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قدیمی 03-07-2012
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تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2011
نوشته ها: 114
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3 سپاس در 3 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض Secret City: The Illegal Architecture of Tawian

معماری Secret City: The Illegal Architecture of Tawian

Beyond the ‘official city’ of Taipei, where modernization and beautification efforts are glossing over the city’s natural and historical origins, there’s Instant City. Using Taipei’s conventional modern architecture as a platform and energy source, this network of illegal architecture attaches itself ‘like a parasite’ to create unsanctioned urban farms, night markets and other social gathering places.

The project is spearheaded by a loose collective of architects calling themselves ‘WEAK!’ after ‘weak architecture’, their term for the vibrant, organic and often transient structures that sprout up on top of the strong, industrial base city of Taipei. They believe that the two can and should co-exist, and that these illegal pop-ups preserve the “natural wisdom” of the hundreds of thousands of Chinese people who have moved from the countryside to the cities.

For example, there’s the Bug Dome – an “un-official social club for illegal workers coming from the Chinese countryside to the city. This small pavilion was constructed mainly by some very sensitive guys from rural Guangxi, true masters of bamboo. The Bug Dome is insect architecture merely reorganizing natural materials into a nest or cocoon.”

Treasure Hill was an illegal hillside community built by and for the people who occupy some of the lowest rungs of Taiwan’s social ladder, before it was ‘beautified’ into an artists’ village. Atop the Ruin Academy – an abandoned 5-story building taken over by architecture, design, sociology and environmental professors and students for workshops on sustainable urbanism – WEAK! has created an illegal wood-beam ‘cocoon’ using no nails.

“If this volume of Local Knowledge that is now pouring into the Chinese cities would be recognized, the new Chinese urbanism would have a change to create something seriously new and environmentally sustainable,” says architect Marco Casagrande, who participated in the project.

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The Underbelly Project: Illegal Secret Subway Art in NYC

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Portable Cities: Suitcase Architecture Made from Clothing

Cast-off clothes from cities like Vancouver and Berlin are masterfully crafted into amazing textile cityscapes in suitcases by artist Yin Xiuzhen. 4 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

Phantom City: App Provides Glimpse of Unbuilt NYC

An iPhone app allows users to explore the New York City that could have been if visionary architectural proposals had become reality. 3 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

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قدیمی 03-07-2012
معماری آواتار ها
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کاربر خودکار بخش معماری
تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2011
نوشته ها: 114
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3 سپاس در 3 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض Open House(s): 10 Wonderful Open-Plan Home Designs

معماری Open House(s): 10 Wonderful Open-Plan Home Designs

There are few design concepts more widely integrated in modern architecture than the idea of openness. When architects work with open designs, they not only allow the residents more flexibility in their living space, they also create homes that feel more spacious and luxurious than their tightly closed-in counterparts.

Minimalist Box Home

This stunningly simple house by Primus Arkitekter of Denmark consists of a few interlocking boxes adorned with weathered wood on the exterior and plain white paint on the interior. The wooden outer walls provide a perfect contrast to the simple, modern interiors -a counterpoint which makes the small home seem far larger than it actually is.

Concrete and Wood Cabin

By combining cool concrete and warm wood, this cozy cabin by BAK Architects is ready to comfort residents all year long. Stairs, cabinets and furniture all seamlessly blend into the greater overall design, seeming to flow gently from the walls themselves. The use of seamed concrete meshes amicably with the grainy wooden slats and hints at stretching expanses of space that may just go on forever.

Open Concrete Box house

Like BAK Architects, designers at Architects Brauning understand that concrete doesn’t have to be a cold, unwelcoming material. Hard steel, brushed concrete and glass walls give this house a distinctively industrial feel, but the open interior, adorned with bright orange flooring and stacks of logs, gives it a warm, welcoming atmosphere –one heavy in contrasts. The sharp lines and inspired contrasts make the house distinctively modern, but still cozy enough to be called home.

