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ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 08-14-2013
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تاریخ عضویت: May 2013
نوشته ها: 108
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پیش فرض مقایسه تفاوت های Difference between DNS and LDAP

مقایسه تفاوت های Difference between DNS and LDAP


In a global open network such as the internet, Public Key Infrastructures (PKI’s) are very important to stimulate creation of content that is to use the facility. Basic needs of the PKI’s are to enable ease of communication and thus interactive and automated communication with the certificated that authenticate email addresses or even host names to be host keys. It is here that the need for alternative protocols such as FTP and HTTP fail to meet the requirements and thus alternatives must be sought. The available options come in the name of DNS and LDAP.

DNS refers to the Domain Naming system and refers to the hierarchical naming system that is adopted for services, computers or even secondary resources that are connected to the internet or even on a private network.  The DNS equates domain names to an IP address that it stores, directing you to a given web address and thus to a device, provided it is in the internet. LDAP on the other hand is a directory whose initials mean Lightweight Directory Access Protocol which is used for the purpose of accessing and maintenance of directory information which is distributed over and Internet Protocol commonly referred to as an IP.

One of the differences that are noted between the use of DNS and LDAP is that of certificate handling. It is noticed that there are no advanced search functions which can be used. This relates to the search for a field that will bring in multiple replies and thus the replies are not specific to the item in question. And advanced search function would be great in allowing the narrowing down of the search scope.

Another challenge that both DNS and LDAP face is that they face the challenge of providing answer sets depending on query sources. DNS does not offer the functionality that is expected as it is mainly based on public information of which does not come with access control.

Updating LDAP comes with the option for addition, renaming of entries to even allowing for deletion. All these functions are possible provided given that the authentication is performed through use of the password or the Secure Socket Locker (SSL). Updating in DNS is only possible manually and there is not as much flexibility as is seen in LDAP. Manual edition of static files that are located within the Zone files is what is done within the DNS server. This editing is only recommended only when the frequency of updating is really low. To avoid this problem, it is recommended that data be stored within generic databases.

In comparison of DNS and LDAP, LDAP wins the prize for being the most flexible protocol to make use of in data updating, mainly due to the flexibility it offers in different ways of data manipulation and the security features it offers.

Public Key Infrastructures (PKI’s) are very important to stimulate creation of content
PKI’s make communication online easy, safe and secure

DNS and LDAP are amazing protocols that enable the interactive and automated communication

DNS initials refer to the Domain Naming system, a hierarchical system for naming devices online

LDAP refers to Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, an application language that can maintain and distribute information from directories over a specific Internet Protocol.

Certificate handling takes part differently with DNS and LDAP

Updating LDAP is much easier as opposed to updating DNS as LDAP is automated, offering many functions and DNS is manual and has few functions

LDAP more flexible, secure and allows for more maneuverability than DNS.

DNS is however more easy to use and widely employed as opposed to LDAP

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