تشکر کرده اند :
قدیمی 02-05-2012
مهرگان آواتار ها
مهرگان مهرگان آنلاین نیست.
مدیر تالار انگلیسی
تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2008
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 1,577
سپاسها: : 3,750

4,670 سپاس در 1,282 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
مهرگان به Yahoo ارسال پیام
Thumbs up englsih conversations about love at first sight - feelings

my dear friends
what a hot discussion! i became happy to see dear Czi try to come more than before, and also my dear Ghazal i just think that some one like Hossein is absent

ok, this looks to be a nice topic, i suggest not to stop the discussions.
and now my opinions: bigbang, one basic question: i retorted: sorry to remind you your grammatical mistakes, then how did you concluded that girls judge based on feelings not logic? and also, i havn't seen any misbehaves made by you, good boy

the next one: saba 'kootah naia!' this big bang is saying different things to know how girls judge! do you know why? saba do you remember once we thought we are entering bigbang's red restricted part of life? now he is talking about his bad experience of love that he had had in the past, i don't believe.

the third: dear Czi, i personally don't know why Dr shariati had said that ' doost dashtan az eshgh bartar ast' (also especial tnx for saba to remark the translation point :*) may be other friends can guide me, what does that sentence mean?
basically, how can you differ 'eshgh' from 'doost dashtan' ? let me say sth, does it mean that love is a feelingss to some one special and liking is a feeling that expands and can involve so many ones , hm?

i have other questions, too

. one thing: we don't bother each other, we are discussing
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کاربران زیر از مهرگان به خاطر پست مفیدش تشکر کرده اند :
قدیمی 02-06-2012
cz.aria آواتار ها
cz.aria cz.aria آنلاین نیست.
کاربر عادی
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2011
نوشته ها: 83
سپاسها: : 34

87 سپاس در 31 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
cz.aria به Yahoo ارسال پیام
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:lemme tell u the complete quote
"Oh lord! teach everybody you like that "LOVE" is better than "LIFE" and Let taste everybody you like more, that "LIKE" is better than "LOVE
!khodaya be har ke dust midariash biamuz ke eshgh az zendegi kardan behtar ast va be har ke dust tar midariash becheshan ke dust dashtan bartar ast az eshgh
as i heard there's kinda egocentricity in LOVE that never exists in LIKE
(also consider that LOVE can change into HATE in a moment whereas LIKE takes long time to change into hate (ofcourse if it is supposed to change, it usually turns into DISLIKE not into HATE
some of my friends that are in love with Dr shariati!! and have read all of his books say that he wanna talk about the LOVE that we all know not anything special
so i think u r wrong
!and as a conclusion you can call it love like adore fondness dote .... but the only thing important is that we love/like/adore ..... each other

ویرایش توسط cz.aria : 02-06-2012 در ساعت 01:24 AM
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3 کاربر زیر از cz.aria سپاسگزاری کرده اند برای پست مفیدش:
قدیمی 02-06-2012
Saba_Baran90 آواتار ها
Saba_Baran90 Saba_Baran90 آنلاین نیست.
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2011
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 902
سپاسها: : 10,211

6,252 سپاس در 1,423 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض

Thanks for pointing it out Aria
But when i talk about the term "LOVE" in English, I'm thinking of "Doost Dashtan" and not ESHGH
So I think we are on the same page
Every body believes that Doost Dashtan is Better:Smooth, Long lasting and strong
?But Why do is sense anger in your tone
?Are u mad at me
i get a feeling like you feel like you are trying to make a naieve not exprienced person to FOr GOD's SAKE understand what u say
Dont worry
!Remember?I've never been good at expressing me
I just wanted u 2 know that by the English word LOVE, I mean the farsi translation DOOST DASHTAN
I seriously hope i have made my oint this time
And dear mehregan the difference between LIKE and LOVE is the way each one leaves its track in your life and makes you feel
!Their taste
I know that in the morning now
I see ascending light upon a hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed, still
پاسخ با نقل قول
کاربران زیر از Saba_Baran90 به خاطر پست مفیدش تشکر کرده اند :
قدیمی 02-06-2012
cz.aria آواتار ها
cz.aria cz.aria آنلاین نیست.
کاربر عادی
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2011
نوشته ها: 83
سپاسها: : 34

87 سپاس در 31 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
cz.aria به Yahoo ارسال پیام
پیش فرض

نقل قول:
نوشته اصلی توسط Saba_Baran90 نمایش پست ها
?But Why do is sense anger in your tone
?Are u mad at me
i get a feeling like you feel like you are trying to make a naieve not exprienced person to FOr GOD's SAKE understand what u say

hmm somebody translate the first line for me! kidding
i just asked some questions and there wasn't any anger in my post
but now that i reread my post i think it was better to use some smilies to reduce its seriousness and not to misunderstand u
sorry for that
پاسخ با نقل قول
کاربران زیر از cz.aria به خاطر پست مفیدش تشکر کرده اند :
قدیمی 02-06-2012
Saba_Baran90 آواتار ها
Saba_Baran90 Saba_Baran90 آنلاین نیست.
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2011
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 902
سپاسها: : 10,211

6,252 سپاس در 1,423 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض

نقل قول:
نوشته اصلی توسط cz.aria نمایش پست ها

hmm somebody translate the first line for me! kidding
i just asked some questions and there wasn't any anger in my post
but now that i reread my post i think it was better to use some smilies to reduce its seriousness and not to misunderstand u

sorry for that
! The first line has only one extra letter:s
you have done this one more time remember?Being busy all day finding something out while you could've just taken it as a little spelling mistake

And by the way i wont forgive you for scaring me out
I actually kinda felt that you were yelling
?Did i creep u out enough now

I know that in the morning now
I see ascending light upon a hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed, still
پاسخ با نقل قول
کاربران زیر از Saba_Baran90 به خاطر پست مفیدش تشکر کرده اند :

برچسب ها
improve your english, love at first sight

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