Glass on Concrete Underground Home

It’s hard to create a room more open to the outside world than the glass-framed living space sitting atop this concrete home. Perhaps that’s why Alberto Baeza decided to counterbalance this highly visible upper level with the secure, private concrete bunker below. This concrete and glass masterpiece is a perfect setting for anyone who enjoys a great view but still wants to have plenty of privacy as they participate in their normal, day to day activities.

Bridge House

Architect Max Pritchard had quite a challenge ahead of him when presented with this stunning setting for a new home. How could he possibly build something that would allow the owners to enjoy the gently flowing stream, ancient red gum trees and rocky slopes of their property without disturbing any of the natural beauty?

His solution was an industrial-looking house on stilts that somehow manages to look perfectly in place with the serene setting. By gently nestling the home inside the small canyon, Pritchard was able to minimize its visibility from a distance. As you close in on the home, the simple and boxy design, covered in recycled metal, makes the structure almost appear like an abandoned railroad bridge, ensuring it still seems perfectly at ease in its setting.

High Desert Oasis

The slopping, rust-colored roofs of this dramatic desert home bring to mind images of antique barns of the Old West, but upon closer inspection, this design by Rick Joy is one hundred percent modern. Inside the rusted roof and rammed-earth walls are walls made entirely of glass, allowing residents to take in the picturesque views of snow-capped mountains. An edgeless pool is ready to help visitors cool down after a hike across the stunning desert landscape. As much as the home fits in with its surroundings, it also serves as an ideal escape from the area’s harsh realities.

Modular Modern Masterpiece

The pure simplicity of this tiny summer home is exactly what makes the design by Tommie Wilhelmsen so brilliant. By taking advantage of small nooks and crannies, he ensures there is adequate living spaces without isolating and cramping any areas of the small building. While many people would find the house a little too small for year-round enjoyment, it is precisely this quality that makes it such a welcome, comforting summer home –inviting residents to leave their worries, and extra possessions, elsewhere.

Lofted Combination Home and Office

Architects Angelo Bucci and Alvaro Puntoni took advantage of the severe drop off of this piece of property to create a refreshingly unique combination live-work space. Much of the house is hidden away below street level, giving the residents ample privacy. At the same time, the open heart of the design allows in ample light and fresh air, preventing any sense of isolation or stuffiness. One of the most distinct features of the design though is the massive, lofted office space hovering above the rest of the home and accessible only through a metal staircase. This concept is not only attractive, but it also helps keep a distinct separation between the home and office space, helping residents keep a strong distinction between their work and home life.

Modern Hillside Manor

Like the lofted home above, this Hollywood home takes full advantage of challenging natural topography. Designers at Xten Architecture used retaining walls and a massive hillside to create a private inner space that is still provided with natural light and air. On the other side of the building, the house juts out from the mountainside, offering unbelievable views of the city below with its floor-to-ceiling window walls.

Multi-Leveled Bookcase Home

Anyone with an affinity for books will instantly appreciate this architectural marvel devoted to literary extravagance. Architects at grupoSP designed this open-plan library home for some true book lovers who own enough books to fill three floors worth of shelves. Of course, the bookshelves aren’t the only interesting part of this floor plan. Floating metal mesh walkways, two full walls of windows and frequent gaps in the concrete walls allow ample mobility and privacy in the home while still taking full advantage of natural light.

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Dream Designs: 10 Uncanny Ultramodern Homes

Modernism is style - ultramodernism is undefined, but for the purposes of this article is that amazing design approach which brings the future into the present. 30 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

مطالب مرتبط با معماری

اخرین اخبار و مطالب مرتبط با معماری را از آدرس
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قدیمی 03-08-2012
معماری آواتار ها
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تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2011
نوشته ها: 114
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3 سپاس در 3 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض Lollipop House: Striped and Candy-Bright in South Korea

معماری Lollipop House: Striped and Candy-Bright in South Korea

Standing out as comically absurd in a cityscape of unremarkable beige buildings, the Lollipop House by architect Moon Hoon is absolutely one-of-a-kind. With its odd shape and nearly windowless facade, the home in Giheung-Gu, South Korea can seem a bit impractical, but the interior is surprisingly bright and welcoming.

