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شعر و ادبیات در این قسمت شعر داستان و سایر موارد ادبی دیگر به بحث و گفت و گو گذاشته میشود

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 01-06-2009
shabhaye_mahtabi آواتار ها
shabhaye_mahtabi shabhaye_mahtabi آنلاین نیست.
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت: Oct 2007
محل سکونت: تهران
نوشته ها: 1,411
سپاسها: : 8

68 سپاس در 39 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض درباره امام حسین (ع)

10 حدیث درباره امام حسین (علیه السلام)
حديث اول: حريم پاك.
عن النبى (ص) قال:... و هى اطهر بقاع الارض واعظمها حرمة و إنها لمن بطحاء الجنة.
پيامبر اسلام (صلى الله عليه و آله) در ضمن حديث بلندى مى‏فرمايد:
كربلا پاكترين بقعه روى زمين و از نظر احترام بزرگترين بقعه‏ها است و الحق كه كربلا از بساطهاى بهشت است.
بحار الانوار، ج 98، ص 115 و نيز كامل الزيارات، ص 264
حديث دوم: سرزمين نجات
قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه و آله):
يقبر ابنى بأرض يقال لها كربلا هى البقعة التى كانت فيها قبة الاسلام نجا الله التى عليها المؤمنين الذين امنوا مع نوح فى الطوفان.
پيامبر خدا (ص) فرمود: پسرم حسين در سرزمينى به خاك سپرده مى‏شود كه به آن كربلا گويند، زمين ممتازى كه همواره گنبد اسلام بوده است، چنانكه خدا ياران مومن حضرت نوح را در همانجا از طوفان نجات داد .
كامل الزيارات، ص،269، باب 88، ح 8
حديث سوم:مسلخ عشق‏
قال على (عليه السلام): هذا... مصارع عشاق شهداء لا يسبقهم من كان قبلهم و لا يلحقهم من كان بعدهم.
حضرت على (عليه السلام) روزى گذرش از كربلا افتاد و فرمود:
اينجا قربانگاه عاشقان و مشهد شهيدان است شهيدانى كه نه شهداى گذشته و نه شهداى آينده به پاى آنها نمى‏رسند.

تهذيب، ج 6، ص،73 و بحار، ج 98، ص .116
حديث چهارم: عطر عشق‏
قال على (عليه السلام): واها لك ايتها التربة ليحشرن منك قوم يدخلون الجنة بغير حساب‏
امير المومنين (عليه السلام) خطاب به خاك كربلا فرمود: چه خوشبويى اى خاك! در روز قيامت قومى از تو بپا خيزند كه بدون حساب و بى درنگ به بهشت روند.
شرح نهج البلاغه ابن ابى الحديد، ج 4، ص 169
حديث پنجم: ستاره سرخ محشر
قال على بن الحسين (عليه السلام): تزهر أرض كربلا يوم القيامة كالكوكب الدرى وتنادى انا ارض الله المقدسة الطيبة المباركة التى تضمنت سيد الشهداء و سيد شباب اهل الجنة.
امام سجاد (عليه السلام) فرمود: زمين كربلا، در روز رستاخيز، چون ستاره مرواريدى مى‏درخشد و ندا مى‏دهد كه من زمين مقدس خدايم، زمين پاك و مباركى كه پيشواى شهيدان و سالار جوانان بهشت را در بر گرفته است .
ادب الطف، ج 1، ص 236، به نقل از كامل الزيارات، ص 268.
حديث ششم: كربلا وبيت المقدس‏
قال ابوعبدالله (عليه السلام) : الغاضرية من تربة بيت المقدس.
امام صادق (عليه السلام) فرمود: كربلا از خاك بيت المقدس است.
كامل الزيارات، ص 269، باب 88 ح،.7
حديث هفتم: فرات و كربلا
قال ابو عبد الله: ان أرض كربلا وماء الفرات اول ارض و اول ماء قدس الله تبارك و تعالى...
امام صادق (عليه السلام) فرمود: سرزمين كربلا و آب فرات، اولين زمين و نخستين آبى بودند كه خداوند متعال به آنها قداست وشرافت بخشيد.
بحار الانوار، ج،98، ص 109 و نيز كامل الزيارات، ص .269
حديث هشتم: كربلا كعبه انبياء
قال ابو عبدالله (عليه السلام): ليس نبى فى السموات و الارض و اءلا يسألون الله تبارك و تعالى ان يوذن لهم فى زيارة الحسين (عليه السلام) ففوج ينزل و فوج يعرج.
امام صادق (عليه السلام) فرمود: هيچ پيامبرى در آسمانها و زمين نيست مگر اين كه مى‏خواهند خداوند متعال به آنان رخصت دهد تا به زيارت امام حسين (عليه السلام) مشرف شوند، چنين است كه گروهى به كربلا فرود آيند و گروهى از آنجا عروج كنند. مستدرك الوسائل، ج 10، ص 244 به نقل از كامل الزيارات، ص 111
حديث نهم: كربلا، مطاف فرشتگان‏
قال ابو عبدالله (عليه السلام): ليس من ملك فى السموات و الارض إلا يسألون الله تبارك و تعالى ان يوذن لهم فى زيارة الحسين (عليه السلام) ففوج ينزل و فوج يعرج.
امام صادق (عليه السلام) فرمود: هيچ فرشته‏اى در آسمانها و زمين نيست مگر اين كه مى‏خواهد خداوند متعال به او رخصت دهد تا به زيارت امام حسين (عليه السلام) مشرف شود، چنين است كه همواره فوجى از فرشتگان به كربلا فرود آيند و فوجى ديگر عروج كنند و از آنجا اوج گيرند.
مستدرك الوسائل، ج 10، ص 244 به نقل از كامل الزيارات، ص 111
حديث دهم: راه بهشت‏
قال ابو عبدالله (عليه السلام): موضع قبر الحسين (عليه السلام) ترعة من ترع الجنة.
امام صادق (عليه السلام) فرمود: جايگاه قبر امام حسين (عليه السلام) درى از درهاى بهشت است.
كامل الزيارات، ص 271، باب 89، ح 1

