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بازی های موبایل - download free games for mobiles and cell phone در این بخش میتوانید بازی ها موبایل را دانلود کنید و به بحث در مورد آنها بپردازید دانلود بازیهای جاوا و سیمبیان برای موبایل download free java and symbian game for mobiles . UIQ

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 07-10-2009
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دانلود جدیدترین بازیهای موبایل
تاریخ عضویت: Feb 2009
نوشته ها: 196
سپاسها: : 0
در ماه گذشته یکبار از ایشان سپاسگزاری شده
پیش فرض گیم موبایل Mario Life v1.1 for iPhone and iPod Touch

گیم موبایل Rapidshare.com Mario Life v1.1 for iPhone and iPod Touch

جدیدترین بازیهای برای موبایل شما

Application description
Mario Life is an alternate reality GPS game, which literally combines virtual and real world, so you play in both. The aim of the game is to find and rescue beautiful princesses languishing in their locked hidden castles all over the World map. There are no geographical boundaries! Play whenever and wherever you like, whether it is a North Pole or USA!


1. To see concealed castles you must get enough scores by collecting gold coins scattered on the map. To get a coin simply approach its indicated location.
2. If you get lucky to run against a Mushroom, be aware that it makes you “bigger” increasing your vision so you can see more objects on the map.
3. Mariolife is a multiplayer game. The world is opened for everyone! So don't be scary when you see other Mariolife player around you.
4. When you collected enough coins you gained the ability to see previously concealed castles. Use Mario “thermometer” to lead you through the city jungle or any other place you’ve happened to start playing in to the princess. It shows how far you are from the nearest princess.
5. All other players are your competitors, thus approaching the castle keep in mind that it can be already empty if someone visited it first. If so – try to find another one.
6. There are limited amount of coins and princesses in Mariolife world and this amount stays the same for every week meaning a game season, starting on every Sunday.
7. Every new season all coins and castles' locations are renewed.


1. You receive 1 score per coin on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
2. 2 scores on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
3. Finally, 3 scores per 1 coin on Saturday.

Play Mariolife anytime anywhere on Earth!

Ranking system is on its way in future releases.

This is a preview version of the game. Mariolife is in a hard development process. Please feel free to mail team@mariolife.com or ask your questions in Twitter (see link below). Your every feedback is very important and valuable to us. We are doing our best to make Mariolife more exciting.

Please follow Code:
to keep track of new features currently in development.

The next update is planned right after SDK 3.0 is out and new version is approved by AppStore.

Thank you!

Sincerely yours,
Sasha and Slava

New in this version
Unavailable Languages
English Requirements
Compatible with iPhone
Requires iPhone OS 2.2.1 or later


Links checked on 10/08/09 by link checker bot
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