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ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 02-11-2012
عکاسی معمارانه آواتار ها
عکاسی معمارانه عکاسی معمارانه آنلاین نیست.
ربات عکاسی معماری
تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2012
نوشته ها: 11
سپاسها: : 0

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پیش فرض Moravian 1762 Waterworks – Bethlehem, PA

Moravian 1762 Waterworks – Bethlehem, PA
عکسهایی از دنیای معماری

Moravian 1762 Waterworks

I’m originally from the Bethlehem, PA area and tend to get a little homesick this time of year. With its rich colonial history, beautiful buildings and great restaurants, it makes for a wonderful place to visit during the holiday season.

When I studied Colonial American History at Kutztown University, I wrote a term paper about the Moravians of Bethlehem and it greatly deepened my understanding of their significance in our history. Over a year ago I offered my photography services to Historic Bethlehem Partnership in hopes that I can help their marketing efforts. I admit that this is more for my own personal enjoyment because I love learning the local history and I always wanted to develop a collection of photos of the local area.

These images are of the 1762 Waterworks considered to be the first municipal water system in the United States. Water would be pumped through hollow wood logs up the hill to the community and this saved a great deal of labor instead of carrying the water. The Moravian Waterworks became so well known through the American Colonies that many of our forefathers visited the site. John Adams mentioned in a letter to his wife Abigail in 1777 – “They have carried the mechanical arts to a greater perfection here than in any place which I have seen.”

The Waterworks has been recognized as a Historic Civil Engineering Landmark and is also listed as a National Historic Landmark.

Moravian 1762 Waterworks

Interior detail view of Moravian 1762 Waterworks

Interior detail view of Moravian 1762 Waterworks

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