Though it looks no more than two stories from the outside, the Lollipop House contains no less than seven staggered levels from the kitchen on the first floor to various living areas, bedrooms, an attic playroom and even an upper level AV room.

According to Inhabitat, Moon Hoon used timber and metal rather than the concrete construction that is standard in South Korea, and metals that are easily recyclable and more affordable. The house has a radiant floor heating system, and the central staircase leads up to a large skylight that fills the home with energy-efficient daylighting.

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Water Villas: 3 Modern House Boats in Urban Settings

Urban house boats are the best of both worlds, providing a private getaway with views of the water yet docked just steps from the excitement of the city. 5 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

Open House(s): 10 Wonderful Open-Plan Home Designs

Open floor plans allow even the smallest cottage to seem spacious and luxurious. These 10 homes with open plans are the pinnacle of modern architectural design. 1 Comment - Click Here to Read More »»

Crisp White Angular Cantilevered ‘House R’ in Germany

German architecture studio Bembé Dellinger brings an ultramodern touch to a lakeside suburb with 'House R', a cantilevered daylight-filled all-white home. 3 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

مطالب مرتبط با معماری

اخرین اخبار و مطالب مرتبط با معماری را از آدرس
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قدیمی 03-09-2012
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تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2011
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3 سپاس در 3 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض Red People: Wood Block Figures Take Over Moscow

معماری Red People: Wood Block Figures Take Over Moscow

Thirteen red blocks provide endless possibilities for stick-figure people to ride scooters, pose, hold objects and cling to the sides of buildings. These ‘Red People’ have spread throughout the city of Moscow as part of a unique project by Russian art collective Pprofessors, and are even starting to infiltrate politics and popular culture.

Each set of thirteen blocks used to build a ‘red person’ may be small, creating no more than a 12-inch-tall figurine, or oversized, so that they tower above pedestrians on the streets.

Collacubed translated the designers’ text from Russian, learning that the Red People have become a viral phenomenon since appearing throughout the city, and have even become comic book characters.

After appearing at the Gridchinhall Gallery in 2010, some of the figures now permanently reside on the grounds, including one perched on the roof over the gallery’s entrance. See more photos at the Pprofessors journal.

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Spiraling Tower of Babel Made of Books in Buenos Aires

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Urban Street Art Images in Miniature: The Little People of London

Wonderfully creative urban street art. These photographs, taken around town in London and even shown in galleries, are just a small portion of his "little people" collection. 26 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

مطالب مرتبط با معماری

اخرین اخبار و مطالب مرتبط با معماری را از آدرس
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قدیمی 03-11-2012
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تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2011
نوشته ها: 114
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3 سپاس در 3 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض Color-Changing Tile to Create Transforming Spaces

معماری Color-Changing Tile to Create Transforming Spaces

The tiles that line your bathroom might be nice to look at, but what do they actually do? The color-changing tiles from Moving Color take a regular bathroom and make it into an ever-changing work of art.

(image via: Apartment Therapy)

Moving Color’s products turn their environments into dynamic and ever-changing spaces by reacting to ambient temperatures. They start out as one color when cool, then slowly change color as they warm up.

(image via: Moving Color)

The glass tiles, made of 20-80% recycled materials, change colors in gradual steps through the color spectrum as they warm up. Whether the warmth is applied through hot water, the touch of a warm hand or simply the rising air temperature in a room, the changes result in a spectacular hypercolor display.

(image via: BrainStorm)

Although the obvious applications would seem to be wall coverings in bathrooms and kitchens – the two rooms in the home that undergo the most extreme temperature changes – the heat-sensitive tiles could be used in a multitude of applications. The manufacturer suggests using them for artful displays on walls or floors, or even as creative elements in children’s books.

