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قدیمی 11-26-2012
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تاریخ عضویت: Aug 2007
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 1,444
سپاسها: : 907

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پیش فرض معنی What is an RMVB file extension? و کاربرد آن در چه حوزه ایست؟

توضیح در باره What is an RMVB file extension?

و معنای آن در چه حوزه ای کاربرد دارد ؟

What is an RMVB file extension?

“RMVB” stands for “RealMedia Variable Bitrate,” and it refers to a file extension used for multimedia files that runs on a RealMedia player and other media players like Windows Media Player Classic, VLC Media Player, and MPlayer, among many others.  RMVB files differ from the more common RealMedia container files that are able to stream media using a constant bitrate. Files with RMVB extensions, meanwhile, run on a variable bitrate with its compression format running similarly to that of MPEG-4 file formats.

People usually encounter files with RMVB extensions on various file sharing and media downloading sites.  This is especially true for various Chinese TV and movie files which are usually saved in the RMVB format. With lots of Chinese-speaking users on the Web, more of these files literally show up on search engines when one is looking for various media files with Asian content.  In the case of BitTorrent, for example, one may find several Chinese movies that are saved in the RMVB file format.  Using this file is not bothersome for some people as they may have a compatible media player that can open such types of files.  As for other people, though, files with an RMVB extension may need to be converted to another file type and format to successfully view the content.

People with a RealPlayer SP, or the classic version of the default Windows Media Player, support files under the RMVB format.  For computers that have these media players installed, RMVB files can be viewed successfully.  For other media player software, one may need to download decoders and other update files to be able to view an RMVB file.  Otherwise, one may need to have a file converter installed which could help create a new file in a new format with the same content.  Some people, for example, convert RMVB files into AVI files as these are more common and generally play on most media playing software.  Other people may also opt to convert files with RMVB file extensions into their preferred file formats like MPG, MPEG, and YouTube FLV, or Flash Video, depending on the media player available on their computers.

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