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قدیمی 09-26-2014
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تاریخ عضویت: Aug 2007
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 1,444
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پیش فرض What is Data Roaming? چیست و کاربرد آن در حوزه ارتباطات کجاست ؟

توضیح در باره What is Data Roaming?
کاربرد و معنا چیست؟

Data roaming refers to the connection of your phone to the internet through another provider if you own a smartphone that has access to web browsing and mobile apps. This happens when you are no longer within the area covered by the network of your mobile phone. For instance, when you travel out of the country, it is more likely that your phone won’t have a network signal and will roam in order to find another network. Through this service provider, you will then be able to use your phone to send messages, make phone calls, etc.

However, you must be aware of how much you need to pay to be able to send texts, make phone calls, and enjoy other services because your mobile network can charge significant amounts. Charges will also be more substantial when you access the internet. With this, you need to keep yourself informed regarding these matters before you travel so you wouldn’t end up with a huge bill.

When you are using your phone out of the country,you can lessen the costs for data roaming by making sure that the data roaming option is switched off, except when you really need it. You will find the steps for controlling this option on the user manual of your phone.

Moreover, you should also switch off the “push” settings of your applications and mail. To avoid substantial charges, it is advisable to only use the Wi-Fi networks available in the area to access the internet. By using the Wi-Fi in the hotel or restaurant, your service provider will not charge you for any downloaded data.

If you are travelling abroad and you have to use your mobile phone a lot, it is recommended to inquire to your service provider about the packages that they can offer to minimize your costs. Through these simple tips, you will definitely be able to enjoy your time without being surprised by additional charges when you finally received your mobile phone bill.

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