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Incredible RGB Art Shifts as Lighting Colors Change

Can four distinct works of art occupy the same physical space? They do here as differently colored lights bring out dramatically different aspects of one piece. 5 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

Dutch Duo Turns Rio Slum into Rainbow of Color

Two Dutch artists turn a depressing Rio slum into a giant canvas splashed with cheerful shades of pink, green, blue and yellow. 2 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

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اخرین اخبار و مطالب مرتبط با معماری را از آدرس
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پاسخ با نقل قول
قدیمی 03-11-2012
معماری آواتار ها
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تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2011
نوشته ها: 114
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3 سپاس در 3 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض Maids of the Mist: 15 Steamy Humidifier Designs

معماری Maids of the Mist: 15 Steamy Humidifier Designs

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could mist it… and these 15 humidifier designs will ensure you do just that. Running the gamut from cute to clever, these cool steam dream machines will bring you back up when dry air’s got you down.

Wool Ball Hybrid Humidifier

(images via: Coroflot and EcoFriend)

It’s a humidifier! It’s a cat toy! It’s… both? Yes indeed, the Wool Ball Hybrid Humidifier from Cincinnati-based designer Yuan Gu humidifies your home while entertaining your poor, bored, house-bound kitty cat. Maybe “entertaining” isn’t the right word… by playing with this self-contained, kinetic-powered orb your cat will actually be doing some work for a change – just don’t tell it.

(images via: Coroflot and EcoFriend)

The Wool Ball Hybrid Humidifier functions in either of two modes. Placed on a small pedestal and plugged into a nearby electrical outlet it spews mist much like run-of-the-mill home humidifiers. Unplugged and switched on via the integral LCD control panel, it’s free to roll around the floor under the impetus of the resident feline. Though the interior fan runs on a kinetic power source, we much prefer to call it “kitten-powered”.

Mast Humidifier

(images via: Rakuten)

Designed by Shin Okada and crafted from natural Hinoki (Japanese Cypress) wood by Masuya Koubou, the Mast Humidifier adds beauty to one’s home yet doesn’t subtract any electrical power from the grid. Just assemble the humidifier’s components, fill the “hull” base with water, and natural capillary action plus evaporation does the rest. No on/off switch is needed – water won’t evaporate into an already-humid room environment. Bonus: natural Hinoki wood exudes a fresh, lemony aroma and is resistant to rot, mildew and decay.

Penguin Humidifier

(images via: Joe Shlabotnik, Remodel This House and Chris Moseley)

The Adorable Humidifier from Crane is an ultrasonic cool-mist humidifier ideal for infants and children’s rooms. A removable 1-gallon tank can be filled with tap water and runs quietly for up to 11 hours – when the tank’s dry the humidifier shuts off automatically.

(image via: Eliduke)

Costing around $30 and available at most major retailers, the Adorable Humidifier is a perfect example of a clever concept making the transition to successful retail consumer product. Don’t like penguins? No problem, the design is also available in Cow, Elephant, Frog, Pig, and Hello Kitty livery.

Sauna Boy Portable Mini Humidifier

(images via: Good Design Products and Special Election Now)

The Sauna Boy Portable Mini Humidifier blows off steam so you won’t have to! Combining the functions of a humidifier, an aroma diffuser and an air purifier, this compact USB-powered device goes anywhere you and your laptop may roam. An especially neat feature are the decals included with each humidifier that allow you to design your Sauna Boy’s unique facial expression.

Middle Colors Humidifier Supersonic Wave

(images via: Japan Trend Shop and Rakuten)

With a name like Middle Colors Humidifier Supersonic Wave, it’s got to be Japanese – and it is. Even better, this organically curved and beautifully tinted humidifier comes with a matching remote control.

(images via: InventorSpot and Rakuten)

The AC-powered Middle Colors Humidifier Supersonic Wave is designed by Hironao Tsuboi and will run for up to 8 hours on a full tank of tap water. The remote control allows users to select from three settings: Low, Medium and Strong. Seriously, with a setting called “Strong” you know dryness doesn’t stand a chance.

Cup Noodle USB Humidifier

(images via: Strapya World and Gigazine)

Nothing like a steaming Cup Noodle instant ramen to warm the ****les while working late, amiright? What’s also true is that office air can get uncomfortably dry in cooler months. What to do? Set up a Cup Shitsuki ultrasonic humidifier on your desktop, plug it in to your comp via the handy USB connector (or AC adapter) and enjoy moist, soothing mist – calorie-free.

