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کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2011
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 902
سپاسها: : 10,211
6,252 سپاس در 1,423 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
Oh well that's just a really happy coincidence!!! I'm also a huge harry potter fan!!!
What show is it that you're watching for the second time?
I have watched shows more than once before but it's actually been rather pleasant and nostalgic!
What show is it?
I know that in the morning now
I see ascending light upon a hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed, still
2 کاربر زیر از Saba_Baran90 سپاسگزاری کرده اند برای پست مفیدش:
جای تبلیغات شما اینجا خالیست با ما تماس بگیرید
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2012
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 209
سپاسها: : 1,112
795 سپاس در 201 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
It’s House M.D!
Last summer I watched 5 seasons nonstop!
You know, It became more than a show to me and deeply affect my feelings and thought.
I think it will be nonsense to describe effects and emotions from it.
But besides the show itself, all the memory of it tied up with circumstances that I had watching it before! So with watching it twice all that circumstances will be alive, so I can feel all that changes even more, which I am not so good with!
Or maybe it’s just a sign of something deeper that I rather hide and express at the same time!
That’s absurd, I know!
Just never mind me, I will be Alright
2 کاربر زیر از Islander سپاسگزاری کرده اند برای پست مفیدش:
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2011
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 902
سپاسها: : 10,211
6,252 سپاس در 1,423 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
Absured? Now why would you say that?
I get that way too
That's why some shows really stay with us
I get that way by Friends and Lost
It's sort like feeling you belong in there
For me at least
That's a power that TV shows posses over movies
The story evolves slowly and specially if you watch in nonstop, pretty soon you'll end up feeling like a part of it
To this day Nothing can make me feel happy when I'm down easier that watching my favorite shows
So I think it's sweet, passionate and deep of you to get that way
I know that in the morning now
I see ascending light upon a hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed, still
2 کاربر زیر از Saba_Baran90 سپاسگزاری کرده اند برای پست مفیدش:
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2012
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 209
سپاسها: : 1,112
795 سپاس در 201 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
Thank you Saba
I'm So glad that I'm not alone in that
!that's kind of relief
!!you know, loving people in movies and shows and living with them, and caring about them is easier than reality
I mean they won't hurt you after all
ویرایش توسط Islander : 05-14-2014 در ساعت 11:31 PM
کاربران زیر از Islander به خاطر پست مفیدش تشکر کرده اند :
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2011
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 902
سپاسها: : 10,211
6,252 سپاس در 1,423 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
نقل قول:
نوشته اصلی توسط Islander
!!you know, loving people in movies and shows and living with them, and caring about them is easier than reality
I mean they won't hurt you after all
I know that in the morning now
I see ascending light upon a hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed, still
کاربران زیر از Saba_Baran90 به خاطر پست مفیدش تشکر کرده اند :
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2012
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 209
سپاسها: : 1,112
795 سپاس در 201 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
Yes, you are completely right about characters in movies.
And that’s very sweet of you
Pleasure is all mine
I agree, having experience about different characters will affect you for sure. And you can chose what character would you like to be. Quite a living!
Today I was in university girls camping out side of the city!
It was fun!
But I lost my control about selecting words! And used “Cute” once or twice! People make fun of “cute” and my talking style all day!
Fortunately it was fun and I barely get upset.
So speaking English here with such Lovely friends is bliss!
ویرایش توسط Islander : 05-15-2014 در ساعت 11:11 PM
کاربران زیر از Islander به خاطر پست مفیدش تشکر کرده اند :
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2011
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 902
سپاسها: : 10,211
6,252 سپاس در 1,423 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
Yeah!!! I get that!
My brother makes fun of the way I talk too
Wait, you mean you literally used the word "cute"?
That must've been fun
I wish I were there
I really like having someone to speak English to
It's such a warm fuzzy feeling when I do that
By the way Maryam, what is you favorite character(s)?
Do you think about that at all?
I know that in the morning now
I see ascending light upon a hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed, still
کاربران زیر از Saba_Baran90 به خاطر پست مفیدش تشکر کرده اند :
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2012
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 209
سپاسها: : 1,112
795 سپاس در 201 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
Yes! I literally use English words in my routine talking!
!!"For example I said to a friend with cute accent: “cheghadr lahjash cuteeee
!It would have been extremely lovely to have you there, and generally around
!I said I Love House M.D series
!!Dr. House is my number one for now
Being frank, very smart, sarcastic, careless about what others think, obsessed with figuring out the truth and not afraid to say it or accept it, kind in his own way and having a great sense of humor
!They are features that I find adorable in people
ویرایش توسط Islander : 05-16-2014 در ساعت 11:30 PM
کاربران زیر از Islander به خاطر پست مفیدش تشکر کرده اند :
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2011
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 902
سپاسها: : 10,211
6,252 سپاس در 1,423 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
Thank you dear
You're sweet
We will get together sometime and use as many English words as we want , Promise!
I haven't watch that TV show to be honest but I know who the actor is you're talking about
He Guest-starred on Friends once and even in that TV show he had the exact same personality you described him to have in House M.D
Although in Friends he had a very raw British accent too and that just always adds to the appeal
Man I wish I could speak British and not sound funny of course!
Out of all the characters in movies and TV shows I've got like a million favorites but I always find Will in The Good Will Hunting very relatable
Man this is gonna take time!!!
I love a lot of characters
I know that in the morning now
I see ascending light upon a hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed, still
کاربران زیر از Saba_Baran90 به خاطر پست مفیدش تشکر کرده اند :
مدیر تالار انگلیسی
تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2008
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 1,577
سپاسها: : 3,750
4,670 سپاس در 1,282 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
Nice Admin we appreciate you :-)
3 کاربر زیر از مهرگان سپاسگزاری کرده اند برای پست مفیدش:
کاربران در حال دیدن موضوع: 1 نفر (0 عضو و 1 مهمان)
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