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قدیمی 05-09-2013
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تاریخ عضویت: May 2013
نوشته ها: 108
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Post مقایسه تفاوت های Difference between SketchUp and SketchUp Pro

مقایسه تفاوت های Difference between SketchUp and SketchUp Pro

SketchUp vs SketchUp Pro

Design of content is a process that is not humanly possible to execute without the use of software. There are numerous software programs that can be used to help in bringing to reality the design of theoretical concepts. These software programs are specific to the function that ought to be accomplished. One of the amazing software programs that can be employed to function for design is SketchUp and its professional version, SketchUp Pro.</p>

SketchUp is a 3D modeling and design program owned by Google and released as a freeware. The main target market of the product is a home user who would need the package for personal use. This is a great program for the inexperienced novice to start working with.

Design programs that come loaded with technical jargon may scare off people who are genuinely interested in the design program features.  SketchUp is an excellent program for design, as it has eliminated all of the technical design language that may be seen as an impediment. Also, design is aided by the numerous hints and prompts that are offered to ensure completion of the started design. An amazing feature that Google SketchUp has is auto completion, whereby the program can predict quite intelligently what you have in mind as a design feature, helping you save a lot of time when creating abstract designs.

Although a freeware, the functionality of Google SketchUp is not lacking, with an appealing user interface and a well laid out toolbar. Instructor prompts and hints will be indicated on the right of the screen. When the creation that was in mind is done, you can post the it for the world to see on Google Earth or you can even geotag the creation to a specific location. Google’s 3D Web Warehouse allows easy emailing of the completed design.

Google SketchUp Pro is the professional version of Google SketchUp and the main target is designers who require the use of CAD software. The software is feature loaded and the learning curve of the software is quite low, as the design of the program follows Google SketchUp. Some features SketchUp Pro has are not available in the more basic version, such as exporting designs to CAD and text and graphics layout.

Just as in SketchUp, SketchUp Pro lacks technical jargon when using the program, which could improve the learning curve and learning times. It also has helpful hints that would guide a user in the event they are not very conversant with the program. The benefits offered by SketchUp Pro make 3D drawing quite easy, as the software is user friendly.  SketchUp Pro also allows for use of Google Earth in upload of creations. One main challenge that has been noted in the use of SketchUp Pro is that some of the CAD functionality is limited. If the creation of domed surfaces is required, challenges might be faced as the program cannot handle these.


SketchUp and SketchUp Pro are software programs for design created by Google.

SketchUp pro is more advanced, supporting CAD functionality.

Both programs lack technical jargon in their design, possibly to spur people to use them.

Both programs are freeware and can easily be downloaded quite easily.

Auto complete features are available in SketchUp.

Well-laid toolbar and interface are available in both SketchUp and SketchUp Pro.

Both programs enable 3D development.

Both are user-friendly.

When a project is done, the two programs allow for work to be posted online using Google Earth. The completed project can also be geotagged.

The two programs also come integrated with Google maps and tangible work can be created using them.

Domed surface creation is a huge problem that has not yet been overcome.

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