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قدیمی 01-07-2014
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تاریخ عضویت: Aug 2007
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
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پیش فرض معنی What is DCB? در حوزه سخت افزار چیست؟

توضیح در باره What is DCB?
کاربرد و معنا آن در سخت افزار چیست؟

DCB or data center bridging refers to an enhancement technology to existing Ethernet computer networks systems. Ethernet technology is the main technology used for communications or networking between computers. Local area networks in various offices for example are typically configured and setup using Ethernet technology. With enhancement to this technology in the form of DCB or data center bridging, data loss may be eliminated or minimized and bandwidth allocation may also be possibly configured.
Common local area networks using Ethernet are the most common and popular among various organizations and industries. Various protocols and standards that are in place for networking and computer-to-computer communications are setup and run with Ethernet technology. High-level protocols like IP or Internet Protocol for example use Ethernet as the main technology for data transfer between one part of the network to another. Although the use of basic Ethernet technology is already effective and very functional, many experts have often sought for enhancements on some features. With Ethernet, transmission of data packets may not totally effective with some data loss resulting from a very busy network. Through DCB or data center bridging, this loss of packet data is significantly minimized resulting to a more effective and seamless network computing.

Data center bridging also enhances the Ethernet in the form of bandwidth allocation. This simply translates to being able to give priority to some parts of the computer network in terms of data transmission rights and capabilities. With this enhancement, data center bridging allows allocation of higher bandwidth for more crucial and important network services making the total computer setup more efficient and reliable. Aside from these basic advantages and enhancemens, what makes data center bridging very beneficial is that it is very easy to manage and maintain. Deployment and upgrades are also made simple making this feature a true enhancement of Ethernet technology. Data center bridging also results to lower operations costs for computer networks because of fewer physical components and low power requirements.Similar Posts:
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