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قدیمی 02-28-2011
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کاربر خودکار-مقالات لینوکس
تاریخ عضویت: Jan 2009
نوشته ها: 53
سپاسها: : 0

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پیش فرض Wget - the non-interactive network downloader.

مقاله آموزشی لینوکس

wget [option]... [URL]...

GNU Wget is a free utility for non-interactive download of files from the Web. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols, as well as retrieval through HTTP proxies. Wget is non-interactive, meaning that it can work in the background,
while the user is not logged on. This allows you to start a retrieval and disconnect from the system, letting Wget finish the work. By contrast, most of the Web browsers require constant user’s presence, which can be a great hindrance when transferring a lot of data.

Wget can follow links in HTML and XHTML pages and create local versions of remote web sites, fully recreating the directory structure of the original site. This is sometimes referred to as ‘‘recursive download‐ ing.’’ While doing that, Wget respects the Robot Exclusion Standard (/robots.txt). Wget can be instructed to convert the links in dowloaded HTML files to the local files for offline viewing. Wget has been designed for robustness over slow or unstable network connections; if a download fails due to a network problem, it will keep retrying until the whole file has been retrieved. If the server supports regetting, it will instruct the server to continue the download from where it left off.

Usually we don't have enough time to download file from the internet that the capacity is too much big, we can use ( I usuallly too) wget to download file from the internet but it run at the background, so the download process would not directly disturb our activity. The syntax is like this :
lambanx@fresh-IDEA # wget -b [URL]

Example :

lambanx@fresh-IDEA # wget -b http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gfxboot/gfxboot_3.3.39-0ubuntu2_i386.deb

Automatically linux will write the download log file called wget-log, if there are some error during download process ,it will be write in this file. See the manual for complete option.

wget [option]... [URL]...

GNU Wget is a free utility for non-interactive download of files from the Web. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols, as well as retrieval through HTTP proxies. Wget is non-interactive, meaning that it can work in the background,
while the user is not logged on. This allows you to start a retrieval and disconnect from the system, letting Wget finish the work. By contrast, most of the Web browsers require constant user’s presence, which can be a great hindrance when transferring a lot of data.

Wget can follow links in HTML and XHTML pages and create local versions of remote web sites, fully recreating the directory structure of the original site. This is sometimes referred to as ‘‘recursive download‐ ing.’’ While doing that, Wget respects the Robot Exclusion Standard (/robots.txt). Wget can be instructed to convert the links in dowloaded HTML files to the local files for offline viewing. Wget has been designed for robustness over slow or unstable network connections; if a download fails due to a network problem, it will keep retrying until the whole file has been retrieved. If the server supports regetting, it will instruct the server to continue the download from where it left off.

Usually we don't have enough time to download file from the internet that the capacity is too much big, we can use ( I usuallly too) wget to download file from the internet but it run at the background, so the download process would not directly disturb our activity. The syntax is like this :
lambanx@fresh-IDEA # wget -b [URL]

Example :

lambanx@fresh-IDEA # wget -b http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gfxboot/gfxboot_3.3.39-0ubuntu2_i386.deb

Automatically linux will write the download log file called wget-log, if there are some error during download process ,it will be write in this file. See the manual for complete option.

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