R2D2 USB Humidifier

(images via: Shop NCSX and Technabob)

The R2D2 USB Humidifier begs the question: how does one humidify the chill vacuum of interstellar space? While you’re chewing on that one, Chewbacca, consider the fact that the interiors of spaceships (not to mention the cramped confines of Mom’s basement) can get to feeling uncomfortably droid… er, dried.

(image via: Trendhunter)

Just twist off R2′s head (ignore his pitiable bleeping and blooping) and fill him up with water… hot water, preferably. That’s because this is an old-school steam humidifier that can take up to 20-25 minutes to warm up sufficiently to spew hot vaporized Dihydrogen monoxide into the air.

Oskar Humidifier

(images via: Generate and Gadget HIM)

Be the first one on your block to own an Oskar Humidifier, which is appropriate since the Oskar Humidifier is shaped like a block. It even comes in bright green like the H & R Block logo, though at press time no lawsuits have been filed. Designed by Matti Walker, the Oskar Humidifier features an integrated hygrostat to maintain optimum humidity and automatically shuts off when the water tank is empty. Last but not least, an interior scented-oil container adds aromatherapy to its usual humidifying functionality.

Stitch Humidifier

(images via: Akihabara News and TIKI Stitch)

Can you believe we’re coming up on the 10th anniversary of Lilo & Stitch? What better way to celebrate Disney’s 42nd animated feature than with a Stitch Humidifier? If you answered “a Lilo Humidifier”, you’re out of luck ’cause there isn’t one. You’re stuck with Stitch, like it or not, and there’s no use Hawaiian.

(image via: Runat)

The Stitch Humidifier runs off either a standard wall socket or via USB from your PC or laptop. It was available online for the princely sum of $179.80 but unfortunately (or fortunately, for the budget-conscious) it’s out of stock.

Love Pot Aroma Humidifier

(image via: Trendhunter)

The Love Pot Aroma Humidifier from Nanum is about as environmentally friendly as one can get. The design, by Sangmin Bae & ID+IM Design Lab, is non-electric and functions by natural wicking and evaporation. The red or blue heart-shaped moisture diffuser is made from laminated wool felt that can be safely laundered and re-used. best of all, Nanum promises that 100% of the profits from every Love Pot Aroma Humidifier sold are charitably donated to provide educational scholarships for impoverished children.

Beer Can USB Humidifier

(images via: Green House and ZAKKA Green)

Just wait ’til your boss walks in one morning and spies a can of beer on your desk… that explains the quality of your work lately, he might think. Be sure to interrupt him while he’s filing out a pink slip and explain that the Beer Can USB Humidifier from Green House is, well, a Beer Can USB Humidifier made by Green House.

(image via: Green House)

Green House certainly stressed the detail on this device, down to using German script on the can – the “Grünhaus” name is a nice Teutonic twist. If your boss wants a closer look, let him have it and be sure to point out the “Clear Taste Humidifier” text inscribed beneath the label. After you both have a good laugh over your close encounter with unemployment, explain to him that he can type a ü or any other umlaut character on his keyboard by holding down the ALT key and typing 129 on the Numbers keypad.

Fred Humidifier

(images via: SlipperyBrick and TechyChick)

“Fred” seems like an incongruous name for a UFO-shaped humidifier… unless that’s just one part of it’s evil plan. The organic exterior of the device exudes a cool retro vibe while the insides boil water into soothing steam shot out through a brushed aluminum snout, er, spout. Available in your choice of 6 different colors, the Fred Humidifier offers High and Economy settings and is designed to run extra-quietly. Yep, you’ll sleep like a baby while our friend Fred is out mutilating cattle.

Too Much Aroma Vaporiser

(images via: DeskStore and Made In Design)

The Too Much Aroma Vaporiser from avant garde designer Karim Rashid and Lexon UK may look monolithic but it’s actually quite the multitasker as humidifiers go. Interior air is moisturized and perfumed, improving the atmosphere to promote feelings of well-being. The device also incorporates ambient LED lighting to further set the mood.