نويسنده:محمد صحتى سردرودى‏
منبع:چهل حديث كربلا
التماس دعا
با تشکر فریبا
من هنوز ایمان دارم مادرم را خواهم دید
وقتی تمام دیوار بیمارستان تیتر زده اند : آی ... سی .... یو
این فشار ها که به خونت می آیند ،
تمام رگ هایم از بهشت متنفر می شوند
که زیر پایت را خالی می کنند ...
" هومن شریفی "

پاسخ با نقل قول
جای تبلیغات شما اینجا خالیست با ما تماس بگیرید

قدیمی 01-22-2009
دانه کولانه آواتار ها
دانه کولانه دانه کولانه آنلاین نیست.
    مدیر کل سایت
کوروش نعلینی
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2007
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 12,700
سپاسها: : 1,382

7,486 سپاس در 1,899 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
دانه کولانه به Yahoo ارسال پیام
پیش فرض دانلود چهل حدیث از امام حسین


40 حدیث از امام حسین برای دانلود روی لینک بالا کلیک کنید

Name: Al-Hussein
Father: Ali, son of Abu Talib
Date of Birth: He was born in Medina, on the third of Sha’ban in the year 4 A.H. (1/8/626).
Date of Death: 10th of Muharram, 61 A.H. 10/10/680
Martyrdom: Sword of Shimr, in the Battle of Ashura
Kunyah: Abu Abdallah
Title: Sayyidu’sh Shuhada’ as Sibt (al-Asghar)


Six months after Al-Hassan was born, Fatima(s.a.) became pregnant with her second child. Lady Fatima started noticing the signs that childbearing was near, but the Prophet (s.a.w.) had already foretold of Imam Hussin’s birth.

On the third of the blessed month of Sha’ban, the fourth year after Hijra, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) was given news of the birth of Imam Hussein (a.s.). He (s.a.w.) hurried to the house of Imam Ali and Fatima al-Zahra.

Safia Bint Abdul Muttalib, Asma Bint Umais, and Um Salama were present when Imam Hussain was born.

When the Prophet asked Safia (his aunt) to bring him the newborn child, she said: "We have not cleaned him yet." When the Prophet heard this, he (s.a.w.) said: "You clean him? Surely Allah the Exalted has cleaned and purified him"

Asma took the newborn child to him. The infant was wrapped in a piece of cloth. The face of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) lit up upon seeing his grandson. He took him in his arms. He recited the call to prayer (adan) into his right ear, and read the shorter version (iqama) in his left ear. He, then, placed the baby in his lap and wept.

"May my father and mother be your sacrifice," Asma asked him, "why are you crying?"

"Because of my son," he (s.a.w) replied.

