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لینوکس - linux در این تالار مسائل مربوط به سیستم عامل قدرتمند لینوکس و هسته های مختلف آن , اخبار دانلود نرم افزارها و.... پرداخته میشود

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 06-13-2011
نرم افزارهای لینوکس آواتار ها
نرم افزارهای لینوکس نرم افزارهای لینوکس آنلاین نیست.
Linux APP دانلود نرم افزارهای لینوکس
تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2009
نوشته ها: 49
سپاسها: : 0

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پیش فرض MagOS 20110522 (based on Mandriva 2010.2)

MagOS 20110522 (based on Mandriva 2010.2)
نرم افزارهای لینوکس

MagOS 20110522 (based on Mandriva 2010.2) | 1.04 GB

MagOS Linux - is a multi-distribution based on Mandriva Linux scripts and Linux-live.org. According to the principle of MagOS a Live system, which can be used as a normal distribution. In this case, you get all the same as in normal distribution + incredible flexibility through modules and features to boot the system virtually from anywhere (hard drives, flash drives, network boot via NFS, HTTP, DVD). A compressed file system makes the distribution of compact and increases the speed.

A brief overview of the system:
Installation is just copying files to the file system (FAT, NTFS, EXT, etc.), the loader put through scripts under Linux and Windows.
By storing data files by default allocated 512 MB for the first profile, and 256 MB of the second profile that can be changed at will (the console)
Profiles include adapting the system for themselves and do not contain general distribution files, you can easily archive, copy, view and edit, reset the file changes (cm / mnt / live / memory / changes)

Scripts linux-live.org provide certain advantages, such as: copy2ram option and ability to save data directly to Flash USB to FAT system
Ability to work without a hard drive in your computer
Equipment automatically detected and configured during system startup.

The system includes:
MagOS contains about 3,5 GB of software packed in lzma modules with total size of about 1 GB.
The composition includes MagOS directly 3 graphic environments - KDE4, Gnome, LXDE. Possible to choose any depending on personal preferences and capabilities of the hardware.
Included software for the Internet, office, administration and reconstruction, image editors, development environments.
Possible to run programs and games for Windows using the library of Wine, but PlayOnLinux makes it easy to configure software in Wine.
On the video card that supports acceleration (Nvidia, Ati, Intel) might use a three-dimensional desktop Compiz with incredible graphics effects.

Ext. Information:
Possible to have 4 desktop operating system for 2 GB Flash USB (1 GB MagOS + 4 profiles, 256 MB)
You can create a customized user neubivaemy OS, where the required data are stored on the screw in the folder, and all changes to the system after the reboot are lost and the system is restored to its original state.

"The principle of humanity." The system is configured and not a computer, and a man. You always wears his running with you and use it on different computers.
You can throw out unnecessary system modules and assemble software distribution tasks in formats: Live CD / DVD, Live Flash, Live HDD
The system can easily add modules, and make your module can even inexperienced user.
Activate the module, you can simply click and he immediately "on the fly is available in the system.
Possible to boot the system via HTTP or NFS for diskless terminals and at the same time get a thick client with the ability to run Windows in a virtual machine (Windows running on HTTP!!! And not subject to virus attacks). At the same time can work in programs requiring large computational resources (programs and 3D modeling, etc.) and what was not achieved when using thin client technology.
Support for AES256 encrypted modules that are easily created and connected.
Separate containers home directory / home with the possibility of encryption AES256.
Modules available on record in which you can store individual directories, personal settings, documents, files, etc.
Easy to upgrade through synchronization with a centralized repository.
The set of modules assembled with a set of programs on various topics.
and much more.

Features Release 20110522:
includes updates on 05/21/2011
Changed save2module (Now changes are stored in one module)
changes in the parameter you can specify the path to the nfs server
As the profile (changes =) you can specify lzm module, when you turn off the system will store the data in this module. (Empty module to save can be taken in the archive profiles.7z)
introduced a new parameter savelist, which allows you to selectively keep specific files and folders on the pattern. Parameter is only used when saving lzm archive.
new parameter ini file UPDATEHOME which allows you to update home folder in case of change of custom template (can be useful when connecting several modules in the selective saving custom folders)
Boot mode MagOS_failsafe disables all modules (lying in the folder / modules /)
during the system boot off an attempt to install dkms package for equipment
the themes MagOS MagOS-dark MagOS-green off the animation elements for acceleration of the interface on slow processors
in the manager log text color changed to black for better contrast
added to the system hotkey Win + n to display the active user interfaces
the default path PATH added to the path / usr / lib / magos / scripts, in this folder moved all their own scripts and utilities MagOS
Fixed detection of DNS servers for the ppp0 connection
Fixed the default proftpd for anonymous access
added utility notes zim
Boot mode adds support for network modules network cards virtio_net atl1 atl2 igb
in the contextual menu, file manager for KDE and GNOME added commands for creating and modifying profiles, temporary provision of general access to the network (ftp, nfs, samba), send the file by mail (thunderbird), creating and extracting lzm modules, etc.
Added a graphical utility for converting system modules into a format lzm uncompressed (for slower computers)

Homepage: Code:
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