(image via: Apartment Therapy)

The Aroma Vaporiser is one of Karim Rashid’s “Too Much” collection, a wide-ranging series of interior lifestyle designs that include everything from dedicated LED lighting to custom computer mice.

The Host Lamp

(image via: TECH@mikeshouts)

The Host Lamp by designer Minsung Bae is a curious concept: a humidifier powered by an incandescent light bulb. Here comes the science: A Thermo-Electric Module inside the device is made up of an aluminum heat sink that captures heat emanated by the light bulb and diverts it to a battery which then provides the power required to run the humidifier. The Host Lamp’s appearance is intriguing as well, being part rustic, slightly Steampunk and anything but commercial plastic.

Steam Mug Eco-Friendly Mini Size Cup Humidifier

(images via: Yanko Design and Zurmat)

Your morning cuppa java won’t steam for long but the Steam Mug Eco-Friendly Mini Size Cup Humidifier will… as long as it’s switched on, at least. Designer Young-Suk Kim engineered the Steam Mug to run on very low water levels, such as what’s left after you return from the office water cooler, take a long sip or two, and get down to work.

(image via: Yanko Design)

The Steam Mug automatically turns on when its placed on the saucer-like holder that’s connected to a convenient USB port. The cool-mist ultrasonic functionality ensures you can still take sips from your cup without steaming your mouth shut.

(image via: ***Y Gadgets)

Do humidifiers have to be high-tech to be cool? Not at all: take the plainly named Radiator Humidifier, for instance. Simply fill the plastic receptacle with water and hang it on your radiator using the integral hooks. No chemicals, no filters, no… radiator? Erm, never mind.

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Just Mist It: Foghorns Worth Sounding Off About

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18 Innovative and ***y Shower and Bath Designs

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Dream Designs: 10 Uncanny Ultramodern Homes

Modernism is style - ultramodernism is undefined, but for the purposes of this article is that amazing design approach which brings the future into the present. 30 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

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اخرین اخبار و مطالب مرتبط با معماری را از آدرس
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پاسخ با نقل قول
قدیمی 03-14-2012
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تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2011
نوشته ها: 114
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3 سپاس در 3 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض Castle in a Grain of Sand: Tiny Nanoscale 3D Printing

معماری Castle in a Grain of Sand: Tiny Nanoscale 3D Printing

It’s a perfect replica of St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna, complete with each tiny peak and each window. But to the ***** eye, this object would look like no more than a grain of sand. The cathedral and other creations like it are among the smallest 3D objects ever to be printed, produced precisely at the nanoscale.

Researchers at the Vienna University of Technology have perfected the process of 3D printing on an amazingly tiny scale. Using technology called “two-photon lithography”, the researchers created a high-precision 3D printer that can print three-dimensional objects both smaller and faster than ever before.

The printer uses movable mirrors to guide a laser beam through liquid resin; the laser hardens the resin into shape. The lines of resin created by the laser are no more than a few hundred nanometers wide. The mirrors move continuously throughout the printing process to create high-resolution objects at a record-breaking speed.

In addition to the printer itself and the technology required to develop it, innovations in the chemistry of the resin play a role in this achievement. “The resin contains molecules, which are activated by the laser light. They induce a chain reaction in other components of the resin, so-called monomers, and turn them into a solid”, says researcher Jan Torgersen.

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3D printing is being used to create some truly spectacular objects. From human organs to bespoke toys, this technology could be the future of manufacturing. 4 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

Best Print This: 12 High-Tech & 3D Printer Design Ideas

Concept designs that use coffee dregs or pencil stubs instead of ink, forgo paper altogether or even produce 3D objects bring printers into the 21st century. 2 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

For Real! 13 Futuristic 3D Scanner & Printer Designs

What do you do when you need a replacement part for your car or want to whip up a tasty meal? Soon, you might rely on your home 3D printer for everyday needs. 1 Comment - Click Here to Read More »»

مطالب مرتبط با معماری

اخرین اخبار و مطالب مرتبط با معماری را از آدرس
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قدیمی 03-15-2012
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تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2011
نوشته ها: 114
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3 سپاس در 3 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض Stylish And Sustainable: 8 Modern Eco-Friendly Homes

معماری Stylish And Sustainable: 8 Modern Eco-Friendly Homes

There was a time when modernism was at odds with the organic designs of nature. As eco-consciousness has taken over the minds of the public, it has also spilled over into the design world, resulting in a new realm of modernist, green designs. From eco-friendly building materials to designs that minimize water and electricity use, these eight homes elegantly combine the stylish and sustainable.