"He is a newborn baby," she said.

"O Asma," he (s.a.w) said, "After me, the transgressing party will kill him. May Allah never grant them my intercession."

Then he said: "Asma, do not tell Fatima about this, for she has just given birth to him."

After Al-Hussein was born, Gabriel descended to the Prophet (s.a.w.) and revealed to him to give the new baby the name Al-Hussain. Al-Hussain is the Arabic version of the old Hebrew name Shabir, which was Haroun’s second son’s name. When Gabriel descended to the Prophet, scores of angels accompanied him to congratulate and console the Prophet for Hussain’s birth and expected martyrdom.

Seven days after the birth , the Messenger of Allah shaved Hussain’s head and gave the weight of his hair as charity for him.


Unlike any other city, Karbala has its named engraved in the memory of generations, and in the expanse of the Muslim world...

Believers remember that name with sorrow and distress, for they remember the history of the master of all martyrs, Imam Husain, peace be upon him, and his sacrifice for Islam.

The wave of visitors never stopped coming to Karbala, from the time the Umayyad and Abbaside caliphs prevented the construction of the shrines to the time the believers were able to build the precinct, despite the hardships and difficulties imposed on them.

And today, since Karbala is witnessing new calamities, and the mausoleums of Imam Husain [a] and his companions are subjected to destruction and neglect, and visitors are prevented from reaching that place, it is suitable to familiarise ourselves with Karbala...

Two main roads lead the visitor to Karbala. One is from the Iraqi capital Baghdad, through Al-Musails, and the other is from the holy city of Najaf. However, either one excites the visitor with its greenish scenery along the sides.

Upon reaching Karbala, the holy place would draw the visitor's attention to its glorious minarets and domes shining due to the light of its lord.

At the city's entrance, the visitor finds a row of houses decorated with wooden columns, and while proceeding further towards the holy mausoleum, he sees architechture similar, to some extent, to modern ones.

Upon reaching the holy shrine, one finds himself in front of a boundary wall that surrounds wooden gates covered with glass decorations, and when one enters one of those gates, he enters a precinct surrounded by small rooms called "Iwans".

The holy grave is located in the middle of the precinct, surrounded by square shaped structures called "Rawaq".

The grave itself is located in the middle of the grave site with golden windows around it, with beautiful illumination. It really is something great to see.

"Karbala" Origin & Meaning
There are many opinions among different investigators, as to the origin of the word "Karbala".
Some have pointed out that "Karbala" has a connection to the "Karbalato" language, while others attempt to derive the meaning of word "Karbala" by analysing its spelling and language. They conclude that it originates from the Arabic word "Kar Babel" which was a group of ancient Babylonian villages that included Nainawa, Al-Ghadiriyya, Karbella, Al-Nawaweess, and Al-Heer. This last name is today known as Al-Hair and is where Imam Husayn's [a] grave is located.

The investigator Yaqut al-Hamawy had pointed out that the meaning of "Karbala" could have several explanations, one of which is that the place where Imam Husayn [a] was killed is made of soft earth - "Al-Karbalat".

Other writers made the connection between the name and the disastrous event which painted the desert with blood, and so the word "Karbala" was said to compose of two Arabic words: "Karb" meaning grief and sorrow, and "Balaa" meaning affliction. Such a connection, in fact, has no scientific evidence, since Karbala was known as such even before the arrival of Imam Husain, peace be upon him.

Martyrdom and popularity

Karbala was at first an uninhabited place and did not witness any construction activity, although it was rich in water and its soil fertile.

Following the tenth of Muharram 61 AH (680 AD), after the martyrdom of Imam Husain [a], people from far as well as tribes living nearby started visiting the holy grave.

A lot of those who came, stayed behind and/or asked their relatives to bury them there after their demise.

Despite many attempts by successive rulers, such as Al-Rashid and Al-Mutawakkil, to put a restriction on the development of this area, it has nonetheless spread with time to become a city.

Bounty of visiting Imam Husayn [a]

There is a lot of benefit and great spiritual reward in visiting the grave of Imam Husain [a]. The Prophet [s] has said of his grandson Imam Husain [a]: "Husain is of me and I am of him". Several narrations mention that visiting the grave of Imam Husain [a] relieves one of worldly afflictions as well as those after death.

Believers, therefore, come from all parts of the world all year round to receive the honour of visiting Imam Husain [a], particularly during the first ten days of Muharram (Ashura) and the twentieth of Safar (the fourtieth).

