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ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 08-14-2013
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تاریخ عضویت: May 2013
نوشته ها: 108
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Post مقایسه تفاوت های Difference between SSRS and SSIS

مقایسه تفاوت های Difference between SSRS and SSIS


Microsoft has been the leader in the software front and there is no doubt that it is the market leader in this front. The relational database engine is no different with the view that Microsoft as its SQL server that comes with added services that are of great use and assistance to the end user. These tools provided by Microsoft are invaluable to the user that has a need for building enterprise business intelligence. In the enterprise, need of data integration reporting and analysis together with collection of intelligence of data during processing may arise.

It is for this purpose that the need to use all mentioned specific services in the SQL server arise. It is however important to note that the SQL server can function independently of these extra services.  The extra services provide value to the end user by helping them to develop comprehensive server solutions for business. Two common services include the SQL Server Integration Services, commonly referred to as SSIS and the SQL Server Integration Services that is commonly referred to as SSRS.  In as much the general scope of both programs is to add value to the SQL server, they tend to differ slightly.

The SSIS can be termed to be the data holding arm that is used by the SQL Server 2008 R2 suite. In its functionality, SSIS comes loaded with superior Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) features. These features are of great importance as they provide the capability that allows for the movement of data to another source. Data can also be changed if there is need for it to be, as the encoding of SSIS allows for it.

To start the data integration process, SSIS comes loaded with three important features. These components include the Import and Export Wizard, the SSIS API programming and the SSIS Designer. As the name denotes, the main function of the Import and Export Wizard is the transfer of data from source to its destination. It is important to note that this wizard does not come with data transformation capabilities. The SSIS API module is quite important as it allows for the coding of SSIS packages that uses several different programming languages. Lastly, SSIS Designer is a special and integrated component that comes with the Business Intelligent Development Studio that is to a large extent used for the creation, development and maintenance of the various integration service packages.

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) on the other hand comes as a framework that is instrumental in actual reporting. Among some of the report making capabilities that SSRS has under its belt include Report Designer, Report Builder, Report Server and Report Manager. These work together through a special interface on the Web that enables the development of concise and interactive reporting solutions. Report Builder is a special tool that helps in the generation of the reports quickly, even without one needing to understand the data structure.  Report designer is important and can be exploited by developers, adding complexity to custom reports. The report server on the other hand is the core process in the SSRS and manages, processes and delivers reports through the available processors.


Though SQL server can function independently extra services necessary for seamless enterprise environment to be seen.

SSIS refers to SQL SQL Server Integration Services

SSRS refers to SQL Server Integration Services

SSIS main feature is data holding

SSIS Main features include Import and Export Wizard, the SSIS API programming and the SSIS Designer

(SSRS) mainly used for reporting

SSRS has report making capabilities with components: Report Designer, Report Builder, Report Server and Report Manager

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