Cozy Concrete Home

With concrete walls and living roofs, this stunning home by A Cero combines modern aesthetics with eco-friendly touches. The result is a seamless blending of contrasts: vivid earth tones balance the somber gray, white and black interior tones while lush grass softens the edges of  hard concrete.

Reclaimed Rough Lumber House

Using reclaimed old-growth softwood beams from buildings that no longer stand, this design by Omer Rarbel blends the old and the new in an unforgettably eye-catching manner. The rugged lines from the massive, colorful wood beams provide a perfect contrast with the hard, gray concrete walls. The end result is a home that resembles an old-growth forest sprouting up beside a rocky cliff face.

Cantilevered Bio Villa

While this design appears somewhat basic from the outside, it is actually a complex feat of bio engineering. The architects of Cloud 9 worked to make the building appear to be made from one single wall that twists and turns from the underground garage all the way to the concrete sloped roof. The softly titled ceiling allows the building to be open throughout the home, letting in ample natural light. It also provides easy access to the rooftop plants, so watering is as simple as walking outside.

Pool Cooled House

The water in this gorgeous home is so stunning that it makes the design itself a work of art, but rather than just serving as a design gimmick, the architects at Wallflower opted to use the ponds as a simple way to cool the house as it sits under the hot Singapore sun. The ponds flow silently and beautifully throughout the home, acting as a heat sink keep the bedrooms and kitchen cool throughout the year.

Sustainable Rainforest Retreat

While this home looks incredibly contemporary, it was actually constructed with a concrete foundation and steel frame that were already in place, but long abandoned. The architects at SPG incorporated these factors into the design, along with the timber that was initially displaced for the building’s construction. To make the home even more eco-friendly, the house also has its own solar panels and a rainwater recycling system.

Recycled Steel, Concrete and Wood Townhouse

Like the Costa Rican retreat, this townhome reused part of the foundation from the building site to create a modernist, sustainable home. The architects at Studio A77 used discarded guard rails, highway dividers, bridge supports and recycled doors to remodel and rebuild this stunning townhouse. The new design is industrial, but eco-friendly and wonderfully open, offering ample natural light.

Wood Pallet Cargo Container Homes

Designers everywhere have been turning to recycled shipping containers to create inexpensive and sustainable homes and offices. But the creative minds at Infiniski decided to take the trend a step further by incorporating recycled wood pallets into the mix. The pallets aren’t only aesthetically pleasing, they are also a good way to add shade to the designs while still letting in light and ventilation.

Minimalist Desert Retreat

Designing a naturally climate-controlled home in the middle of the desert is no easy task, but its not beyond the skills of architect Lloyd Russell. He opted to use a rusted metal canopy to shade the house and patio, while still allowing wind to roll over the roof in order to let the home to cool naturally. The  rusty coloring is a perfect compliment to the desert setting, allowing the building to flow seamlessly with its natural environment.