One common Iraqi custom during that season is to go walking from Najaf to Karbala, reflecting their strong adhesion to and adoption of the morals and principles for which Imam Husain [a] struggled and attained martyrdom.

Mausoleum of Imam Husain, peace be upon him
The historian Ibn Kuluwayh mentioned that those who buried Imam Husain [a], made a special and rigid construction with signs above the grave.

Higher and bigger constructions above the grave started during the ruling of Al-Saffah, but Harun al-Rashid later on, put heavy restrictions to prevent people from visiting the grave.

At the time of Al-Mamun, construction around the grave resumed until the year 236 AH when Al-Mutawakkil ordered the destruction and digging of the grave, and then filling the pit with water. His son, who succeeded him, allowed people to visit the grave site, and since then building the precinct to the grave increased and developed step by step.

On the other hand, the historian Ibn Al-Athir, stated that in the year 371 AH, Aadod Al-Dawla Al-Boowayhi became the first to largely lay the foundations for large scale construction, and generously decorated the place. He also built houses and markets around the precinct, and surrounded Karbala with a high boundary wall turning it into a strong castle.

In the year 407 AH, the precinct caught fire due to the dropping of two large candles on the wooden decorations, but Hasan ibn Fadl (the state minister) rebuilt the damaged sections.

History has recorded the names of several rulers who shared the honour of widening, decorating or keeping the precinct in good condition. Amongst them is Fateh Ali al-Qajari, who in 1250 AH ordered the construction of two domes. One over Imam Husain's [a] grave and the other over his brother Abu al-Fadl Abbas [a].

The first dome is 27 meters high and completely covered with gold. At the bottom, it is surrounded with 12 windows, each of which is about 1.25 m away from the other, from the inside, and 1.30 m from the outside.

The mausoleum has an area of 59 m / 75 m with ten gates, and about 65 rooms (I wans), well decorated from the inside and outside, used as classrooms for studying.

As for the grave itself, in the middle of the precinct, it is called the "Rawda" or garden and it has several doors. The most famous one is called "Al-Qibla" or "Bab al-Dhahab". When it is entered, one can see the tomb of Habib ibn Madhahir al-Asadi, to the right hand side. Habib was a friend and companion of Imam Husain [a] since their childhood. He was one of those who was honoured with martrdom at the Battle of Karbala.

The resting place of Abbas b. Ali, peace be upon him
Abu al-Fadl Abbas, peace be upon him, was the brother of Imam Hasain [a] and Imam Husayn [a] and the standard-bearer of Imam Husain [a] in the Battle of Karbala. He is well known in history for his valour, loyalty and similarity to his father, the Lion of God, Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him.

The grave of Abbas [a] received similar attention as that of Imam Husain [a]. In the year 1032 AH, the King Tahmaseb ordered the decoration of the grave's dome. He built a window on the 'darih' around the grave and organized the precinct. Other similar activities were done by other rulers.

As a matter of fact, Karbala contains, besides the grave of Imam Husain [a] and his brother, the grave of all the 72 martyrs of Karbala. They were buried in a mass grave which was then covered with soil to the ground level. This mass grave is at the foot of Imam Husain's [a] grave. In particular, besides Imam Husain's grave are the graves of his two sons Ali Akbar and 6-month old Ali Asgher.

فایلهای پیوست شده : متاسفانه تمامی فایلهای ضمیمه شده تا مرداد 91 یعنی July, 2012 به خاطر بی دقتی شرکت سرویس دهنده خدمات سرور ما از بین رفته است بنابراین به تاریخ ضمیمه شدن فایلهایی که میخواهید دانلود کنید دقت بفرمایید که ما شرمسار بازدید کنندگان گرامی خود نشویم . فایلهای ضمیمه شده بعد از این تاریخ هیچ گونه مشکلی ندارند .

در فرصت مقتضی سعی خواهد شد فایلهای پرطرفردار تر که توسط خود بازدید کنندگان گرامی درخواست داده میشود به مرور اپلود و جایگزین شود. با تشکر
نوع فایل: pdf 40-Hadis-Az-Emam-Hosseyn.pdf‏ (194.1 کیلو بایت, 0 نمایش)
مرا سر نهان گر شود زير سنگ -- از آن به كه نامم بر آيد به ننگ
به نام نكو گر بميــرم رواست -- مرا نام بايد كه تن مرگ راست

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