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Waterfront Wonders: 8 Great Modern Island + Ocean Homes

With stunning views of lakes, rivers and beaches, these eight modernist homes are a perfect match for their gorgeous waterfront settings. 3 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

Simple and Sustainable Clay-Fired Desert Architecture: Innovative Buildings from Local Materials

A basic earthen structure is formed and finished by traditional clay-firing processes - like pottery on a massive scale to build abodes for long-term desert living. 13 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

Dream Designs: 10 Uncanny Ultramodern Homes

Modernism is style - ultramodernism is undefined, but for the purposes of this article is that amazing design approach which brings the future into the present. 30 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

مطالب مرتبط با معماری

اخرین اخبار و مطالب مرتبط با معماری را از آدرس
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پاسخ با نقل قول
قدیمی 03-16-2012
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کاربر خودکار بخش معماری
تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2011
نوشته ها: 114
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3 سپاس در 3 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض Incredible Underwater Landscapes Made with Swirling Ink

معماری Incredible Underwater Landscapes Made with Swirling Ink

Ribbons of color swirl and unfurl in stunning, kinetic formations that call to mind coral and other flora and fauna on the ocean floor. Italian photographer Alberto Seveso drops complimentary shades of ink into water and captures the resulting swirls using high-speed photography techniques.

The colors wrap and mix into each other in sensuous interactions that call to mind alien landscapes in this series by Seveso, entitled ‘A Due Colori’.

Seveso is also known for his series called ‘Ink Riders’, in which a Lego man catches pale blue ink waves.

See more of Alberto Seveso’s work at Behance.

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Literary Landscapes: Carved Books by Guy Laramee

Encyclopedias in English and Chinese are eroded into landscapes by artist Guy Laramee, in a narrative about a dystopian vision of the 23rd century. 3 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

Surreal Fictional Urban Landscapes by Eugene Soloviev

Russian artist Eugene Soloviev crafts disquieting imaginary urban landscapes shrouded in fog, filled with strange architecture and impervious to gravity. 4 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

Paper Art Landscapes: Lace-Like 2D Wall Architecture

Paper artist Laura Cooperman creates delicate, intricate landscapes inspired by the architecture she has seen in her travels to places like Beijing. 2 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

مطالب مرتبط با معماری

اخرین اخبار و مطالب مرتبط با معماری را از آدرس
مشاهده کنید

پاسخ با نقل قول
قدیمی 03-16-2012
معماری آواتار ها
معماری معماری آنلاین نیست.
کاربر خودکار بخش معماری
تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2011
نوشته ها: 114
سپاسها: : 0

3 سپاس در 3 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض The Self-Assembly Line: Viral Architecture Units

معماری The Self-Assembly Line: Viral Architecture Units

This is architectural biomimicry on a whole new level: taking inspiration not from large organisms like trees or animals, but from the molecular structure of a virus module. Designed and installed at the 2012 TED Conference by Skylar Tibbits and Arthur Olson, The Self-Assembly Line consists of a set of these modules inside a larger structure that forces them together through stochastic rotation.

Together, the geometry of each unit as well as magnets affixed to strategic places ensure that the units fit together into a viral structure. Over time, as the units continue to come together, they form furniture-scale configurations. The design is a small-scale version of the architects’ vision for self-assembling large-scale structures.

“Self-Assembly as a method of construction relies on discrete and programmable components, simple construction/design sequences, energy input and structural redundancy – fundamental elements that are demonstrated in the installation,” say the architects at ArchDaily. “This installation demonstrates the intersection of macro and micro worlds as well as translation from molecular and synthetic phenomena to large-scale physical implementation. We aim to fuse the worlds of design, computation and biology through a process of scaling up.”

“While implementing the known structure of molecular systems, this installation also proposes the implementation of design/engineering to natural phenomena as a hybrid system. Part scientific research, part design speculation – we are neither restricted to the exact specifications of the biological realm, nor the limitlessness of the design world.”

Want More? Click for Great Related Content on WebUrbanist:

Blow-Up Buildings: 17 Inflatable Works of Mobile Architecture

Temporary - sometimes even transient - these 17 blow-up structures create enclosed event space where there was none, in public squares and gritty city corners. 5 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

The Art of Architecture: 10 Incredible Installations

Installation art fuses lies at the intersection of art and design, architecture and interiors, and blurs the boundaries between form, function and innovation. 9 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

Simple and Sustainable Clay-Fired Desert Architecture: Innovative Buildings from Local Materials

A basic earthen structure is formed and finished by traditional clay-firing processes - like pottery on a massive scale to build abodes for long-term desert living. 14 Comments - Click Here to Read More »»

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